Monday, September 30, 2019
Proctor, hero or Villain? Essay
Proctor chooses the easy way to escape troubles, as it is a chance to avoid facing up to his responsibilities. He put his own reputation above the well being and happiness of his family. As he cries out â€Å"Because it is my name because I cannot have another in my life†Which finally shows that proctor is apprehensive towards his reputation in the community more than anything else. It is now visible that proctor is showing definite signs of being a villain and not of a hero. It is clear that john has committed the crime of lechery however when approached by Abigail again, john rejects her advances despite her insistence he is determined to remain loyal and faithful to his wife, despite Abigail’s reminders of the past. â€Å"Give me a word john. A word†â€Å"No, no Abby. That’s done with. â€Å"Abby, You’ll put it out of mind. I’ll not be coming’ for you more†Which indicates that proctor clearly regrets his past with Abigail and wants Abigail to put it out of mind. As john regrets his affair with Abigail he tries to make amends to gain Elizabeth’s trust. The attempts to please Elizabeth are clear, as is shown when the compliment about the cooking and his promise to buy George Jacob’s cow Proctor replies to the taste of the rabbit â€Å"It is well seasoned†â€Å"If the crop is good I’ll buy George Jacob’s heifer. How would that please you? †This implies that john is determined to gain Elizabeth’s forgiveness. Despite the fact that Elizabeth has forgiven him. John struggles with forgiving himself, this suggests a more strong conscience on proctors part, and attribute more readily founding in a hero not a villain. Although Proctor seems to dislike reverend parris thought the play. It would appear he had valid reasons. Reverend parris does indeed appear selfish hypocritical and obsessed with financial gain. Upon discovering Abigail’s disaperance, Parris is more concerned with the loss of his money than the fact that his niece has absconded as he clearly shows as he replies to Danforth, â€Å"Thirty one pound is gone. I am penny less†Proctor sees through Parris’s charade, whilst the rest of the village appear to be blinded. It is proctor who recognises and voices the fact that people seeking revenge walk the town Salem and not the devil. Proctor attempts to warn the village he does not keep this information to himself theses are clear actions of a hero an a attempt to save those who even would not be saved John Proctor may not have attended church for the last seven months but he has good reasons for his absence. Notably, his wife Elizabeth had been sick and proctor being a dutiful husband he turns his total devotion to care for her well being. John is conscious of his absence and ensures hale that he. â€Å"Surely did come when he could and when he could not he would pray in his house†Proctor has also been dutiful regarding his responsibilities to the church. He has made his contribution as he has â€Å"Nailed the roof upon the church and hung the church door†proctor can now be seen in a new light, his acts of helping the community show that Proctor cannot be classed as a villain but a hero. Even though Proctor realises that admitting to his act of adultery with Abigail will ruin his reputation, He does so in order to save his wife’s life. Proctor accepts what he has done and he is prepared to come forward to the court and face the consequences of his actions, the destruction of his â€Å"good name†To Danforth’ â€Å"It is a whore I have known her, sir. I have known her†. Quietly excepting his fate. Heroically He puts others first even when offered the life of his wife in return for dropping his charge against Abigail and the girls he considers the lives of the many and not him self, Such braveness in a man can only come from a hero not a villain. Proctor does not simply die for his name which he admits is already stained, he then later on in the book remembers his friends and suggest that if he confesses he will also be unfaithful to them as well as him self â€Å", And I sold my friends†â€Å"Beguile me not! I blacken all of them when this is nailed to the church the very day they hang for silence†. This quotation suggests that Proctor is afraid that if he confesses that he will also blacken the names of his friends. Proctor recognises that many people will innocently and needlessly die if he gives a false confession. A true hero puts aside his own needs in order to serve the greater good. Proctor is mostly concerned for his sons and the example he is setting them. â€Å"I have three children-how may I teach them to walk like men in the world†This quotation is saying that if he gives his confession he will be shamed as well as his sons, this courageous and heroic decision reveals that proctor is a caring family man that cares for his friends and puts other people first a type of man that cannot be classified as a villain in any respect. Conclusion It is difficult to establish whether Proctor is a hero or Villain. The evidence is contradictory; on the one hand Proctor can be seen as a villain for his wrong doings in the past which involved an affair with a teenage girl named Abigail Williams, This selfish and thought less action precipitates much of the chaos in Salem. Perhaps ultimately he is simply human and has made the mistakes of many. But on the other hand proctor can be seen as a hero to his wife and to his friends, this is shown near to the conclusion of the story when he confesses to the crime of lechery to save his wife and his friends when trying to prove that the girls are lying and it was pretence. In the opinion of the viewers of the book would like for proctor to be a courageous hero, but he only starts to show signs of this during the end of the book but if viewing it as a puritan in the Salem society proctor would seem to be a villain as the amount of evidence shown in the text Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.
Cub Foods Essay
In general it is characterized with low prices, tables of samples and high discounts. While the following marketing tactics were used by Cub Foods to increase probability of purchases: 1. Promotional – Price Deals: At the entry aisle, called a â€Å"power alley†is lined 2 stories high with specials, such as coffee bean $2 and half priced apple juice. 2. Physical evidence effect on cognitive: Ceiling joists and girders are exposed giving the feeling of spaciousness up there, it suggests there’s massive buying going on, translates in a shoppers mind that there’s tremendous savings going on. 3. Purchase Quantity: The shopping carts are wider than usual to encourage expansive buying, and that fit through the wide aisles to easily reach high profit impulse foods. 4. Purchase Location: Another tactic, that deli comes before fresh meat because Cub wants shopper to do the impulse buying before their budgets are depleted on essentials. 5. Packaged clean grocery was of low prices (by controlling the cost and high volume sales) and exceptionally high quality for products and meats. 6. Maps to guide shoppers, even without maps they would be lead by the arrangement of aisles. What accounts for Cub’s success in generating such large sales per customer and per store? 1. They properly identify their segment of customers and focus on its segment which is a family of 4-5 individuals with adult ages 24 – 40 years. 2. Proper positioning as low cost leadership, vast selection & good quality. The customers can found everything they need under one roof and cheaper than its competitors. 3. Their customers buy in volume and spend 4 times the supermarket average per shopping trip. 4. Relies on the word of mouth cuts on ad budgets by 25% less than other chains. 5. Pricing: 6 points less than most conventional stores. Given Cub’s lower prices, quality merchandise, excellent location and superior assortment, offer reasons why many consumers in its trading areas refuse to shop there. 1. The overwhelming displays could be confusing for some customers. 2. The misconception of low prices reflecting lower quality. 3. Could be of different targeted segment i.e. single that do not need volume purchases
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Investment Risk Essay
Supposed one owned a portfolio consisting of $250,000 worth of long-term government bonds, would the portfolio be riskless? Risk is defined as the probability that some favorable or unfavorable event will occur. Risk in investments is usually related to the chance that an unfavorable event will occur that will reduce the amount of one’s investment. U.S. government bonds are not completely riskless. Although the risk with a portfolio of government bonds is less risky than other types of portfolios such as long-term corporate bonds; there is still some level of risk with long-term government bonds. The best way to assess the risk on long-term government bonds is to evaluate the standard deviation of the portfolio. The smaller the deviation, the smaller the risk involved (p175). Long-term government bonds carry a standard deviation of 9.4% with an average return of 5.7% (p180). These numbers indicate that in any given year, the rate of return varies from the 5.7% average by positive or negative deviation of 9.4%. Essentially, the rate of return could conceivable be a negative 4.3%, where one would lose money. Therefore, long-term government bonds do carry a lower level of risk compared to other portfolios, but should not be considered riskless. If one had a $250,000 portfolio of 30-day Treasury bills (T-bills) and every 30 days the bills matured and the principle was reinvested in a new batch of bills; and the investor lives on the investment income for a constant standard of living, is this a riskless investment? T-bills are not truly riskless when contained in a rolling portfolio. If one invested in a single one year T-bill, regardless of economy, the standard deviation is zero. Yet, when a portfolio becomes a rolling profile, the investment income will vary depending on what happens to the level of interest rates for each monthly period in this scenario. In a rolling T-bill portfolio, the standard deviation is 3.2% with an average return of 3.9% (p.180). Therefore, stand alone T-bills can be considered riskless, but rolling T-bill portfolios will carry a very small risk of deviating investment income from rollover to rollover.
