Saturday, December 28, 2019
Health Disparities Within The United States - 1521 Words
The United States is faced with multiple health disparities within the country that encompass many challenges for individuals when it comes to the fairness and access to health care. A health disparity is defined as the inconsistency of treatment between two different groups of individuals. Treatment that could be different could be seen as different care due to age, race, ethnicity, culture, or current socioeconomic status (Koh et al., 2012). Treatment may be harmful for individuals as a result of miscommunication that may be perceived the wrong way. Individuals with low health literacy do not understand the purpose of particular drugs or the name of one’s condition, which can further leave an individual vulnerable to harm. Individuals may sign consent they do not fully understand, and will receive unwanted care and procedures (Clark, 2011). Healthcare providers need to be aware of an individual’s level of understanding before harming the individual with irreversible p rocedures. Low literacy affects many individuals within today’s society. The amount of individuals that are unable to comprehend medication labels, medication regimens, and learning points from discharge teaching is shocking and result in further health related injuries (Koh et al., 2012). Nurses must take the important task of recognizing an individual literacy and comprehension ability before planning the individual’s care plan. The nurse must find out the ways an individual can receive information thatShow MoreRelatedHealth Disparities Within The United States1196 Words  | 5 PagesThe United States is faced with multiple health disparities within the country that encompass many challenges for individuals when it comes to the fairness and access to health care. A health disparity is defined as the inconsistency of treatment between two different groups of individuals. Treatment that could be different could be seen as different care due to age, race, ethnicity, culture, or current socioeconomic status (Koh et al., 2012). Treatment may be different or delivered in differentRead MoreHealth Disparities Within Dekalb County1709 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction The purpose of this paper is to provide insight on health disparities seen within DeKalb County. The residents of DeKalb County are diverse in race, ethnicity, and income. Since the county is so diverse there are many health disparities seen amongst its residents. Health disparities occur within a county when one group of a population has noticeably better or worse health than another group within the same population. These groups of people can differ by income, education, sex, raceRead MoreHealth Disparities Among African Americans1355 Words  | 6 PagesHealth disparities amongst African-Americans continue to destabilize not just the various communities but the health care system as a whole. Minority groups especially African-Americans are more probable to agonize from certain health illnesses, have higher mortality rates and lower life expectancy than another other race in the nation. Health disparities are complex and incorporate lifestyle choices, socioeconomic factors such as income, education and employment and access to care services. ForRead MoreNational Healthcare Quality And Disparities Report 20141013 Words  | 5 Pagesother industrialized countries of the world, the United States has the worst healthcare system (Davis, Stremikis, Squires, Schoen, 2014). This ranking does not come from a lack of funds, considering the United States spends more than twice as much per capita than the United Kingdom which is ranked at number one (Davis, Stremikis, Squires, Schoen, 2014). A major problem is America is the health disparities that vary across the nation. Health disparities â€Å"refer to differences in access to or availabilityRead MoreHealth Disparities Of The United States : Social Class, Race, Ethnicity, And Health1606 Words  | 7 Pagesand disparities that plague our nation. One of these hot button topics is that of healthcare. The United States is the only developed nation without a universal healthcare system, but spends the most fo r health services. With so many Americans lacking the adequate care needed or facing bankruptcy due to piling medical bills, one must look at the health disparities that are causing this super power nation to inadequately serve its citizens. Donald Barr’s text Health Disparities in the United States:Read MoreThe New Eldercare Service Model Must Be One Of Inclusion1293 Words  | 6 Pages Chapter Health Disparities in America The new eldercare service model must be one of inclusion. We can no longer afford to marginalize any group of seniors. –Author Introduction I n the United States, wealth is the strongest determinant of health; and the strength of this relationship is profound and continues to increase. Wealth confers many benefits that are associated with health and quality of life outcomes. Wealth creates disparities in high quality education, employment, housing, childcareRead MoreDisparities Within The Health Care Environment1702 Words  | 7 PagesHealthcare Disparities Healthcare disparities have been an issue all over the world for a very long time. The purpose of this paper is to give you knowledge on disparities within the health care environment. This paper will discuss the definition of disparities, types of disparities, reasons for disparities, statistical data from trends and reports, and information on disparities elimination and improvements. What are healthcare disparities? Defining a disparity can eliminate confusion that disparitiesRead MoreRacial Discrimination and Hispanics in the United States1512 Words  | 7 Pagesdiscrimination among Hispanics in the United States is on the rise along with stricter immigration laws, inadequate education for ESL classes, as well as they are prey to healthcare disparities. Data shows that many states in the United States are implementing tougher immigration laws for their individual states. Also, due to education cuts and kick-backs, English as a second language classes are becoming fewer in many school districts. Finally, health care disparities among Hispanics are on the rise dueRead MoreHealth Care Disparities: Nurses Need to Care Essay1639 Words  | 7 PagesHealth Care Disparities: Nurses Need to Care The United States government spent 2.3 billion dollars in 2010 on federally funded healthcare initiatives and programs according to a report from the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (2008). Despite this astronomical amount of money, health care disparities continue to plague disadvantaged populations in the United States. A health care disparity is defined as differences in incidence, mortality, prevalence, disease burden, and adverse healthRead MoreHigh Rates Among Various Ethnic Backgrounds1060 Words  | 5 Pages Healthcare disparities exist at higher rates among various ethnic backgrounds as well as individuals with disabilities. Although receiving good healthcare should be a privilege, statistics have shown that social determinants such as poor education, low income, limited access to quality care, as well as environmental factors have contributed to healthcare disparities. If society could improve barriers like health education, communication, and healthcare cost, quality healthcare could be successfully
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Operations Management Of Food And Beverage Industry ...
