Saturday, August 31, 2019
Jose Rizal First Travel Abroad
Chapter 4- Rizal’s First Travel Abroad Rizal’s Departure * May 3, 1882 Rizal left the Philippines boarded the spanish steamer SS Salvadora bound for Singapore. * Rizal’s Departure for Spain was kept secret to avoid detection by the spanish authorities and the friars. Even his own parents did not know because he knew they would not allow him to go, especially his mother. * The captain of the ship was Donato Lecha from Austria. * May 9, 1882 Salvadora Docked in Singapore. * May 11,1882 Rizal transferred to another ship Djemnah, A French Vessel for Europe. May 17, 1882 Djemnah Reach Point Galle A seacoast town in Southern Ceylon (Now Sri Lanka). * The following day the Djemnah weighed anchor and resumed the voyage towards Colombo, The capital of Ceylon. * From Colombo the Djemnah continued the voyage crossing Indian Ocean to the Cape of Guardufui, Africa. Which Rizal called â€Å" Inhospitable land but famous†. * The next stopover was in Aden. He was amused t o see the camels for the first time. * From Aden, the Djemnah continued to voyage to the city of Suez.He saw the Suez Canal for the first time and he was thrilled to saw it, in which was built by Ferdinand De Lesseps ( A French Diplomat Engineer). * June 11,1882 The ship docked at Naples an Italian City, He was fascinated by Mt. Vesivius, The Castle of St. Telmo. * On the night of June 12,1882 the steamer docked at Marseilles. He visited the Famous Chateau D’if where Dantes is a hero of the Count of Monte Cristo from Alexander Dumas novel. * Travelling from train he crossed the Pyreness, stopped for a day at frontier town of Port Bou. After the passport inspection at Port Bou, Rizal arrived at Barcelona. Arrival in Barcelona * June 16,1882 Rizal arrived in Barcelona. * His first impression of Barcelona was unfavorable but it changed and he began to like the city because of its atmospheric of freedom and liberalism. * He wrote an essay entitled â€Å"Amor Patrio†(Love of the country), Rizal sent this article to Basilio Teodoro Moran (Publisher of Diariong Tagalog). Rizal’s studied in Madrid * Rizal followed the advice of his older brother Paciano to finish his medical course in Madrid in the fall of 1882. He enrolled a course: Medicine and Philosophy & Letters at the Universidad Central de Madrid at the same time he studied paintings and sculpture in the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. * Rizal economized his daily expenses until he was able to buy second hand books and built a fair size library of his own. * During his first summer vacation, Rizal decided to visit Paris on June 17. 1883 to August 20,1883. Rizal Joins Masonry * March 1883 Rizal joined Masonic Lodge called ACACIA in Madrid and became a Master Mason on November 15, 1890. Luna and Hidalgo’s Triumph * After 2 years in Spain things went wrong in Philippines. Rizal experienced financial problems due to calamities happened. * Rizal monthly allowance were delayed, ther e were a times that he missed meals during the day. * A touching incident in Rizal’s life in Madrid occurred on June 24, 1884, Because he was broke, he was unable to take breakfast that day. With an empty stomach, he attended class at the university and participated in the contest in Greek Language and he won the gold medal. * In the evening of the same day, he was able to eat dinner because he was a guest speaker in a banquet held in honor of Juan Luna and Felix Resurrecion at Restaurant Ingles, Madrid.Completion of Rizal studies. * Rizal completed his Medical Course in Spain on June 21,1884 * Nov. 20-22, 1884 Rizal involved in student demonstration caused by the address of Dr. Miguel Morayta proclaiming â€Å" The Freedom of Science and The Teacher†. Rizal in Germany and His Practice of Ophthalmology * Rizal chose to specialize in Ophthalmology because he wanted to cure his mother’s eye ailment. * Nov. 1885, Rizal living in Paris for 4 months and he worked as an assistant to Dr. Louis de Weckert until Feb. 1886. * Because of his homesickness he wrote a fine poem â€Å" A las flores de Heidelberg†(To the flowers of Heidelberg).