Gattaca and Orwell’s 1984 compared Essay
Although the distopias of Orwell’s Oceania and Niccol’s not to distant American city are in many ways similar in the sense of totalitarianism. The systems of control are quit different. Orwell’s world seems to be an overbearing socialist police state where as, the world in Gattaca is almost total control by science. The two pieces were written decades apart from one another, but both the film and the novel send a clear message; to enjoy the social mobility and freedoms of modern life and to be aware of how fragile they are. Both Orwell’s and Niccol’s worlds are dependant upon a class or cast system to divide the powers and freedoms of the people in their respective worlds. Oceania as far as we can tell has three maybe four classes. The Proles are the group of people who hold the worst of the jobs within Oceania. They work as laborers and as prostitutes but their idle time is spent like many undergrads in the modern world; listening to music, drinking beer, and fornicating. The second and arguably the lowliest of Orwell’s classes is the outer party, to which our main character Winston is a member. The outer party is subjected to all the evils of the inner party. Their inner most personal thoughts and feelings are monitored by the thought police and even the slightest inclination of disloyalty is punished by being vaporized. They work mostly as desk jockeys, and their free time is to be spent doing activities for the party. The inner party is closely related to an upper management class within a perverted militant socialist world where all business is run by the state. Compared to the outer party the inner party does seem to enjoy a few more modern comforts but, they are still being subjected to tellascreens and thought police. Arguably the fourth class would only consist of one man a ruling dictator who goes by the name of Big Brother his existence is questionable but if he were to exist it is presumable that he would enjoy every possible comfort. Gattaca has a class system as well but, it is a much simpler one controlled by science. Depending upon Gene manipulation a citizen is either a valid or they are an invalid. The days discrimination because of race, religion, or sexuality are gone, in this world all that matters is the results of a blood test. The lead character portrayed by Ethan Hawk is Vincent/Jerome Morrow. He is what they call a faith birth, his parents conceived him in the traditional way, in the back of a Chevy Rivera. At his birth he did have ten fingers and ten toes but now that’s not all that mattered. After testing one drop of blood the doctors new that he had a 60% probability of having a neurological condition, 42% probability of manic depression, 89% probability of attention deficit disorder, and a 99% probability of having a heart disorder his life expectance only 30.2 years. Vincent, an invalid, was condemned at birth to live a short life of turmoil. These two very rigid and well structured societies whose purpose was to create order over universal individual freedoms for its citizens freewill was not something that was desired. What Vincent and Winston have in common his that they used their freewill and determinations to resist the status quo.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Employment and Personal Values
What do you do if your personal values are in conflict with organizational/interpersonal business protocols? | Reaction Paper – Week 2| Professional Development MBA-525-MBOL5| Kelly M. Mistretta| 7/15/2012| | Values are a part of each of us. Our value system is influenced from birth by family members. As we grow, our values continue to be shaped by our family, in addition to outside influences such as teachers, friends and other mentors. In our professional life, we will most likely be faced at some point in time, with a conflict between our personal values and a professional situation.It is important to handle the conflict with dignity and to find a solution to the conflict in which your individual values are maintained, as well as your professional integrity. Personal values act as motivators and impact priorities. Examples of motivating values are achievement, happiness, advancement/promotion, and family. â€Å"To gain a better understanding of how your values motivate you to set priorities, try looking at your personal activities. (Values, 8) When making a decision based on your personal values and the activities that influence these values, it is important to realize that the priority that you place on these values will potentially have both positive and negative consequences. When choosing a career at a company, you should recognize the potential consequences and conflicts that you may be faced with. It is important to distinguish carefully between your personal values and organizational values. When faced with a situation that you feel uncomfortable with in a professional situation, you should first consult with your company’s Code of Conduct.It is possible that the situation also is in conflict with the Code of Conduct. Although the law does not require a Code of Conduct, â€Å"company leaders see the benefit of having their ethical policies formalized. †(Pace, 28) Codes of Conduct are beneficial to employers, because it lets empl oyees know what is expected of them. It is important for an employer to uphold their Code of Conduct, because if they don’t, the code becomes useless. All employees should have a copy of the Code of Conduct to refer to so that they know what is considered acceptable conduct, how to handle and report misconduct and the potential penalties for misconduct.Relationships with employees, peers and bosses can cause conflict for management. â€Å"The dilemma is further complicated by the fact that these critical people may have contrary goals and competing needs. A misstep in handling an ethical issue may well affect a relationship, or linger on the conscience, for years to come. †(Maddux, 7) As an employee, when faced with a situation that goes against your personal beliefs, you must make sure that regardless of the outcome, you have a clear conscience and feel comfortable with your decisions and actions.An example of personal values conflicting with business values for me o ccurs on an almost daily basis with a co-worker. This person plays Christian music loudly at her cubicle throughout the day. Personally, I do not have a problem with the Christian music. In fact, I listen to a Christian radio station in my vehicle constantly. However, I do not agree that the workplace is the best place to play this music. We see a variety of customers throughout the day who have different beliefs and values than we do.Furthermore, we work in a government office and have to be very careful not to cross over an imaginary line. I personally would be offended if I visited a government office and had rap music or heavy metal music played to me while conducting business. I think that she could offend a customer who would rather not hear about religion while obtaining a building permit. A better option for this co-worker would be to listen to her music when there are no customers and then mute or stop the music when there is someone at her desk.Professionalism is a trait t hat we should maintain at all times. It can be hard to maintain your composure when a situation conflicts with your personal beliefs. An individual needs to consider how the ramifications and the severity of these ramifications when analyzing a situation that offends them personally. If the situation involves a co-worker, you should discuss the situation with them and let them know why you find their actions offensive to you. Hopefully your co-worker will respect your values and you can find common ground on the situation. REFERENCESFrederick, William C. (1995). Values, Nature, and Culture in the American Corporation. Cary, NC:Oxford University Press. Maddux, Dorothy, Maddux, Robert B. , Sanders, Marian. (1989). Ethics in Business: A Guide for Managers. Boston:Course Technology Crisp. Pace, J. (2006). The Workplace: Interpersonal Strengths and Leadership. Boston:McGraw Hill. Values, Motivation, and Priorities. (2007). Setting Priorities: Personal Values, Organizational Results, 8-11 . Trade-offs and Consequences. (2007). Setting Priorities: Personal Values, Organizational Results, 16-17.
Pick ad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Pick ad - Essay Example The imagery in the ad further reinforced this feeling of healthiness, with the Heineken having almost the exact same color as an apple (a traditionally healthy food) and being coated in water, something that is common in exercise imagery, implying that this will keep you hydrated and healthy. Though not being marketed as healthy per se, the ad attempts to connect Heineken to healthy concepts through imagery. This ad is for young, stylish men, and it attempts to connect with them both through positive body image (through the healthy angle) and through the clean, compact lines of the advertisement. There is another beer ad in the magazine, for Budweiser, but it goes more for the social angle, and does not directly compete in ideology. This is a good investment, as it makes Heineken seem like a healthy, young, vibrant drink, something which beer often has trouble doing, so it probably has a corner on the young, style-oriented beer drinking
Friday, September 27, 2019
Women and poverty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Women and poverty - Research Paper Example Statistics constantly brings in the fact that women are more likely to be poor than men. In fact, women are more susceptible and more exposed to hunger because of the universal subordination and gender discrimination they contend with in education, healthcare, employment, and in controlling resources and political authority. Although violence against women is existent across all economic groups, women who are suffering from poverty experience it more frequently and they have less possessions or means with which to deal with the situation. Poverty among women is a global truth that reveals itself differently from one country to another; nevertheless, the factors and figures in global gender discrimination are blindingly comparable: gender disparities in wages, work-related discrimination, dangerous employment conditions, and uneven necessities in household and childhood care among others. Over the last few decades, studies on the explosion of households supervised by females and the s tudies into the societal influences and gender-specific consequences of structural adjustment policies have brought about the increased awareness on what is considered to be a â€Å"feminization of poverty†(Moghadam 2). This is to say that a mounting percentage of the world’s poor population are women. ... The Causes of Poverty among Women Violence According to various studies, a great majority of women are victims of human trafficking that is manifested in various forms such as prostitution, which is considered to be the most common and widespread form of human trafficking (UNICEF 11). Women involved in this kind of activity do this for survival and as a response to their economic despondency. Worsening of living conditions usually forces children to quit school in order to help the family survive, placing them susceptible to exploitation and violence. For instance, some young girls in Zimbabwe are trading sex in exchange for food for survival due to intensifying poverty (Thomson, â€Å"Zimbabwean Girls Trade Sex for Food†). Violence against women is a global dilemma of endemic quantity. Anywhere in the world today, women represent the main casualties of physical and sexual violence. Greatly entrenched in prejudice and discrimination between genders, violence against women is o ne of the most pervasive forms of violation to human rights. Contrary to the famous belief that violence against women only exist in homes, this violence against women takes various forms: â€Å"domestic violence, sexual abuse and harassment of girls in school, sexual harassment at work, or rape by husbands, strangers, in refugee camps or as a tactic of war†(7). The least effect of domestic violence is reduced efficacy in their jobs. If a woman is more exposed to physical violence, it affects her productivity at work, which can be manifested through excessive absences and poorer efficiency at work. Consequently, this forbids the possibility of receiving salary increases and they will have less chance for promotion; even worse, violence against women could cause women to lose their jobs