Effective Operations Management in Food and Beverage Industry: Imporatance of Financial Analysis ENTER A QUOTE HERE Operations management has been the most crucial part of a business since people starting trading goods and services. Operations management deals with the development, manufactoring and production of the goods and services which are then marketed and sold in the market for a profit. It involves and oversees the research and decelopment sectors all the way through production of the goods and services to meet the customers’ requirements. Simply stating, operations management deals with the responsibility to ensure that all of the business operations are efficiently and effectively executed by using the least amount of resources but maintaining the quality standard of the company. Financial analysis plays a crucial part in maintaining a successful and efficient operations management in a company. There are multiple financial ratios which are very helpful to understand the proper management and execution of different sectors within operations management to decrease cost and expendi tures for the company and increase profit and earnings. Food and beverage industry is a multi-billion dollar conglomorate of different sub divided industries. Industries like Pepsico Inc., Tyson Goods Inc., Coca-Cola Co., Anheuser-Busch InBev, and ConAgra Foods Inc are some of the largest food and beverage industry companies in United States and Canada. These companies have been
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Rise of Illegal Drug Trade in Our Dangerous Economy
Ever since drugs became illegal to be purchased in the early century the whole illegal drug trade started to rise and many individuals especially youth started to join this dangerous and illegal economy. Youths were ambitious and were attracted to this inner city business just to get money in a faster way. That is because drug selling and other illegal activities appeared to be the most effective way to get rich in a faster way. Also many of these youth would rather earn money in a dangerous way than working for someone racially superior. Many of these youngsters joined these underground jobs because of their low economic status they were trapped in. Another reason why these teenagers joined this dangerous economic is because of the autonomy they would get in this job. The fact that they can self govern themselves is essential to them because is something they weren’t able to find in an entry-level job (Bourgois, Pg. 9-10). They also gained respect from the surroundings they w ould usually socialize with. Practically most of the youths that had joined the underground jobs have had negative experiences in the minimum-wage labor market from their racist bosses or supervisors (Bourgois, Pg. 7). One of the things the underground economy offers that the inner city doesn’t is the fast short-term success. Many young people were looking for the capacity of growing to a higher social or economic position (Bourgois, Pg. 10). However, besides the higher ranking, the respect, andShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits of Regulating Now-Illegal Drugs890 Words  | 4 Pagesits money and resources. Drugs. Illegal Drugs to be more specific. The emotions that this simple word initiates in many people are so real that it has become a major focus in our culture. It seems as if everyone has their own opinion on the topic of drugs; negative, positive or perhaps neither. Who is to say which is right? Most opinions towards drugs are not without bias, and most were formed from pr e-existing experiences and beliefs. People who don’t use recreational drugs don’t do so because ofRead MoreDrug Wars and Coffee Houses Paper1197 Words  | 5 PagesINTL 4997: The Mexican Drug trade | Reading Response #3 | | | Audrey Robert | 10/31/2012 | | David Mares gives us insight into the political economy of drug trafficking in his book Drug Wars and Coffee Houses. To help us understand how psychoactive substances are organized and distributed, he uses the concept of a commodity chain. A commodity chain is the system that links consumption of psychoactive substances to everything that makes it possible, and proves that if somethingRead MoreImmigration From Mexico Vastly Affected The United States Essay1506 Words  | 7 Pagesnational security, and due to society’s fear of what type of person enters America unrestrictedly. 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Also it has a tremendous social impact that is breakingRead MoreBudget And Policy Paper1597 Words  | 7 Pages War on Drugs Bridget Brown, Shaketra Jones, Matt Anderson, Jerry Carter, and Lisa Rivers CJA/464 Matthew Kite October 20, 2014 More than 45 years ago President Richard Nixon announced and declared the nation is at war, that war was the War on Drugs. Nancy Reagan campaigned heavily in the fight against drug use as well; her fight was that of teaching young children the slogan of â€Å"Just Say No†. The goals of the criminal justice system in the war on drugs have beenRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1082 Words  | 5 PagesLegalization of Marijuana Marijuana has always been a major topic on War on Drugs, either to let it stay illegal or to decide whether to legalize it. Marijuana can give off deadly or fatal actions that could to harm toward the user or those around the user. While also marijuana can be a help to the economic problems that America faces today. The Hawaii State Government should legalize marijuana because it is a non-addictive substance, it has the potential to increase tax revenue, and there are medicalRead MoreRegulated Legalization of Cannabis in Germany Essay1664 Words  | 7 Pagescannabis in Germany Introduction At first glance, German drug policy seems quite progressive: Drug abuse is treated as a health