Friday, August 30, 2019
Microsoft Outlook® User Manual Critique
Microsoft Outlook ® User Manual Critique The objective of this paper will be to evaluate Microsoft manual for Outlook ®. According to Torkzadeh (1988), author of The Quality of User Documentation, â€Å"User documentation is an important tool for communications. It enhances the value of an application to the user and in turn, improves user satisfaction†(p. 99).When designing a manual Ganier (2007) suggests in his article, Comparative User-Focused Evaluation of User Guides, the strategy for a user manual should focus on 3 characteristics: format, structure, and its content. Ganier in his article also includes the criteria for measuring the quality and efficiency of the manual as, â€Å"attractiveness, practicality, simplicity, and efficiency†. The critique of the Outlook ® user manual will not evaluate the criteria using a weighted score for each criteria on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is very bad and 5 is very good (Ganier, 2007).Instead, it will provide a written critique of the Outlook ® user manual based upon Ganier’s identified characteristics and criteria. Assessment of the Design Strategy The first characteristic of the Outlook ® user e-manual is format. Since the Outlook ® user manual is in electronic format or e-manual, it can be launched from the application by pressing the F1 key on the keyboard. The cognitive workload required to utilize the function of the e-manual is minimal. Structure, the second characteristic, refers to the layout of the information and how users access the information based upon their knowledge.New users will typically access the information linearly; in a step-by-step fashion whereas, more experienced users will access the information by function. There is no â€Å"Getting Started†section on the main menu with directed instruction for new users. The Outlook ® manual is focused toward the experienced user, who would be searching for instructions to perform a particular function. The la st characteristic of the design of the Outlook ® user e-manual is content, which includes prominent headings, the use of vocabulary the user can comprehend, and the combined use of text and illustrations.The Outlook ® e-manual contained very good content. It has step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow with a mixture of applicable illustrations. The manual uses clear and concise language which is easily understood; however, the only drawback is a lack of illustrations in the manual’s headers. Assessment of Criteria The first criterion Ganier identified for measuring the quality and efficiency of a user manual is attractiveness. (Merriam-Webster’s, 2010) defines attractive as â€Å"arousing interest or engaging one's thought, consideration, etc†.Attractiveness is a subjective measurement which attempts to measure the ability of a manual to entice users to access it. The attractiveness of the Outlook ® user e-manual is minimal and the format is very simplistic. The headers are basic, but functional, and the lack of graphics or icons to help identify the topics makes the appearance less attractive and approachable. By using icons along with the headers, it would improve the overall look, making the document look more appealing and approachable.When clicking on a high level header for â€Å"creating messages†, the user is presented with a list of submenu topics from which to choose. The submenu topics have a third level of headings with instruction options for creating an e-mail message. The actual instruction is presented to the user after clicking on 3 levels of topics and sub-topics. It contains an explanation of creating an e-mail with step-by-step instruction and includes a good combination of illustration and white space.Practicality, the second criteria, as it applies to a user manual or an instruction, is whether or not the manual or instruction is designed and applicable to actual use. Overall, the manual is usef ul if the user is looking for instruction on performing a specific task. The user e-manual does a good job of explaining the various functions of the Outlook ® application. The tool bar menu items include navigation buttons which allow the user to easily move the focus of the manual back one page at a time or by clicking on the home button, to return to the first page. Simplicity is the lack of complexity, r intricacy, (Merriam-Webster’s, 2010). The Outlook ® user e-manual fulfills the definition of simplicity in its ability to reach a diverse target audience, with the ability to read and understand the content. Both basic and advanced users can utilize the search function of the manual to find instructions on the topic being searched. Basic tasks, such as creating an e-mail, or tasks for more advanced users, can easily be found in the manual. The user e-manual lacks overall efficiency as it does not give the user the ability to accomplish a task with ease and speed.The u ser e-manual should allow the user, no matter what their experience level with the application, to be able to access the information in the most efficient manner. The Outlook ® user e-manual headings are not in any particular order and the user must scan the headings to find a specific topic. If the headers were sorted alphabetically, finding the topics would be more efficient. Once the information is found the instruction are clear and concise, and include the appropriate amount of illustrations along with step-by-step instructions. ConclusionThe Outlook ® user e-manual is designed to be used in conjunction with the Outlook ® application. The manual has good content and is relatively easy to use, with the exception of the need to drill down to multiple sub-headings. The search function of the manual provides an easy way to find information on a particular topic if the reader knows what they are searching for. The lack of icons to illustrate the headings, and the headings not being sorted alphabetically detracts from the attractiveness and the overall usefulness of the document.Both beginning and advanced users of the Outlook ® application can benefit from reading the user e-manual. With the lack of a â€Å"Getting Started†section it makes utilizing the document for new users a little more tedious for progressive learning. The actual step-by-step instruction contains detailed and accurate information, which is attractively designed with the appropriate amount of whitespace and illustrations. Overall the user e-manual enhances the value of the Outlook ® application and helps the user improve their knowledge in using the application.References Torkzadeh, G. 1988, Fall). The Quality of User Documentation. Journal of Managment Information Systems, 5(2), 99-108. Ganier, F. (2007). Comparative User-Focused Evaluation of User Guides: A Case Study. J. Technical Writting and Communications, 37(3), 305-322. Attractive. 2010. In Merriam-Webster Online D ictionary. Retrieved Nov 23, 2010, from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/attractive Simplicity. 2010. In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved Nov 23, 2010, from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/ simplicity Outlook ® is a registered trademarks of the Microsoft © 2010