Water Quality; Wastewater Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Water Quality; Wastewater Management - Essay Example The wastewater having very high amount of dissolved BOD or COD would require either biological treatment processes, like activated sludge treatment, trickling filters upflow anaerobic sludge treatment, or chemical treatment units like coagulation techniques, filtration with ion exchange etc. These methods would not be adequate for complete elimination of the dissolved impurities. For example in the case of municipal wastewater, the secondary treatment would results in the reduction of organic part of the total contaminants dissolved in it. On the other hand, the pollutants like nitrates and phosphates or bacterial/microbiological contamination would not be totally removed using these methods. Hence, advanced treatment operations are additionally required for the removal of the aforementioned impurities (Malzer, 2002). The treatment processes employed in such situations are classified as the tertiary treatment. The techniques are usually nitrification and denitrification units which a re also biological methods undertaken with the help of bacterial mass. On the other hand, phosphates too need specialized treatment units for its removal. Further, if the objective is to eliminate the bacterial contamination, disinfection systems need to be provided appropriately as the tertiary unit operation. Thus the methods used under the secondary and tertiary treatment units are of multiple types and each having different purpose. Thus in a typical treatment system where the secondary operations are dependent on the activated sludge plants, the operations consist of a series of inter linked units having a settling basin where the sludge is separated from the treated water, following by sludge thickening, sludge drying and sludge disposal. The treated water from the settling tank marks the end of secondary treatment operations the water would still
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Special Interests Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 6
Special Interests - Essay Example Despite the fact that interest groups and political parties are separate institutions in terms of the functions they perform, today they have formed joint associations. Interest groups therefore have a joint association with political parties and also try to influence the president and Congress as these two branches work together to make policy. This paper defines an interest group and gives examples, discusses the relationship between interest groups and political parties, and explains how interest groups try to influence the president and Congress as the two branches work together to make policy. Keywords: Interest Group, Political Party, Policy, Interests, Lobbyists, Lobbying, President, Congress, Associations, Relationship, Campaign Finance, Grassroots Activities 1. Define an interest group, with examples People have different pursuits that they attach value to and defend. Such pursuits despite being focused towards different goals are all known as interests. Interests can theref ore be ethnic, religious, economic, or based on a range of other issues. ... 9). Interest groups have different structures and sizes, with some having many members, while others have no members at all. In the same way, some are organized in formal ways with bylaws, leaders, members, and holding of meetings regularly, while others are not organized in a formal way, hence loosely knit and have a few rules, with no leaders. Interest groups are therefore of different types, with the major types representing the areas of the economy. These include economic interest groups, environmental groups, public interest groups, and other interest groups. Economic interest groups. They form the largest category of interest groups. Bardes, Shelley, and Schmidt (2008) point out that â€Å"the major sectors that seek influence in Washington, D.C., include business, agriculture, labor unions and their members, government workers, and professionals†(p. 225). Trade associations and business interest groups are formed by those in business, and their main role is to influenc e the policies made by the government that have an impact on their businesses. Examples of business interest groups in the United States include the National Association of manufacturers and the U.S. Chamber of commerce that represent businesses and manufacturing matters respectively. Agricultural interest groups are formed by agricultural farmers and their employees. Despite the fact that they represent a very small number of the US population, farmers and their employees in the United States have been able to influence legislations touching on their interests. Examples include the American Farm Bureau Federation, the National Farmers Union, The peanut Growers Group, The American Dairy Association, and the National Soybean Association (Bardes, Shelley, &
Global strategy case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Global strategy - Case Study Example Another way would be through the development of a good customer base through adherence to the concept of value for consumers. Indian consumers have always been bent towards being satisfied by the quality of the services offered; ‘paisa vassol’. Even though India is not developed, Tesco should make an effort of avoiding bias and should treat the customers in India just as they do in their branches in developing countries. The development of branches in cities in the states all over India would also give Tesco an edge in the market while ensuring that she is able to reach more consumers. One of the conditions for the clearance by FIPB was that she should open retail outlets in cities with populations that reach a million (Chandrasekhar, 2014 p 3). There are many cities with such populations and the vibrant establishment of branches would ensure that Tesco has access to both a huge market and gains market influence over time. Tesco would also gain an edge through the creation of a cooperative partnership with her new partner, Trent Hypermarkets. Tesco should honor the shared venture and will definitely benefit from the relationship. This will be so because Trent has experience in the market especially in India and its success in many countries lends more credence to her credentials. Trent will help Tesco understand the Indian market and this knowledge be an added advantage if other competitors enter th e Indian market. Tesco was a world leader in the global hypermarket and had presence in many nations that needed her service of grocery and general merchandise retail. This global presence that she had developed over time has a chance to be utilized in the Indian market as a name definitely sells. Tesco used the hypermarkets in different countries since this in this way; profits could be realized in the shortest periods possible. This is because customers always
Judaism and Hinduism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Judaism and Hinduism - Research Paper Example This paper helps to discuss the various details, rituals, characteristics etc of both Judaism and Hinduism and aims to locate the similarities and differences between the two as well. Judaism is said to be the modern religious philosophy and the way of life that the Jewish people follow. This form of religion has been said to arise from the Hebrew Bible and helps to depict the relationship that God had developed with the children of Israel, the original Jews. It has been established for over 3000 years now and the texts or scriptures of the religion have been greatly influenced by Abrahamic religions that include Christianity, Islam as well as the Baha’i faith. The Torah is the authoritative scripture that is made use of while referring to, understanding and learning about the religion of Judaism. Hinduism on the other hand is the main religion that is followed in the Indian subcontinent and its followers follow the Sanatana Dharma which basically constitutes the eternal law. It has been known to be one of the oldest living religions known to mankind, formulated during the Vedic period during the Iron Age in India. Most Hindus engage in several rituals throughout the course of the year, both at home as well as at the temples. The most devout Hindus perform actions like waking up early to pray to the Sun god as well as worshipping the shrine that they have in their homes. They usually offer incense and food to the Gods as well while reciting hymns from religious scriptures and texts as well as sing and meditate with the help of devotional hymns, dedicated to God. Whenever there is an auspicious occasion in a Hindu household, like a marriage, birth of a baby, as well as death, rituals are followed in order to ensure that God is viewed as sacred despite the kind of adversities and joys that a human being might undergo during the course of his lifetime. Hindus chant a variety of mantras as well as undertake religious customs and rituals with great pride and devotion. For example, when upper caste children reach the age to begin with formal education, they have to undergo the sacred thread ceremony which is also known as the â€Å"Upanayanam†. Another ritual that is followed and is customary in all Hindu households is covering the body of a dead person with a white cloth, worshipping it as well as performing a ‘puja’ or a sacrifice to God and then burning the body on a funeral pyre and cremating it. Judaism is a faith that does not have as many rituals as Hinduism. However, Jews do follow a number of rituals like performing a bar mitzvah, havdalah etc. A bar mitzvah marks the coming of age of a Jewish child. When he or she reaches puberty, the family and friends conduct a bar mitzvah where the child then undertakes his journey into the rest of his life and is referred to as an adult in the religion. He receives money and gifts from his family and friends in order to embark upon the second chapter of his life. A havda lah on the other hand is a ceremony that is performed by most Jews around the world in a compulsory manner. According to this ritual, a brief ceremony takes place which marks the end of the Sabbath. It is a very short and simple procedure and mostly entails and provides emphasis on the spiritual aspect of a human being rather than a physical entity of God. Hinduism and Judaism share a number of similarities between each other however, also have a
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
PeopleSoft State of art Part of my thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
PeopleSoft State of art Part of my - Thesis Example se PeopleTools 8.50 and PeopleSoft Enterprise Learning Management 9.1 and PeopleSoft Enterprise Portal 9.1, Oracle claims to offer the customers a platform to provide improved employee productivity and better performance. One of the differentiating features of this software is its Web 2 capabilities. Besides this enhanced ability, the software also has 300 new Web services and around 200 industry specific improvements ( A summary of the various applications shows how these tools help in business improvement. A very interesting feature of HCM is that it facilitates the alignment of individual goals with those of the organization. This is achieved by ensuring that each business goal is extrapolated to the individual employee goal sheets. It even helps identify the succession plan for the organization by identifying the talent pool through the performance sheets and matching them with the key skill set at the various hierarchical levels. The Web 2.0 capabilities of PeopleSoft Enterprise help employees engage with each other through chats, wiki, social and knowledge networking forums. The software’s MIS generation features help analyze performance and productivity and thus enable leaders to chalk out future course of action. Its ability to talk to previously released versions of applications helps save its customer acquisition costs as there is no need to replace the previous applications to ena ble installation of the new ones. This helps save money on account of software acquisition and installation and training costs. With country specific HR and payroll programs the software is a global platform which can be used even in countries like China and Argentina. It also has educative and research oriented capabilities along with provisions for industries like retail, public sector and professional services. In the ensuing sections we will be discussing the various features that the software provides which enable a smooth running of the various HR functions
Sociological perspective Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Sociological perspective - Assignment Example Rather, external influences – our experiences – become part of our thinking and motivations. The society in which we grow up, and our particular corners in that society, then, lie at the center of our behavior,†(Henslin 5). Accordingly, the role imagination plays from the sociological perspective is that it must be employed as a tool to comprehend the experiences of others and, consequently, their social understanding of the world. Of course, social imagination is an imperfect tool. I come from a lower middle-class background, but was raised in an upper middle-class neighborhood. As such, it was always difficult for me to fully comprehend the nature of the drug culture and the situation of those living in the underclass of American society. My closest exposure to this social perspective was simply coming into contact with heroine and cocaine addicts and dealers while walking down the street. From this point of view, it was difficult to understand how confined and oppressive their situation was; the exclamation of many work-a-day citizens toward such people – â€Å"get a job!†– almost made sense to me. However, this was until I came into contact with David Simon’s book, The Corner, in which he immersed himself in the drug culture of Baltimore. Simon brings this experience right to the audience and with profound effect. Because of my experience with this book, I believe I have develo ped a vastly more accurate social imagination regarding those caught-up not just in drug addiction but also in the culture surrounding its sale. Naturally, where it not for Simon’s experiences and his communicative ability, this social perspective would still be completely foreign to me; and my imagination would not be nearly as