and social issue and there is a strong focus on prevention through education. However, Germany is still a staunch supporter of the current prohibition regime and is committed to the aim of a â€Å"drug free society†. As such, tackling the supply side of the drug trade is still an important pillar of German drug policy, which leads to a number of adjacent problems (InternationalRead MorePublic Enemy Number One Essay1934 Words  | 8 Pagesstruggles have given life to ruthless organizations known as the Mexican drug cartels. These drug lords have been a growing source of conflict for decades and fuel the continuous war being fought against drugs. The socio-economic statuses of the areas that harbor these gangs have a direct impact on the cartels’ migration to the United States. America’s more stable economy has enticed the cartels to capitalize on the demand for drugs. Through collaboration between Mexico and the United States the fightRead MoreTrafficking Drugs, Weapons And Human Beings2147 Words  | 9 Pages Trafficking Drugs, Weapons and Human Beings By Jack Myers Myers 2 Introduction The issues of trafficking drugs, weapons, and human beings have a significant impact on maritime industry due to the fact that all acts are being transported across the oceans. The need to stop this black market of trafficking across seas is on a rise. The hazards of the trafficking are becoming more and more dangerous. The reason why it is becoming more dangerous is due to the risk of the transporters areRead MoreIllegal Drug Use And Prostitution2565 Words  | 11 Pagesevil because it has been proven time and time again that some people will do anything to get as much as possible. Some of the most profitable organized crimes are so successful they are international but often rely on harming others to get ahead. Illegal drug use, human trafficking and prostitution are three of most lucrative crimes today generating billions of dollars a year. The money is obtained illegally so the need for money laundering is essential. Several factors go into each of these issues
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
A Thematic Analysis in Support of the Theory That Early...
A thematic analysis in support of the theory that early relationships affect adult attachment Abstract. This study was a qualitative thematic analysis to see if there was any evidence in early relationships that then affects the adult attachment theory. The qualitative textual analysis was carried out on a pre-existing, edited, filmed semi-structured interview. The thematic analysis showed that there is some truth in the adult attachment theory but life experiences and circumstances also have an effect on the individual. Furthermore relationships can play an important part in our lives with some evidence showing that Bowlby’s theory has some validity, (as cited†¦show more content†¦Type B, (secure), where the image of the caregiver is seen as a secure base showing pleasure at the reunion, with lastly Type C,(insecure, anxious, ambivalent), where the attachment is likely to show distress suggesting that the caregivers presence is important ( as cited in Cooper and Roth, 2007, p31). Judith Rich Harris (1999) In the Nurture Assumption argues that parents do not actually influence their children, which have been assumed, but that it is peer groups that are a major influence in how children grow up. However there have been many theories that suggests that vertical relationships during childhood also have an equally significant impact on how we develop, (as cited in Cooper and Roth, 2007, p31). There is some support for parts of the theory, now seeing that infant attachment is related to adult attachment in certain conditions, (as cited in Cooper and Roth, 2007, p35). Furthermore relationships can play an important part in our lives with some evidence showing that Bowlby’s theory has some validity. Life events though are also deemed to be important, as found in another study (Hamilton, 1994) with the results showing that children where their family circumstances were stable became secure and the ones that had experienced major changes in their family circumstances became insecure, (as cited in Cooper and Roth, 2007, p34). Therefore this thematic analysis willShow MoreRelatedA Qualitative Study to Show How Other Affect Individual Development, Using Thematic Analysis.2633 Words  | 11 Pagesshow how other affect individual development, using thematic analysis. ABSTRACT This study will examine the ways that adults construct their own attachment experiences and relationships along and how others influence these attachments and their development. The chosen method for data collection was interviews as they provide full and detailed data for thematic analysis. Other researchers studying within the social constructionist perspective with a main focus on attachment found that attachmentRead MoreExam 3 Study Guide Essay4934 Words  | 20 Pagesproduces a â€Å"high†2) Craving: Drug produces urge to consume more 3) Withdrawal: Cessation of drug use causes anxiety and depression 14. What is the two-factor theory of Emotion? What were the findings of the Dutton amp; Aron bridge study? How were these findings consistent with the two-factor theory of emotion? Two Factor Theory: Theory proposing that emotions are produced by an undifferentiated state of arousal along with an attribution (explanation) of that arousal First we’re aroused, thenRead MorePsychology14463 Words  | 58 Pagessocial-psychological theories and research. Rather than providing a thorough literature review of all research using constructs proposed to represent the operation of basic human needs, we instead review much more selectively the current state of theories about basic human needs, with a little historical context. We have chosen six theories for comparison. All of these theories have been given extensive explication and review elsewhere, so we will focus particularly on how these theories are structuredRead MoreArchitectural Psychology : a Tool to Understand Child’s Perception of Space7807 Words  | 32 Pages ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ To understand relationship between architectural psychology and child friendly spaces. ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ To study various theories and parameters that create child responsive design ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ To study the relevance of parameters by case examples ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ To study various theories and parameters that create child responsive design IV. SCOPE LIMITATION ï ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½Ã¯ ¿ ½ Only those human characteristics –psychological factors, that have a clear relationship to the designed environmentRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 PagesPreface xvii Introduction 1 PART I 1 2 3 PERSONAL SKILLS 44 Developing Self-Awareness 45 Managing Personal Stress 105 Solving Problems Analytically and Creatively 167 PART II 4 5 6 7 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS 232 233 Building Relationships by Communicating Supportively Gaining Power and Influence 279 Motivating Others 323 Managing Conflict 373 PART III GROUP SKILLS 438 8 Empowering and Delegating 439 9 Building Effective Teams and Teamwork 489 10 Leading Positive ChangeRead MoreMarketing Management 14th Edition Test Bank Kotler Test Bank173911 Words  | 696 PagesStrategic management E) Distribution management Answer: A Page Ref: 5 Objective: 2 Difficulty: Easy 3) Identify the correct statement about marketing management. A) It is primarily concerned with the systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of data about issues related to marketing products and services. B) It focuses mostly on monitoring the profitability of a companys products and services. C) It focuses solely on attaining an organizations sales goals in an efficient manner. Read More65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 147256 Words  | 190 PagesBUSINESS SCHOOL HARVARD SUCCESSFUL 65 APPLICATION SECOND EDITION E S S AY S APPLICATION BUSINESS SCHOOL HARVARD SUCCESSFUL 65 ECSNS A IYI O N S SE O D ED T With Analysis by the Staff of The Harbus, the Harvard Business School Newspaper ST. MARTIN’S GRIFFIN NEW YORK 65 SUCCESSFUL HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL APPLICATION ESSAYS, SECOND EDITION. Copyright  © 2009 byThe Harbus News Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of AmericaRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 Pageslamentable. Taken together, the key themes and processes that have been selected as the focus for each of the eight essays provide a way to conceptualize the twentieth century as a coherent unit for teaching, as well as for written narrative and analysis. Though they do not exhaust the crucial strands of historical development that tie the century togetherâ€â€one could add, for example, nationalism and decolonizationâ€â€they cover in depth the defining phenomena of that epoch, which, as the essays demonstrate
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Managers and Legal Environment Strategies
Question: Discuss about the Managers and Legal Environment Strategies. Answer: Introduction In todays globalized and advance technological business environment, business organizations depend on the technologies to perform their business functions or activities in an effective and a quick manner. They only hire expert people to carry out their business processes in a more accurate way. Along with this, the business firms do not require more people and resources to accomplish the business goals and objectives appropriately. This situation has increased the problem of plant closings as well as layoff of employees in front of organizations. This research essay is helpful to describe that how should the business corporations, labour, and the government manage the situation of plant closings and layoff of employees in an effectual and a proper manner. Plant Closings Layoff of Employees Currently, the increased market competitions and rapidly changing market conditions had changed the needs or requirements of the businesses. Apart from this, the prospects of plant closure as well as layoffs have changed the perceptions of the employees towards the business organizations. This has become a major reason of conflict among business organizations, and employees. The business organizations, labour and the government should handle this situation in a more effectual way. The main reason behind it is that, if they do not manage this situation in a proper way then it may influence businesses, employees and the government of the nations in a negative way (Brand, Levy Gallo, 2008). So, business firms, workforce and the government should take appropriate actions to handle the situation of plant closings and layoff of workforce in an appropriate way. On the other hand, it should also be noted down that, Singapore is the country that is facing the problem of plant closings and layoff of employees more than the other countries. The slow economy and decreased industrial productions are the major reason of this problem in the country. For example, the report published by the MOM (Ministry of Manpower) shows that, in 2012, there can be seen a ten percent increase in the layoffs rate of the nation (Yahoo! Finance Singapore. 2014). Along with this, it occurred because of the increased redundancy rate of employees in Singapore. The business sectors were making a superfluous reduction in the number of employees. Apart from this, according to the report of Channel NewsAsia, in 2012, Walt Disney also made a big decision to shut down its plant that is known as Game Studio LucasArts. The decision of Walt Disney also increased the situation of layoffs of employees within the nation (Channel NewsAsia. 