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Mexicans on the Usa Essay
By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Mexican American migrant workers played an increasingly important role in the growing American economy, an estimated 11. 7 million unauthorized immigrants were living in the U. S. in March 2012, and American people want to solve this problem. In this essay am going to answer this question Should North American Companies hire illegal immigrants? I will answer this by looking at the advantages and disadvantages of hiring illegal immigrants. People in the USA don’t want that illegal aliens work in their country because they use the jobs that Americans can work in, they are angry because they are illegal and just legal people deserve to work in the USA. Illegal aliens (Mexican Workers) are a benefit to the USA companies because they work more time for less pay and they do the hard works that Americans will do for less time and more money. Mexican immigrants are vital to the U. S. economy, contributing about 4 % to GDP. Mexican Workers are not respecting the USA law and The Authorities can?t do anything this create a big problem between the USA communities and the government because they say that the illegal aliens are invading them This is called ? La Reconquista?. Mexican Illegals go only to find work and do it because they are force to do that, they have a family in very bad conditions that it’s believing that his familiar that pass the border could get a work and send them money so they cans survive. Mexicans Pass the border illegally because they don? t have money to buy a Visa even a Mexican passport so they go and work hard to get a better life that they couldn?t get at their country. The USA families are worried of their families because they can? t be relaxed just because some illegal people are in the street breaking the law, they are annoyed of Mexican illegal in every corner of their town, they have to take care of their children because they are dangerous. Mexicans just try to get a job and live better they are trying to became part of the community but the USA people are acting on a racist way, They don? t want to even see Mexicans and know them. There are been attacks to Mexican from the Americans sometimes they were close to kill them. A good example is that on a Mexican restaurant the employees have to use a t-shirt that says how to catch an illegal Mexican. Mexican illegal are increasing USA population and that is not a real problem but when there is more people, they use more services as foo health care, etc. The USA citizens that pay taxes make these services happen, if there are more people to serve the taxes will be more expensive and illegal Mexicans don? t pay these services. Mexicans help the community they buil houses, clean the streets and fix the public places such as gardens and parks.
World History Soldier's Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
World History Soldier's Journal - Essay Example However gradually I realized that it is my duty, my responsibility and I should not be emotional about it. With the passing time, I started perceiving my job as a symbol of manhood and started feeling proud about being a soldier. The advancement of nationalism in the 19th century had many severe outcomes. Rivalry for trade and colonies started to increase. Europe’s immense powers were rapidly segmented into two alliances, the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance. Predicaments in the Balkans within 1908 to 1913 made several European countries annoyed with one another. They were enthusiastic to go to combat to safeguard the supremacy of their national regions. Not all racial sections turned out to be nations. However the development of nationalism made the Poles, the Slavic and the Irish people’s demand of forming their individual national states. The National demands were not the sole reason behind the developing internal divergences during the initial years starting from 1900. During those times the socialist labor movements became further authoritative. These progresses were more and more intending to make use of strikes to achieve their objectives, even though this procedure paved the way f or hostility. A few of the conventional leaders were scared of the fact that their countries were on the edge of mutiny. Some history scholars claim that the terror of upheaval and the willingness to restrain internal disputes influenced the authoritative figures of some countries to take part in the war of 1914. Subsequent to 1900, the magnitude of armies all around Europe started to growth at a shocking rate. Conscription, a military draft, was utilized by the majority of the Western countries prior to 1914. It brought about the size of the European armed forces to an amount that is double the earlier number of armies between the time period 1890 and 1914. Militarism (arrangement for war) was developing. Military guides got to be
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Corporate business management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Corporate business management - Essay Example political, economic, and social implications that change will result to also needs to be identified and enumerated to ensure the success and development of the organization as well as the welfare of the general public. Moreover, it is the hospital’s management philosophy that seeks to integrate all organizational functions such as marketing, finance, design, engineering, production, customer service, and others to focus on meeting patients needs and organizational objectives (Hashmi, 2000). A considerable number of companies have developed into an essential part of the period of global competition, increasing development, improved business paradigms, and corporate reorganization. The continuing transformation from the traditional industrial framework with its hierarchical companies to a worldwide, knowledge-founded financial system and intelligent corporations necessitates human resource purposes to realign and relocate itself. The development of Lean Quality Management System of the hospital is one of the quality management approaches that address the business setting at present. It was developed to (1) save thousands of dollars each year by avoiding the waste associated with a paper quality system, (2) harness the creativity of employees while maintaining control of their projects, (3) perform tasks that are clearly assigned, defined, communicated and focused, (4) spend less time managing the quality system and more time improving the value stream, (5) reduce training costs by integrating procedures with training, (6) provide a management system that provides the who, what and when, and (7) provide the metrics to drive your organization to ever-higher levels of performance and success which works just as well for small as large companies (Lean Software Quality Management). Perhaps, the hospital may want to initiate a management system and strategy that could maintain the organization’s capability, strength and competitiveness. It is important that the
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