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Why is southern literature so obsessed with slavery and racial Essay
Why is southern literature so obsessed with slavery and racial difference Discuss in relation to three texts studied on the module. (Literature of the American - Essay Example Slavery was introduced into the United States by English settlers who first arrived in Virginia in 1619. It was estimated that the number of slaves {all of African descent} was 645,000 at that time. Slavery became legal in the United States. Slave owners were predominantly white, while a few American Indians and still fewer free black slaves were also known to own slaves. Even one of the country’s Presidents {Thomas Jefferson [1743 – 1826]} kept slaves in his household ( The people living in the Southern states practiced slavery much more than those in the Northern states of the United States. In 1860, by which time the original black slave population had grown to 4 million, the United States census found 95% of them lived in the Southern states comprising 33% of Southern population, as compared to forming just 1% of Northern population. By that time the Southern states had grown immensely wealthy due to flourishing plantations run with very cheap black slave labour. Slaves were also widely used as household servants ( Southerners were guilty of meting out harsh and inhumane treatment to black slaves. Slaves were widely ill-treated; slave supervisors were empowered to whip and extract maximum labour from them, slave hunters were employed to catch runaway slaves and punish them brutally, slave families were cruelly torn apart when members were sold off to distant new slave owners, female slaves were openly used by their owners for sexual gratification, children born of slave women {whether fathered by male slaves or their white owners} automatically inherited the mantle of slavery from their mothers. The entire series of racial discriminatory practices was authorised by Slave Codes that empowered and protected perpetrators of such practices (, and supported by the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 that declared that helping runaway slaves in any way was considered a crime (Stowe 75). The
Application of the Henderson Nursing Model from a Holistic Perspective Article
Application of the Henderson Nursing Model from a Holistic Perspective - Article Example Application of the Henderson Nursing Model from a Holistic Perspective Virginia Henderson was an advanced woman of her time. By 1934 she had earned both her Bachelors of Nursing and her Masters Degree in Nursing Education and was well on her way towards making one of the biggest changes in nursing history. In an era where nurses were starting to be appreciated for more than their ability to change dressings, Henderson’s work on a theory of nursing was the right move at the right time in history (â€Å"Nursing Theory,†2011). Henderson’s Nursing Model Henderson is known as a â€Å"needs theorist†(Kim & Kollak, 2006, p.17). Her prime theory was centered on the idea that a nurse’s position was to help the individual to gain their own independence. This lent a flexibility to the nursing model; an idea that a nurse could be many things to the same patient. Henderson put it as â€Å"assisting the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those act ivities contributing to the health or its recovery (or to a peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge; And to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible†(1961, p. 42). ... She was also a strong proponent for the idea that the nurse’s obligation and duty is to the patient rather than the doctor which was a prevalent belief prior to that time. Nicholl (1997) wrote about her â€Å"Henderson’s definition of nursing was a major shift from the task-procedure perspective and one of the earliest widely used definitions to present a conceptualization of nursing that included function and goal†(p.509). Henderson viewed a nurses function as being either substitutive (doing something instead of the patient); supplementary (helping the patient directly to do something) or complementary (working with the patient to do something). This way the patient had a certain control over how his or her treatment went; with the nurse identified as someone who can facilitate that process (â€Å"Nursing Theory†, 2011). This emphasis on the patient having some control over his or her health and treatment is one aspect that resonates with holistic healt h practices. Holistic Medicine and the Henderson Nursing Model Holistic medicine is defined as a â€Å"doctrine of preventive and therapeutic medicine that emphasizes the necessity of looking at the whole personâ€â€his body, mind, emotions, and environmentâ€â€rather than at an isolated function or organ...holistic medicine puts ownership of the patient's health back with the patient, teaching the precepts of exercise, a good diet, adequate sleep, fresh air, and moderation in personal habits†(Shaw, 2008). Originally considered â€Å"new age†and totally against the medical methods of treatment, in more recent times holistic aspects of health care are working alongside mainstream medical techniques. While it could not be said that Virginia Henderson was a
Monday, September 23, 2019
Management of Info Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Management of Info Systems - Essay Example This helps companies make decisions faster. In the case of Jackson Kayak, he is able to communicate to the company headquarters so that informed decisions are made (Laudon, 2013). The Chief Operations officer is also able to compare manufacturing equipments side-by-side with the images of replacement parts so that the company gets the correct pieces that will in turn help in improving the operational efficiency. The problems that whitewater kayak manufacturer solved by the use of mobile digital devices is accessing information while outside the company. In this case, Jackson is able to gain instant access to his entire operation from afar. He is able to approve new designs, analyze customer data, and refresh the content of its Web site. This has saved the company time that would have been taken by Jackson to travel to the headquarters, submit the information gathered so that a decision is made. The company has also been able to maintain its competitive advantage by analyzing customer data. This analysis helps the company be able to determine in good time the changing taste and preferences of its customers. As a result, the company is able to satisfy the needs of its customers and make the loyal to the company. General Electric (GE) has been able to manage gas turbine inventory and manage electronic transformers throughout the world by using the company’s Transformer Monitoring application. Monitoring applications also help the company to zoom in from a global map to a specific transformer, and be able to read all of the key performance indicators. Dow Corning executives have been able to use mobile devices to view and analyze real-time data from the company’s core corporate systems that include sales figures, trends, and projections. This presents the company’s managers with simple and intuitive dashboards of complex data. The company has also
Economics of the Dot Com Model vs the Multichannel Mode Essay
Economics of the Dot Com Model vs the Multichannel Mode - Essay Example The positive impact of technology in general and information technology, in particular, is more than apparent. Therefore access to basic modern technologies should be regarded as human right and every effort should be taken to ensure that each, in particular,s access to them. As technology develops in all walks of life, the availability and applicability of a number of facilities takes a new form. For example, the banking has acquired new dimensions after the arrival of features like, net banking, online trading, e-business etc. Online retailing is there for all of us to do shopping online, without any need to personally visit the stores. Video streaming and audio streaming provide the broadcasters, news channels and newspaper groups to register their presence online so that they may be able to reach out to a wider audience worldwide, with ease and much less amount of investment. In fact there are a host of such examples where the dot com era has gained acceptability far beyond the l evels that one could comprehend a few years ago. Those were the days when a business was supposed to run its operations till the business operations keep earning the profits. Not any more, now for a sustainable business enterprise the business operations must be a partner in the sustainable development of society/ country. For any business to survive, Sustainable development is the development that keeps an eye on the present as well as on the future, and meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. E-business applications are also being devised in such a manner that the industry is able to find ways to match with the evolving demands of the customer with time. It can range from using e-mail to communicate with customers and/or conduct business to a web page promoting a company, from a full e-commerce retail site to the integration of procedures and processes using Internet-based technology.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Adas Muteness and Voice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Adas Muteness and Voice - Essay Example This is the kind of social situation that is described in opening pages of The Piano as the main character Ada describes her preparations to leave her home and cross the sea to New Zealand where she will meet the husband that her father has just married her to without having consulted her at all. This introduction makes an instant connection between her muteness in voice and her muteness in her society and even in her own life. Throughout the story, Ada is trapped in a man’s world, even when she goes as far away as New Zealand and its untamed frontier which is where most of the story takes place. However, in the character of Ada, Jane Campion shows how a woman without a voice made herself heard even to those who wouldn’t listen, demonstrating how a voice could be used as a tool of power in an otherwise powerless world. It is helpful to gain a bit of historical understanding regarding the female voice in order to fully appreciate the significance of Ada’s silence and returning voice by the end of the story. Anne Carson provides a strong analysis of how concepts regarding the woman’s voice evolved out of ancient history. According to Carson, women expressed the moments of extreme joy, grief, fear and hope within the regular and climactic moments of life through the sound of the ololyga: â€Å"a high-pitched piercing cry uttered at certain climactic moments in ritual practice †¦ or at climactic moments in real life †¦ and also a common feature of women’s festivals†(Carson, 1995: 125). Because the noise could be irritating to those not actively engaged in the celebration, these rituals were usually held outside of the range of hearing of the men and the city. Over time, this had the tendency to reinforce ideas of women as savage mysterious outsiders. Their religio us rites were often female only, they made strange sounds while practicing and they practiced outside of the city limits, making them seem like wild animals in the wilderness. Meanwhile, the proper role of the man was to disconnect from his emotions enough to control the escape of unintended, uncontrolled sounds.Â
Police Brutality Essay Example for Free