2013). For that reason, it can be assumed t hat, Singapore is facing the situation of both plant closings as well as layoff of employees. Along with this, business, workforce and the government should adopt and implement effective policies and strategies to handle the problem of plant closings and layoff of workers in an effective and a more comprehensive manner. For example, business corporations should follow the legal policies as well as procedures at the time of plants closings layoffs. Moreover, they must also develop standards, principles, and policies as per the laws of state. For case, it should be noted down that, the state government establishes some important standards or policies for the selection of employees for the duration of plant closings as well as layoff of workers (Ginsburg, 2010). In addition to this, the business firms should do appropriate strategic planning to reduce the unfair termination and to manage the situation of layoffs in an effectual way. In the same manner, business firms should pay their attention on the recruitment and selection criteria of the businesses. They must clear all the policies or procedures to the employees that they have for the time of plants closings layoffs. They should make clear that they will provide support such as: outplacement service, separation pay, and employ references in the situation of plants closings and dismiss of workforce (Robinson Franklin, 2015). In addition to this, business organizations must develop effective strategies to reduce the key issues that they face in their day to day routine. For example, job counseling, job placement, working milieu, claim management, plant methods, and so on the major areas in which business firms generally face a lot of issues. Apart from this, the business corporations should develop effective strategies or policies to face these issues in an effective way. For case, accurate documentation of job descriptions, the pre-determined criteria of pl acement, the proper documentation of plant methods, the effective implementations of laws, proper inventory management, fair work environment, etc. are the major strategies that business firms should implement to handle all the major issues related to businesses (Meiners, Ringleb Edwards, 2014). On the other hand, the business firms should develop transparency to manage the situation of plant closings layoffs effectively. The organizations should provide job stability to the recruits to improve the motivational level of the employees. Moreover, the business organizations should make employment contract to provide metal peace and job satisfaction to their workforce. The business firms should provide a prior notice to the employees if they are planning for plant closings as well as fire of recruits (Schwerdt, 2011). In this situation, the employees would be able to search a suitable job for their endurance. In Singapore, Walt Disney must inform to its employees before shutting down its plant (game studio). So, they might be ready to face the situation or to find out other occupations. In this way, with the help of above strategies, the business firms of each and every nation would be competent to manage the situation of plant closings and layoffs appropriately (Channel NewsAs ia. 2013). At the same time, the laborers are the people who mainly face the situation of layoffs within organizations. For case, it should be noted down that, the decisions that are related to the plant closings and layoffs influence the careers and life styles of the laborers. These types of decision affect to the workers of the organizations in a direct way. In other words, it also can be assumed that, in this situation, the workers of business firms suffer more than any other people related to business firms. For that reason, it is suggested that the labour should perform appropriate actions to handle the situation of layoffs in an appropriate manner. For example, the workers should talk with the management of the organizations. The workers should know the reasons of the layoffs. If the employees find out that the organizations are providing genuine reasons for the layoffs then they must provide support to the business corporations (Cihon Castagnera, 2016). Along with this, the employees should be cautious about their job security. They should make prior agreement with the corporations for the safety of their jobs. They should talk with the management that layoffs may occur anytime. So, if the organizations face such issue then they are liable to give prior notice to the employees. In this notice, they will inform to the employees that, the organizations are willing to do plant closings and layoffs. Apart from this, after receiving the notice, employees should make demand of their benefits, bonuses, reimbursements, etc. that were mentioned in the employment agreement (Twomey, 2012). For example, in the case of Walt Disney, if the firm informed the employees in advance then they never faced the problem of job losses. In this case, the employees would be able to search new opportunities for the growth and success of their career. On the other hand, the government should be involved in the cases of plant closings as well as layoffs. The government should take appropriate actions to manage the circumstances of plant closers layoffs in an effectual and an effective manner. It is true that, the governments of the nations have already passed numerous acts such as: Industrial Relations Act, WARN Act, etc. to reduce the chances of disputes and conflicts between the employers and employees (Bagley, 2015). Furthermore, it should be noted down that, in current, there can be seen a rapid growth in the Asian market especially in the Indian and the Singapore market. This growth has produced a scale of the employment within nations. In this situation, the government is liable to manage balance within the national and the global investment system to reduce the chances of conflicts or disputes effectively. In addition to this, the role of the Singapore government is very much clear in the cases of Motorola, Seagate, and so on. For example, in these cases, the government of nation informed to the company that they are obliged to pay appropriate compensation to their employees (Twomey, 2012). For that reason, it can be said that, the government should manage plant closings and layoffs. It is because of only the government of the nation may bind to business firms to perform their responsibilities towards their workers. So, the government should be actively involved in the cases of plant closings and layoffs. Conclusion On the premise of the above conversation, it can be supposed that, the situation of plant closings and layoffs may take place at any point or level of the business. As a result, the business, workforce and the government must be prepared to manage these situations in an effectual way. References Bagley, C.E. (2015). Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century. USA: Cengage Learning. Brand, J. E., Levy, B. R., Gallo, W. T. (2008). Effects of layoffs and plant closings on subsequent depression among older workers. Research on aging, 30(6), 701-721. Channel NewsAsia. (2013). Layoffs in Singapore after Disney shuts down game studio LucasArts. Retrieved From: Cihon, P.J., Castagnera, J.O. (2016). Employment and Labor Law. USA: Cengage Learning. Ginsburg, J. (2010). Layoffs and alternatives to layoffs (Doctoral dissertation, Worcester Polytechnic Institute). Meiners, R.E., Ringleb, A.H., Edwards, F.L. (2014). The Legal Environment of Business. USA: Cengage Learning. Robinson, R.K., Franklin, G. M. (2015). Employment Regulation in the Workplace: Basic Compliance for Managers. NY: Routledge. Schwerdt, G. (2011). Labor turnover before plant closure: Leaving the sinking ship vs. Captain throwing ballast overboard. Labour Economics, 18(1), 93-101. Twomey, D. (2012). Labor and Employment Law: Text Cases. USA: Cengage Learning. Yahoo! Finance Singapore. (2014). Layoffs in Singapore rose 10 per cent in 2012: MOM. Retrieved From:
Monday, December 9, 2019
Disruptive Technology Technology Innovation
Question: Describe about the Report for Disruptive Technology of Technology Innovation. Answer: 1. The meaning of disruptive technology Disruptive technology alludes to an innovation whereby there is creation of a new market subsequent with a value network that unsettles the already existing market and value network. Consequently, there is displacement of the well-established firms along with their products and the alliances that they may have set up. This technology changes the status quo of goods and services in terms of production, distribution and marketing (Paul William, 2015). Examples of disruptive technology Mobile internet; there has been an increasing reliance of mobile internet in preference to the previously computer internet or rather cyber browsing. Such an increase in mobile internet has made cybercafs redundant. Today people only go opt to go there when they need services like scanning, printing among others which they do not have in their homes. This has been possible due to its reliability, easy access, inexpensive and readily available. E-commerce; traditionally people had to cover huge distances in order to move goods and services from one location to another. As a result, there was a huge number of intermediaries who simplified business transactions in between. However, with proliferation of the internet services, intermediaries have lost their power to act on the transactions. I have bought goods directly from the producer who lives in a different country. Electric trains; they have absolutely revolutionized transport sector and led to the demise of steam locomotives. Electric trains are fast, efficient and effective and above all, reliable. Their continued popularity dampened the efficiency of the locomotives which were eventually phased out. 2. Comment on the pattern both time series reveal over a period of time From the graph, the fourth quarter in both the US and UK indicates a steady rise. It recorded the highest percentage of sales across all the four quarters. Furthermore, the time series reveals a slight negative fluctuation in the first three quarters with the third quarter recording most of the lower percentage sales. Percentage sales dwindle from the fourth quarter in every succeeding year deepening up to the third quarter and then picks up. The trend is repeated across all the years. Generally, both countries exhibit an increase in the e-commerce percentage sales across the years. Comparison between the US and the UK e-commerce percentages across the years and the likely economic factors influencing the changes. The growth of the e-commerce market in both countries reveals a contrasting influence of economic factors. More so, there is a similarity in some of them at influencing the rate at which they have acted on the market and boosting the market sales recorded. The steady growth in the e-commerce in both countries is down to a number of reasons. Firstly, the UKs increase in the e-commerce may be due to; first, growth of smartphone and general mobile commerce. The UK has witnessed an upsurge in the mobile use coupled with lot of incentives by mobile services providers that has made accessing the internet relatively cheap secondly, popularity of mobile shopping in the UK as made possible by the greater internet penetration. Lastly, the