Police Brutality Essay Unfortunately, nowadays the people who are supposed to protect us and help us when we are in need, sometimes cannot be trusted. Police brutality has always been a problem, but theres been a dramatic rise in police murders and brutalization of citizens. Police Brutality is anything from harassment from a police officer to being murdered by one.Police officers risk their lives everyday they put on their uniform. They serve the community by keeping it safe from those who break the law. Police are trained to use force when necessary and to have discretion on how much force to use on someone. The tactics they use are to apprehend a criminal, and to keep those who are around a criminal, safe. Officers carry weapons such as a baton, mace, or a gun. These weapons are to keep themselves and the communities they serve safe. Sometimes officers who are either not properly trained or who neglect to use the appropriate amount of force on a suspect, can suffer the consequences of police brutality. â€Å"Police brutality is a civil rights violation that occurs when a police officer acts with excessive force by using an amount of force with regards to a civilian that is more than necessary. Excessive force by a law enforcement officers is a violation of a persons rights. Force should be used in only the minimum amount needed to achieve a purpose. Police brutality is a direct violation of the laws within the police force. The use of excessive force is also a direct violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S Constitution regarding cruelty and protection of the laws†( One of the major causes of police brutality is stress. Each day, police officers have to deal with the fact that their lives are within their own hands and being that they are thought of as the enemy by a criminal they feel the need to protect themselves at any cost. An officer may feel threatened and might not know his or her own strength, therefore they might do anything to protect themselves if they feel threatened. The stress of being a cop can lead to other issues other than police brutality. The amount of stress of their job is so high it can affect them in various ways later in life. â€Å"The extreme stress and pressure placed on police officers has caused an increasing numbers of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder cases, alcoholism, suicide, early retirement, breakdowns and burnout being reported by police officers across the country†( Another cause of police brutality is simply abuse of power. Not all cops break the rules, but not all cops follow t hem. Police brutality can be any of the following acts; â€Å"profane or abusive language, commands to move or go home, field stops and searches, threats of implied violence, prodding with a nightstick or approaching with a pistol, the actual use of physical force†( Racism is also a major cause of police brutality. The most famous of all police brutality cases is, of course, Rodney Kings case. On March 3, 1991, four Los Angeles police officers beat Rodney King as eleven other officers stood by watching. Rodney King was in a high-speed car chase with the officers, when his car was finally stopped, he hesitated to get out of his car. When he did, he was said to jump at the officers. He was hit by two darts from a stun gun, which didnt seem to work. Rodney King still refused to obey the officers and lie flat on the ground. But, in less than two minutes, he was hit with 56 baton blows and kicked six times. He suffered from eleven skull fractures, brain damage, broken bones, knocked out teeth and kidney damage. Also, emotional and physical trauma. Not in all cases are the victims of police brutality innocent, obviously, as you can see in Rodney Kings case ( no matter how rude or uncooperative a suspect is being, this extreme force from officers should not be used. Racism has always been and always be around. The fact that it is policing is evident through such acts as these. Sometimes these harmful acts go overlooked by departments, either because of they do not want the publicity, the department might not know what actually happened, or they simply do not care. Racism is not just against African Americans, all minorities are at risk for being the victim of a cops believes or disbelieves. Another reason police brutality happens is some officers believe that its necessary to come down hard on those who resist arrest because they may kill the next police officer who tries to arrest them so you have to teach them a lesson. â€Å"Another practice is the screen test, police jargon for applying the brakes on a police vehicle to that the handcuffed prisoner in back will be thrown against the metal protective screen†( When an officer breaks the law and victimizes a person he or she will should be punished and depending on the case they should face suspension, job termination, or even jail time. Those whose rights have been violated often receive large amounts of money in out of court settlements, which means the taxpayer is paying for authorities right to abuse their power . Cops who have committed these acts usually face no serious prosecution, if any at all. So far, of all the documented murders since 1977, only one officer has been convicted of homicide. Any man that kills another, for no matter what reason, should have to face consequences. Anyone can become a victim of police brutality, but the most common are minorities, juveniles, and low class citizens. Minorities are victimized because of their skin color and the believes of the officer they encounter. The fact that officers target minorities has been known for decades. Many races are still not accepted by people today. Juveniles can also become targets of the police. Young adults often find themselves in tough situations getting in trouble with the law. They struggle to find a sense of self and often look to crime as an easy way out. An officer might target a young adult assuming he or she is up to no good, judging solely by the way they carry themselves. Low class citizens often do not have the money for a good lawyer so even if they were victimized they have no one to turn to for help. They most likely do not have guidance on how to properly seek justice they rightfully deserve. Also in most cases, unless there is physical evidence, police misconduct is often on e side of the story against another. In order to prevent police from using unnecessary amount of force on citizens there must be an understanding of each others position on society. Although a beating from a police officer may not be the victims fault, there are some ways to try and prevent from being a part of a traumatic experience. When an officer does not feel threatened he or she is less likely to become frantic and full of adrenaline which would make the confrontation with him or her less dangerous and beneficial to both the cop and the civilian. The number of cases of police brutality is not as high as the years of the civil rights act, but there is still a need for a way to help fix the problem. Not every case is known to the public and reported. Departments need to properly train officers to deal with certain situations properly. While they might not be perfect when it comes to hiring, they should keep a close eye on those who they hire to make sure any officer hired doesnt have a different personality when on duty. A personality that would be dangerous to those who surround him or her. Hopefully there will be a system in the future that will help minimize the chances of police brutality. Sources 1.) Above the Law: Police and the Excessive Use Of Force by: Jerome H. Skolnick, James J. Fyfe 1994. Published by: The Free Press, New York. 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)
Saturday, September 21, 2019
America Impacts of World War Essay Example for Free
America Impacts of World War Essay The total number of casualties in WW1 which lasted only from 1914 to 1919 came to a terrifying height of 37,508,686 of that number only 323,018 belonged to the U. S. World war one had many effects on the United States including weapons advancement, change in the workforce and economy, and women’s rights. The first and one of the most important impacts of ww1 on America is the weapons advancement. Tanks were one of the many inventions that aided the battle in world war one. The tank was not invented by just one person unlike various other inventions in the past. The first tank was constructed in 1899 and boasted an engine by Daimler, a bullet-proof casing and armed with two revolving machine guns developed by Hiram Maxim. It was offered to the British army but was later dismissed as of little use and was deemed by Lord Kitchener as a â€Å"pretty mechanical toy†. Developments continued despite the harsh words used by Kitchener. Colonel Swinton reopened the designs and pushed the project and eventually convinced Winston Churchill to sponsor it. With luck, determination, and pressure the first combat ready tank rolled off the line a little over a year after the war officially started. The tank was given the nickname â€Å"little Willie†weighing in at 14 tons, bearing 12 foot long tracks, and a top speed of 3 miles per hour. The problem with the tank was that it could not cross the trenches and could only reach 2 miles per hour in the rough terrain of war. The conditions inside the tank were unbearable and temperatures could sky rocket. The fumes alone were enough to choke a man. Thanks to the great enthusiasm of Col. Swinton the tank was modified and aided in the victory of many battles making the tank a great weapon of world war one. Another invention that took place in WW1 was the machine gun. The first Machine gun in 1914 invented by Hiram Maxim weighed a whopping 45-60kg. It could fire 400-600 rounds per minute with ammunition that was fed through a fabric belt or a metal strip. However these early machine guns would rapidly overheat and become inoperative. They required a lot cooling down usually done in 2 methods, water cooling or air cooling. By the time war broke out in 1914 the German’s had their own version of the machine gun called the Maschinengewehr 08 and had already produced 12,000. They later modified Hiram Maxim’s model to weigh only 12kg and involved less overheating. Yet they could still not adapt it to be an offensive weapon and therefore was mostly used as a defensive weapon in trenches. Even though it was bulky and heavy it was a giant devastator and claimed many lives in world war one. Despite advances in machine gun, tank and grenade technology, all remained relatively unwieldy and cumbersome in comparison to the rifle, which remained the most crucial, ever-present infantry weapon throughout World War One. Designers took the Mauser action and altered it by replacing the single firing pin with a two-piece unit. While a broken pin could be more easily fixed, the modification caused the assembly to be somewhat weaker than the original. Too, the gun’s breeching setup owed more to the Krag than the Mauser, resulting in less case support and some gas control problems. It was also fitted with a magazine cutoffâ€â€an arrangement that was in vogue at the time but which proved to be pretty much of a fifth wheel. The cutoff prevented rounds (the gun held five) from being stripped off from the magazine and allowed it to be fired single shot, should the need ever arise. The gun that originally appeared in 1903 had a full-length walnut stock, blued barrel and other metal parts, case-hardened receiver and a sophisticated ladder sight. An unusual feature was an integral rod-style bayonet that harkened back to a similar design on the Model 1884 . 45-70 Trapdoor rifle. The 1903 Springfield was a very versatile weapon and was even used up until the Korean War. Another impact on America as a result of WW1 was the workforce and the economy. U. S. exports to Europe rose from $1 billion dollars in 1913 to $4 billion in 1917. Suppose that the United States had stayed out of the war, as a result all trade with Europe was cut off. Suppose further, that the resources that would have been used to produce exports for Europe were able to produce only half as much value when reallocated to other purposes such as producing goods for the domestic market or exports for non-European countries. The loss in 1917 would have been $2 billion per year. This was about 4 percent of GNP in 1917, and only about 6 percent of the total U. S. cost of the war. The economy was great. It had to keep growing in order to meet the ever growing standards of war. Not only was the economy doing well but just about all businesses. Women were finally fully introduced into the workforce and were taking over jobs only men had once done. Women would go off to work and to help with the war effort they would work in factories helping construct all the weapons and tools required to win. They would operate machinery and work in hot and unbearable conditions. Women for the first time legally served in the armed forces. Though women never saw combat they were utilized as nurses, telephone operators, and secretaries. Without women the war would have been increasingly difficult to win with the 4 million troops that were mobilized. When the men fighting the war came back they were surprised to see that their jobs had been filled and not only that but they were filled by women. For the men it was difficult to adjust back to a normal routine and to find a job. For a while the roles had been reversed. Not only were women able to get jobs during the war so were young adults. Since women had to step up and take care of work and the families the feeling for rights increased dramatically making them fight harder for it. By the beginning of the 20th century, the efforts of suffragists had begun to bear fruit. Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Idaho had given women full suffrage rights and in many states women were allowed to vote in municipal and school board elections. A womens suffrage amendment was debated nationally for the first time in 1878, and Stanton, Anthony, and other suffragists used civil disobedience attempting to vote to gain attention for their cause. During the Progressive Era (1890-1920), women played more active roles in the larger economic, cultural, and political transformation of American society. This growth in womens public roles allowed suffragists to be more aggressive in support of their cause as they developed stronger bases of support in the settlement houses, temperance organizations, labor unions, and reform movements that now sprang up across the country. The National American Womens Suffrage Association, led by Carrie Chapman Catt, fought for suffrage using parades, street speakers, petitions, and rallies. Sixteen states, including New York, had given women the right to vote by 1917, but the U. S. Constitution was not amended to enfranchise women until after World War I. Alice Paul, a founder of the National Womans Party, led daily marches in front of the White House during the war, using President Woodrow Wilsons rhetoric of democracy and self-government to support the cause. As more and more states endorsed suffrage, so did their representatives in Congress. In 1918 Wilson reluctantly approved a constitutional change, and in 1920 the Nineteenth Amendment made womens suffrage the law of the land. World War one had many impacts on America and these were the most important and significant of them.
Fathers Of Twentieth Century Neoclassical Realism Politics Essay
Fathers Of Twentieth Century Neoclassical Realism Politics Essay The father of twentieth century Neoclassical Realism, Hans Morgenthau has a similar view but under the signpost of interests which are defined in terms of power but combining the principle of rational order with politics, where the type of interests vary in relation to foreign policy (Hans J. Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace, Fifth Edition, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1978, pp. 4-15.). On the other hand, Neo-Realists (also known as structural realists), such as Kenneth Waltz dismiss human nature as an explanation of IR behaviour within the realm of politics; they rather base their theories on structural constraints (ref). This strand of realism thus holds that the international arena is defined by anarchy and the number of great powers in the international arena. These states are seen as sovereign and equal, thus each state seeking its own interest and will not give up its interests up to another state. Thus states are always in a state of aggressiv e behaviour. The realist belief that states are innately aggressive has given rise to different variants of realism. Offensive realism like other strands of realism view states as the main players or actors in the international arena but with the view that conflict is based on anarchy of the international system and not on human nature and characteristics as proposed by Morgenthau. Offensive realism thus views states as hegemonic, with an insatiable appetite to maximise power thus ensuring security and survival. Furthermore, defensive realism, another variant views international system provides encourages expansion only under certain conditions, where anarchy creates the circumstances where by the tools that a state uses to amplify its security causes an inverse reaction i.e. diminishes the security of other states. This creates a security dilemma where states are in constant worry over one anothers future and relative powers. Most notable examples of this variant of realism include balance-of-po wer theory and security dilemma theory (Sources: Jeffrey W. Taliaferro, Security-Seeking Under Anarchy: Defensive Realism Reconsidered, International Security, 25, 3, Winter 2000/2001: 152-86; and John J. Mearsheimer, (2002), Tragedy of Great Power Politics, W.W. Norton, New York). The purpose of this essay is to answer the question of whether or not Realism is a bellicose tradition of thought. I have started off the first section of this essay (above) by giving a brief oversight of realism and its variants. The remainder of this essay will discuss how realism and realists view war, conflict, and their ethics. The third section examines how different variants of realism view war and conflict. The fourth section provides a case study and the views of notable realists on wars, such as the Iraq War (in 2003). Finally the last section of this essay summarises the preceding arguments and argues that although realism talks of war and studies war and conflict, it is by no means bellicose tradition of thought. Realism and Power: It is common that critics of realism view realists as immoral or a school of thought that does not involve ethics. On the other hand, classical realists such as Thucydides (460-411 B.C.) viewed politics with an eye for moral questions. This is evident when he asks whether relations between states to which power is fundamental can accomplished through an eye of justice and peace. Thucydides through his book History of the Peloponnesian War has inspired many realists as he gives an acknowledged classical text in international relations. In his book, realism is expressed in speeches and dialogues of Athenians showing a debate in Sparta before the Peloponnesian war. Furthermore it is through realist views and explanations that Thucydides explains the cause for such a war through a Melian Diaglogue made by Athenian envoys. Realists exhibit and highlight the limitations imposed by the nature of human beings on politics. This human nature according to realists is defined as being egoist hence power and security become the main issue when looking at the factors that contribute to conflict in IR. It is through Thucydides that the notion and main building blocks of state actors, anarchy, security and power are defined within the context of realist tradition. To take two main points from Thucydides into account: Thucydides describes the debate in Sparta (Chapter 1 Par. 76) that the Athenians have a preference of self-interest over morality. That is, the analogies and concerns of right or wrong have never turned people aside from the opportunities of aggrandizement offered by superior strength (chap. 1 par. 76). Realists find an anarchical world and security as a central issue in their school of thought. To achieve security, states increase their strength and power, thus formulating a power-balancing paradigm in order to deter prospective enemies. Thucydides further stresses this issue by locating the cause of war in the change in the balance of power between the Delian League (led by Athens) and the Peloponnesian League (led by Sparta). It is the conviction of Thucydides that the fear of the increase in Athenian power and Spartas future security vulnerability that led Sparta into war (1.23). Realists are skeptical about applying morals to international relations and its politics i.e. there is no place for morality in IR, that is to say there is a rejection of ethical norm. This can be highlighted within the Melian Dialogue (5.85-113) when Athens invaded the island of Melos. The Melians were offered a choice, annihilation or admit defeat, without the recourse to justice, just to think of their survival. The Athenians were hence stressing the fact that since any authority above the state does not exist, and in the case of the Melians, the only right is that of the stronger, hence survival of the fittest. To shine light on this matter further, the Athenians equate right with power and thus disregard issues of justice, ethics and morals from foreign affairs, in this case war. Critics of IR have always juxtaposed classical realism with that of idealism or even liberalism. That is to say liberals and idealists view the world through emphasis on international standards, interdependence among states and international and economic cooperation. The Melian Dialogue of Thucydides gives rise to one of the first debates between idealist and realist schools of thought, that is, whether politics can be based on moral thoughts drawn from justice or will politics be seen as a struggle for interests and power? To take a closer look at the Athenian argument of the Melian Dialogue, it is clear that it is based on realist notions of security and power. There is a clear disregard for moral talk and thus advise the Melians to take a closer look at the status quo. Here the status quo is that of Melians inferior military capabilities, thus advising the Melians to think about their survival (5.87; 5.101). Furthermore, another description of this realist status quo is the fact that Athenians base their argument around security issues, self interest and power. On the other hand, when looking at the Melian situation closely, it is clear that the Melians are weak and do not risk the security and self interests of the Athenians. In his book, Thucydides remains neutral to the thoughts of the Athenians and Melians, i.e. supports neither the idealists nor the realists. Therefore, if Thucydides is to be regarded as a realist, he would not be seen as one that resembles a member of the realpolitik that denies ethics and morals, but one that is neither amoral or immoral (ref) and can be compared to realists such as Hans Morgenthau (discussed later) where they are rational to the views of national interest and also place moral aspects to the way political actors should act in the international arena. It was not until the 15th century that Niccolà ² Machiavelli was born and challenged the notion of morality and ethical standards in Christian political spheres. His approach, indeed a novel one for his time lies in his criticism of the unrealistic attributes of Western politics. Thus, after setting the ground for a new ground into realist doctrine, Machiavelli skews away from the teachings of early scholars towards the effectual truth of the matter rather than the imagined one (chapter XV of The Prince), i.e. a realist truth and view. Machiavelli hence replaced morality in politics with the ends justifies the means, i.e. whatever is good for the state and not ethical or scruples norms, in other words what is encompassed in the phrase ragione di stato or its French equivalent, raison dà ©tat (ref). Although Machiavelli is often seen as the father of both modern political strategy and defense of the republican form of government, he may also be seen as the one that caused the demoralization of Europe by challenging the Christian views of the union between politics and ethics. Before Machiavellism, it is thought that the notion of using any means and all means in the state of war was unheard of. As a result, Machiavellism gave rise to masses of armies fighting each other, where the morality has lost its validity and presence in the political moiety. This concept of politics where ethics according to Machiavelli was now under two: private and public and the principle of raison dà ©tat would further give rise to politics of Lebensraum and world wars. It is in my opinion, as well as other political commentators (ref) that realism has an inclination to drift into an extreme standpoint where the ends justify the means at the expense of other states, no matter how immoral or amoral the policy is. The end goal is the security and power of the state in an anarchical world. Thomas Hobbes: Morality and Anarchy Thomas Hobbes (1588-1683) realism came through around the same time as Machiavelli, his views of human behavior was that they are particularly individualistic rather than moral or ethical, as Hobbes mentions in his Leviathan, humans are subjected to a perpetual and restless desire of power after power, that ceases only in death (Leviathan XI 2), hence are always in a power struggle. These concepts are briefly summarized in the fact that humans are egoistic, in a state of international anarchy, and their view of politics is rooted in a power struggle. Thus when comparing schools of thought, it is clearly visible that Hobbes views have a great affinity towards neorealism. Taking the concept of anarchy as a state or nature further, Hobbes clearly mentions that the world is in a state of war as is of every man against every man (XII 8). That is to say that the status quo of the world we live in is a state of war. The views of Hobbes are deduced from the an individuals behavior, that is individuals are selfish and egoistic and may use force at any given moment without recourse to morals, encouraged by competition for wealth and power. Hence, individuals may even invade one another for gain; take preemptive measures to ensure their safety. Hobbes therefore mentions that humans endeavor to destroy or subdue one another (XIII 3) whether for gain, safety or power. Overall, in this regard, where conditions are of potential aggressors are optimum, realists believe that it is best to make war rather than peace, where the world becomes Darwinian; i.e. survival of the fittest. When analyzing Hobbes writings in Leviathan, it is apparent that Hobbes views the relationship between individuals and the state as a primary focus. To indulge deeper into this argument, Hobbes views that once states are formed, the individuals running the state control the states behavior, hence their lust and drive for power i.e. domination of other states. This is evident where Hobbes mentions that states, for their own securityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦enlarge their dominions upon all pretences of danger and fear of invasion or assistance that may be given to invadersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.endeavour as much as they can, to subdue and weaken their neighbors (XIX 4). Furthermore, Hobbes also argues that even though there is a war of all against all, that does not mean that states are always in a state of war, but they are always on