UK has had a growing involvement in the logistics and warehouses; this has been down to a boom in the aviation particularly in the small cities. This aviation boom led to an increase in the online retailers penetrating into the remote areas as well (Adner Zemsky, 2009). The USA on the other hand experiences nearly all the factors that have pushed the UKs sales. However, the US strong foreign exchange; the dollar status in the market strengthened in prior financial crisis in 2008. This is reflected in the sharp increase in sales in 2007-2009 while the post crisis re-established its previously acclaimed status. Also, the increase in the demand and use of credit cards especially for the cashless transactions. This has broadened the market in the online market. For the boom in the stock markets skyrocketed the e-commerce companys valuations. With an increase in the stock markets, most consumers resort to shop online which presents an easier approach. 3. The market structure that the firms operate in. Monopoly market structure. The electric trains are solely controlled by respective governments who make all decisions with regard to its operationalization. This implies that the firms that offer this service are monopolies. Electric trains therefore as one of the disruptive technologies that phased out locomotive trains. They exhibit characteristics of the monopoly competition. This include; The existence of a few sellers in the market; they are exclusively controlled by the governments of the respective countries where they exist. More often it is rather a single seller operating in the whole market. Meaning that he enjoys all the profits and incurs the losses alone. Second, the seller is the price maker; usually, it is the government who decide the amount of money that people pay as fare. The market forces of demand and supply have a limited impact in price determination. As a result, the price may not factor in the variables within the economy that influence the price. Third, there are high barriers to entry and exit in the market. The complete control by the government makes it difficult for others to get into the market. Barriers exist in terms of startup capital, tax issues and more significantly, the terminus. It is difficult for private investors to get into the business since they will have to cater for all the costs including railway construction costs. Fourthly, existence of monopoly power; monopolies have powers that put them in charge of the whole industry. In this case, the ownership of patent rights scares private investors from venturing into the business. Also, the huge financial outlay required for it presents a stumbling block. Fifth, profit maximization; monopolies are able to achieve the highest profit by adjusting prices at will. They achieve this by charging the price at the point where marginal revenue equals marginal cost. Governments in charge of the railway sector will keep on adjusting price until they attain that level. The extent at which the introduction of the disruptive technology has influenced the existing market. Disruptive technologies have had a huge impact in the monopoly market structure. This has particularly been evident in the characteristics that define it. An in-depth look into the inherent characteristics of monopolies reveals the following; First, as it pertains to the many buyers and few sellers, disruptive technology created avenue that promoted efficiency, effectiveness, availability and above all reliability in the existing market. As a result, there was an increase in the number of buyers while the number of sellers continued to dwindle. Disruptive technologies meant that those who sought for better goods and services had to get them from the only producers (monopolies). The existing market riddled with obsolete goods with thinner scope in terms of their features appealed to fewer people hence its demise (Allen Timothy, 2008). Second, it has led to an increase in the restrictions to exit and entry of firms into the market. The existing market structure is not able to catch up with demands such as a large capital outlay. Hence, this does not bode well with dynamic consumer demands. Eventually, the existing market shrunk. Thirdly, a rise in the price of commodities in the existing market. Disruption technology calls for a huge financial investment which has to be recouped starting from the immediate future spanning into long term. Due to this scenario, an increase in the prices contributes to the existing firms being pushed out of business as the costs increase proportionately as well. Monopoly firms are then able to adjust prices so that they get their investment soon enough since they are price makers. 4. Welfare implication of the disruptive technology. Demand and supply before disruptive technology. The disruption effect is highlighted by the forces of demand and supply interaction. Basically, firms in the monopoly market structure are able to maximize profits by adjusting prices. The firms determine the best price for the products in the market. From the diagram, before the disruption technology is introduced in the market, profit maximization is determined at the point where demand equals to supply i.e. the equilibrium point (Pe). At this point, firms are able to make normal profits. The equilibrium price implies that firms are able to produce at the quantity demanded by the market (Q1). Impact of disruptive technology to consumer and producer surplus. Consumers spending is determined by the market price. They pay the price P1 and hence get quantity Q1 which accounts for (P1.Q1) as represented by the area (P1.Pe.Q1.M). This implies that there is an absolute net gain to the consumer because the area (D.Pe.Q1.M) is greater than (P1.Pe.Q1.M). The net gain is the consumer surplus indicating the total