guard and expect war at any given moment (XIII 8). Furthermore, to evade war and overcome fighting, Hobbes does not support a social contract or deal between nations like the UN to end international anarchy. He also does not believe that war could ever be obliterated from the world we live in. Furthermore, it would also seem that Hobbes believes that the continuous condition of anarchy and insecurity which states are in is not reflected in the insecurity experienced by the individuals (statesmen). Hence as long as there is no onset of war between states, statesmen can feel safe. It is evident when reading through Hobbes Leviathan that there is a common view shared between Machiavelli and Hobbes when it comes to their denial of moral principles and the support of the notion of raison dà ©tat. On the other hand, although they both also view independent states are enemies by nature, selfish and egotistical, what differentiates them is that Machiavelli has a view of doing anything it takes to bring forward to what is advantageous to the state. Hobbes view of classical realism is one with a defensive nature of foreign policy. His approach unlike Machiavelli, is a that of prudence and pacifism where sovereign states should be liaised towards peace through reason. Furthermore, although Hobbes views the world as anarchical and immoral, he does not view it as one with no rules. Hobbes believes that because certain rules of reason do exist therefore there may be some leeway for international cooperation achieved through jointly beneficial treaties between sovereign s tates. On the other hand, Hobbes does not dismiss the fact that international rules will also be ineffective in ceasing the struggle for power through war. That is to say, states will interpret these rules according to their own interests thus ignoring international laws and commitments. This therefore highlights the egotistical, selfish and greedy nature of states through Hobbes pessimistic view of relations between sovereign states in IR. The idea of the creation of modern (20th century) realism arose from the attitude and results of the emergence of an idealist school of thought most notably after WWI. These liberals also known by synonyms just as idealists or utopians had an aim of building peace by the virtue of creating a system of international law intertwined with international ogranisations. This gave rise to the League of Nations via the interwar idealism in 1920 followed by the Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 that prohibited war and propagated the peaceful settlement of interstate disputes. It was the advocacy on behalf of scholars like the U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, a political scientist by profession that focused their abilities uniting humanity and appealing to rationality and morality. It was the view of utopians like Wilson that saw war as an imperfection of social conditions that could be improved rather that it being a primordial of egoistic human nature. On the other hand, the hopes of utopians were short live, and although Wilson was the main advocate for the League of Nations, the US never joined, and with the withdrawals of Japan and Germany, a second world war broke out. By that time, realists such as E. H. Carr has been heavily criticizing the liberal school of thought. It was the works of realists such as Carr and Morgenthau that influenced the creation of what is thought to be a liberally induced United Nations in 1945. Carrs famous work on international relations, famously known as The Twenty Years Crisis (1939) focuses on a rebuttal of the idealist utopian views of international relations. Carr criticizes and challenges the idealist views of the harmony of interests where he believes that morality can only be relative, not universal (19). Furthermore, he mentions that the principle of the harmony of interests is created by privileged groups to justify and maintain their dominant position (75). When Carr argues his central idea of moral principles, he refers to and uses a concept that can be traced back to Marxist theories (ref) of the relativity of thought. His idea is that the interests of a particular group will always pave the way and be deterministic of what that group deems as moral principles, hence not universal as utopians might believe. It is also worthy to note that as Carr views a politicians use of morally discrediting or slandering an enemy as an act created by actual policies. Thus t hese policies in realist views are dependent on interests of the parties involved and not universal and independent of interests as utopians claim (ref). Carr also views that values and interests are also not universal, where a party that acts on these values and interests are basically their own interests; and what is best for that party is best for everyone (71). A further theory put out by Carr contradicts an idealist principle of harmony of interests where humans can be rational and cooperate to achieve those interests. Carr believes that humans actually have different interests, therefore would compete and between them to achieve their goals, this is what he terms conflict of interests (ref). This conflict of interests thus coalesces with a Hobbesinian view that morality is dominated by a coercive power (ref) (61). Therefore, Carr believes that international moral principles are enforced by countries with power over other nations with no or less power, hence, morals are made to subdue weaker nations into dominance (ref). Carr also views morals and views of peace, justice and international order as the status quo. He further supports this argument by viewing that states or powers that are happy with the current status quo view the current status as just, and those who dont, view it as unjust and would therefore end up in going to war (76). Furthermore, Carr also views that if peace cannot be attained through war then the best way to ensure peace is to satisfy powers greater than the weaker state: Those who profit most by [international] order can in the longer run only hope to maintain it by making sufficient concessions to make it tolerable to those who profit by it least (152). The Realism of Hans Morgenthau, Morals and Power Hans Jochaim Morgenthau was an avid neoclassical realist thinker influenced by the works of Hobbes and Reinhold Niebuhr. He presents a fact that humans have an insatiable lust for power identifying it with animus dominandi, the desire to rule or dominate. This desire Morgenthau sees is the pivotal root cause of conflict: international politics, like all politics, is a struggle for power (25). In his main work, Politics among Nations, Morgenthau bases his theories of realism on six main principles. It is in the second principle that Morgenthau clearly presents his argument of where state leaders think and act in terms of interest defined as power (5). This concept presents two main points: firstly is the autonomy of politics from other fields such as economics, religion and ethics. Furthermore, the second principle allows for the analysis of foreign policy without recourse to motives and morals of statesmen or politicians, hence the presence rationality in international politics. But, unlike Machiavelli, Morgenthau does not completely devour ethics from politics. In his fourth principle, Morgenthau explains the relationship between realism and ethics. He mentions that Universal moral principlesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.cannot be applied to the actions of states in their abstract universal formulation, but à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦they must be filtered through the concrete circumstances of time and place (9). That is, there is always some form of friction between morality and political decisions. Morgenthau also stresses the need for prudence when applying his principle as political morality cannot exist without prudence, i.e. without consideration of the political consequences of seemingly moral action (ibid.). To take a closer look at his central themes of power and interest, Morgenthau believes that moral and ethics are not sufficient to comprehend the dynamics of international politics, there therefore has to be a balance in power interests. Morgenthau like Carr was doubtful and pessimistic at how idealists viewed politics in that they never took into account the harsh and negative lesson of history. Morgenthau further contested that the ethics of evil as an inherent part of foreign policy. This is due to the fact that politicians may not have a choice between right or wrongà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. but rather between bad and worse (ref). Morgenthaus realist views stresses on the pessimistic vision of foreign policy, thus creating version of ethics that intertwines power and morality together, a view also shared by Max Webers ethics (ref). Morgenthaus view of ethics was born out of harsh lesson from the failure of the League of Nations to the fascist actions of Nazi Germany and the dangers of communism. Therefore national interests to Morgenthau were an utmost priority as long as these interests contributed to a balance of power; a balance between power, interest and ethics (2). This to Morgenthau is fact and reality as opposed to the idealists utopian views. Morgenthau further emphasized his point by: I prefer the brutality of realist inquiry over the confused sentimentality that neglects its interests and does not get to the point.(3). Furthermore, according to Morgenthau and the concept of animus dominandi, mans strife for power makes man greedy hence taking everything for themselves and depriving their neighbours. Morgenthaus view thus makes him a promoter of power poltics, but on the contrary, Morgenthaus realism offers elements of morals and ethics to utilize power adequately thus giving rise to morally good results (ref). Morgenthaus neoclassical realism was indeed a mix between limiting power intertwined with morality, balanced with tolerance and self constraint made his neoclassical form of realism appealing. . Political theorists have long seen Morgenthau with an eye of immorality. On the other hand, when looking closer (as mentioned above), Morgenthau has been in agreement with Max Weber in that decisions based on moral values could not be justified rationally thus deeming him a realist with morals aspects. Furthermore, Morgenthau also viewed the world as morally imperfect and corrupt, thus should have some morality incorporated to it. This is evident in his opposition to the Vietnam War. He clearly opposed US foreign policy during that war, and thus called for a realist foreign policy based on national interest. Overall, Morgenthau was a harsh critic and opponent of US intervention and foreign policy in Asia. On the other hand, he advocated for a peaceful coexistence with communist Russia and thus advocated a dual strategy of military might and a willingness to seek dà ©tente. His support was clearly expressed when Kissinger and Nixon attempted to enforce a more moderate realist strategy toward Communist powers (China and Russia) hence creating a multipolar world led by the US via the use of Morgenthaus balance of power and his dà ©tente (4). Finally, Morgenthau has advocated a mixture of prudence, morality and realist views of national interest and balance of power in his politics. His advocacy supports Friedrich Meineckes concept of raison detat and when combined with his realist views, makes an effect and coherent realist model.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Genre Study: The Romance Comedy
Genre Study: The Romance Comedy The thesis introduces some basic conceptions of genre and then generally analyzes the features of the US and UK film genre especially in terms of romance comedy of US and UK film. The author uses Love Actually and Pretty Woman as two examples to represent UK and US romance comedy respectively. Love Actually was acted by many outstanding actors and actresses like Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, Mr. Bean (Rowan Atkinson), Alan Rickman, etc, which makes the movie an all-star lineup. However, pretty Woman doesnt fall behind. It was acted by Hollywood movie star Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. By comparing the two representatives, it is not difficult to arrive at the conclusion that UK romance comedy is more realism while the other is more idealism. I believe it more or less has something related to their different cultures and national characters. British people are more conservative than Americans so their romance is closer to life, its better for audience to find the real love in reality be cause some plot of the movie just like a familiar one happened in neighborhood. It reflects some true situation in real life. Pretty Woman is a bit like the realization of American Dream to American people; the movie makes the fairy tale dream become true. Thats why these two movies are excellent learning materials for romance genre study. When talking about film genre, there is no reason not to mention the etymology of genre, which comes from French (originally Latin) word meaning type or kind. With the word genre coming into use of English, it is not hard to come across literacy genre, genres in painting etc, however, this paper mainly emphasizes on film genre. How we define genre is depending on our purposes. Film genre is closely connected with the aspect of audiences common knowledge and their expectations, that is, how audience recognizes and understands movie. As Alastair Fowler said that readers learn genres gradually, usually through unconscious familiarization, I put forward the idea that audience use genre to distinguish a particular movie and it makes a genre a code between producers and viewers in the text of a specific movie. When I start to analyze US film genre, I cant ignore the impact of Hollywood, which produces a large amount of blockbuster through the whole world, to name but a few, Gone With the Wind, The Sound of Music, Titanic, The Lord of the King, Avatar In Hollywood movie, the leading genres are action-adventure, comedy, science fiction, teenpics, war films, westerns, melodrama and so on. It is universally acknowledged that love is indispensable in humans lifeà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’so its always the source material for literature and art creation. There is no doubt that love is always the eternal theme of movie, thats why the box of romance story is on the glory trail for long years. In some other film genre, romance is supposed to be the sub-genre, which makes romantic thriller, romantic drama, action romance and romantic comedy. And even in Titanic this kind of disaster film, romance is an important element which runs through the whole movie. At different time peoples outlook of love reflect their mo ral value at that time. The production of movie is usually based on the characteristic temper of an age to highlight the theme of the time. During the Second World War period, Gone with the Wind, Casablanca, For Whom the Bell Tolls are popular films because they shoot at the real background of the society, which reveals the changing life brought by the war. While in the period of 90th century, Youve Got a Mail, Message in a Bottle, A Walk in the clouds these new time romance come into the big screen. Especially in Youve Got a Mail internet has become a bridge between the hero and heroine, besides that the film also reflects cyber romance in real life. As it goes to nowadays romance, it becomes much more incredible and extraordinary just like Across the Universe, Sliding Doors, twilight. When I continue to analyze the UK film genre, there are three main characteristics going as follows. First of all it inherits and develops the realistic tradition of English drama. For instance, Gandhi, A Passage to India, Gosford Park represent the introspection of the history and culture of colonial domination; the Bridge on the River Kwai, the Private Life of Henry VIII, the Queen criticize the corrupt customs of old value and national characters; the Land Girls, Love Actually promote the standard civilization of mainstream society; Four weddings and a Funeral, Mr. Bean advocate the optimistic attitude towards life. Secondly, UK movie is keen on the artistic characteristics of English drama, leading to the high artistic value in either shooting or performance, especially the gentleman style in acting. It also explains why many English films win the Academy Award such as The English patient, Shakespeare in Love. The last but not least, it adapts some literary masterpiece and many o f them stay famous with the original work. Tess is revised from Hardy; Oliver Twist is revised from Charles Dickens; Sense and Sensibility is converted from Jane Austin. When all the above-mentioned factors are taken into consideration, a conclusion could be drawn that UK films are more traditional and retain some features of English drama. Hereinafter I will illustrate Love Actually and Pretty Woman to analysis the features of UK and US romance comedy respectively and compare their similarities and distinctions. Love actually is one of the most successful English romance comedies which breaks the record of Bridget Joness Diary and wins the top-grossing movie release in ever. It is made up of ten separate stories but also there are small connections among those stories at the background of traditional festival-Christmas. In fact the name of the movie love actually means Love is actually around, so the whole melody of the movie is immersed in warm and love. The beginning and ending part take place at Heathrow Airport where passengers part or reunite with their family or friends. Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husband and wife, boyfriends, girlfriends and old friends, they smile, embrace or kiss each other, making the airport cozy beautiful place. Love is found everywhere. Our eyes do not show a lack of sense of love, but lack of observation. This film reflects different kind of outlook of love in UK society. Love is around no matter who you are and what social class you come from. Even you are the prime minister of the United Kingdom; you may fall in love with your assistant. The director just suggests that there is no hierarchy, no stratum in love, everyone is equal at the front of love; love makes people closer to each other and makes them come together no matter what their identities are. Love is around no matter which country you are from and what language you are speaking. Love has no boundaries. The little boy confesses his feelings to the African-American girl at the encouragement of his stepfather. Love is brave, there are neither skin colors nor races in love, and we all cheer for the little boy because of his braveness. Totally there are ten stories and everyone can find some touching details in some stories because they are closely related to our life and I believe thats why it s not the same as Hollywood romance comedy, its special gentleman style humor and lightly moving plot are not like a raging flame but can still give us warm and power. It makes audience feel comfortable and full of confidence that love is everywhere. Be generous and gratitude to life because love is always around us. It is a movie but it is also like what happened in our own life. Apart from the romance story in the film, we can find the epitome of British politics and the relationship between British and American. A friend who bullies us is no longer a friend. Bring out their opinion that they dont want to be an attendant of America. We can still catch the satire that Englishman used to show disagreement with American and their pop culture. They laugh at Americans arbitrariness and their open culture. Satire is one way of English humor. As is known to us, comedy is very influential in English film industry because the nation feels proud of their sense of humor. Mr. Bean has become the stereotype of comedy and Rowan Atkinsons face represent funny and humor. When he showed up in a movie we can predict that something interesting will happen. So even he shows up several minutes in Love Actually, he still creates happiness to the audience. On the other hand, Pretty Woman is a typical Cinderella Hollywood style romance comedy. Hao Jian claims Pretty Woman is a romantic film and studies how this movie leads the audience to enjoy the visual and ideological pleasure through inserting typical movie language. He argues the directors use of movie language and the like zero cut is a strategy to remove barriers between the characters and the audience. (Hao Jian,2002) Since there is no denying that characters are the souls of movie, this paper mainly focuses on characters personalities to conclude the genre features instead of the angle from shooting methods like montage etc. Edward represents prototype of the upper class while Vivian represents the working class in US. From my point of view, American romance comedy is more idealized just like a fairy tale and a wonderful dream because girls are eager to encounter her prince of charming like Edward and boys want to be successful and have the social status as Edward. That is to s ay, American romance story is more idealism so that the heroes and heroine are so glorious that audience wish they could become them. Vivian, the pretty woman in the movie, though she doesnt have a decent occupation, she still has her own qualities, which attract the perfect hero and win his love. I analyzed the heroine and find she has four qualities that makes she become the princess. To start with, she is frank and honest, so that she always expresses her feelings directly and doesnt hide her opinions. Next, although she is a prostitute, she still has self-respect. When she lives a comfortable life provided by Edward she still prepares to leave because all she wants is not just material things. Thirdly, she is a lovely woman, which can be drawn from her cute actions and innocent dialogue. At last, she creates her own idealism when she is a street girl and luckily her dreams come true. In real life its hard to imagine a millionaire falls in love with a prostitute, but just because of the mode of Cinderella and the prince of modern time makes audiences wish come true, the film becomes a very popular one even until today. Pretty Woman still makes sense in our society; the vision of love differs in our time. Now it seems that status, fortune and appearance have become some necessaries in matching love. Love is no longer pure love; people become together with clear intensions, for instance, the insurance of life, the standard of consumptionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦It seems that people now regard marriage as a relationship instead of an institution. In the movie it tells us that family background, job, features are not so important, the most important thing is ones inner world, pure soul and warm heart. Pretty Woman inherits the traditional mode of US romance comedy, which contains handsome man, hot figure woman and happy ending story. However, this movie also praises female while some other US film would show sympathy of female like Thelma and Louise, the Color Purple and so on. All in all, Pretty Woman is a very classic Hollywood movie which is beneficial for us to study film genre of romance comedy of American. Conclusion Through the further discovery of genre study, it helps us obtain some fundamental conception of film genre in terms of romance comedy. Film genre is a long journey that in this paper I only underline a small aspect of film genre. As far as I am concerned, romance comedy is so popular that this film genre can always attract audiences attention and sit in the cinema to enjoy the movie. However, Love actually and Pretty Woman are just two stereotypes of romance comedy. There are numerous films of this type, if we want to draw more conclusions we always have many options since If Only, Five first dates, Sleepless in Seattle,etc, are classic romance story worth watching. Bibiliography: UK Film Council. An introduction to genre theory. Daniel Chandler. American Film Genres: Approach to a critical theory of Popular Film. Kaminsky, Stuart M. Media Semiotics: An Introduction. Bignell, Jonathan. Manchester University Press. 1997 Film Genre Study. HaoJian. Beijing University Press. 2002 The Film Genre Book. John Sanders. Auteur Publishing. 2009 Film Genre 2000:New Critical Essays. Wheeler Winston Dixon. State University of New York Press.2000 Film Genre:Hollywood and Beyond. Barry Langford. Edinburgh University Press. 2005 Romance Fiction: A guide to the genre. Kristin Ramsdell. Englewood,Colo. 1999
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