area which gives the total benefit (D.Pe.Q1.M) less the amount spent (P1.Pe.Q1.M). Firms are able to make supernormal profits by adjusting the price to (P2) as a result of disruption. This is down to the monopoly power that firms wield in the market. With the introduction of the disruptive technology, there is creation of excess supply due to increased production as firms advance better production methods. This implies production surplus (PS) indicated by the region (P1-Pe-G). An increase in the price to (P2) will therefore lead to a reduction in the quantity to (Q2). Such a move will mean that the firm will operate at equilibrium point (qe). As a result there will be a surplus in the market. An increased price effectively reduces the amount of goods that the consumer can buy. The market will as a result experience consumption surplus (CS) as indicated by the point (P1-Pe-D). In order to cut on the resulting market surplus, firms will be forced to reduce prices. This is possible due to the monopoly status that comes with monopoly power (Baran Sweezy, 2012). References Adner, R Zemsky, P. 2009. Information and communication technology innovations, New Media Society vol. 11 no. 4 599-619 Allen W. J. Timothy E, 2008, the evolution of human societies: disruptive technology, 2nd. edition. Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 257-258. Baran, P.A Sweezy, P.M (2012), some theoretical implications: Technological innovations University of Michigan Monthly review vol. 64 pp. 3 Paul, S William. D, 2015, The Indian adoption by Sudip: Economics, McGraw Hill Education press Ltd.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Civil Right and Civil Liberties free essay sample
For example, after the Civil War African and Americans were still treated badly; they got he worst Jobs and were paid poorly. On the other hand, civil liberties are Rights in freedom that protect an individual from the government (Welch 404). Most civil liberties are found in the bill of rights; which are the first ten amendments of the constitution. Welch in Understanding American and California Government, states that The declaration of independence proclaimed that all men are created equal (448). In other words, all men were not formed equal in several respects, but they should be considered equal before the law. However, back on the eighteenth century many Americans believed that people had natural rights by the virtue of being human. In Richard Randalls Introduction to American Government class, he stated that Americans are very tolerant of civil liberties and democratic values. They only support the ideas for the individuals, groups, and ideas other groups support (Randall). We will write a custom essay sample on Civil Right and Civil Liberties or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Civil liberties are important because it helps contain the power of the government to dictate how we behave. This ensures that our every day living is not interrupted by dependable statistics that may Just try to intentionally cause harm. On the other hand, civil rights are also important because they protect us gainst unusual administrations whose goals are not to represent the people, but rather for their own sake. Next, the bill of rights was intended to prevent abuses of power by the natural government. In other words, the first ten amendments are fundamental for all American citizens. The bill of rights is important to civil liberties because it does not allow the government to administrate our personal lives. In addition, Welch points out that For many years the Supreme
Monday, December 2, 2019
Internet Access In The World Essays - Virtual Reality, Cyberspace
Internet Access In The World REFERENCES Albrecht, Kirk. Cybersurfers of Arabia. Business Week (1996): 108. Bogert, Carroll. Chat rooms and chadors. Newsweek 126 (1995): 36. Bollag, Burton. Better Internet Access Sought for Researchers Around the World : Industrialized Nations Push for Faster Connections and Uniform Regulations. The Chronicle of Higher Education v42 n42 (June 28, 1996) : pA14-17. Burton, Bollag. In Western Europe, 12 Institutions see the Internet and videoconfrences as keys to virtual university The Chronicle Of Higher Education (Sep.27,1996) : A35-37. Campbell, Larry. Screening out the files. Nieman Reports 50 (1996): 59-61. Das, Malabika. Free Nets. Network Notes #29. Information Technology Services. National Library of Canada. April 30, 1996. Evans, Kathy. Wising up to the Web : Telecommunications Update. The Middle East (October 1995) : p24-28 Essick, Kristi. Smart Cable Service Launced Overseas. Infoworld (July 15, 1996) Johnstone, Bob.Culture clash in Cyberspace. New Scientist 145 (1995):38-41. Kalin, Sari. Global Mirror Search Sites Reflect 'Net Growth. Infoworld (Aug. 26, 1996) Klein, Reva. Outside the Net : Those Who Cannot Afford Access. Times Educational Supplement n4160 (March 22, 1996) : pC28. Kranzt, Michael. China, Wired. Time 147 (1996): 73. MacFarquhar, Neil. With Mixed Feelings, Iran Tiptoes to the Internet. The New York Times v145 (Oct. 8, 1996) : pA4(N) pA4(L) col 1 (20 col in). National Public Telecomputing Network. Community Computing and the Naitonal Public Net Nanny States. The Economist 340 (1996):p34(1) Noble, Phil. International Cyberspacing : Use of The Internet Worldwide. Campaigns & Elections v17 n7 (July, 1996) : p29. Not Too Modern Please. The Economist 338 (1996):1-2 Schuman,Joseph. New Era in Euro Cyberspace Variety (April 10, 1995): 39-40. Stalter, Katherine. Scandi wired for growth: northern territories leading digital media market expansion. Variety 364 (1996): 64. Swinbanks, David. Internet struggles around to connect around the Asia-Pasific rim. Nature 379 (1996): 382. Vatikitokis, Michael. Net police: ASEAN seeks to control cyberspace. Far Eastern Economic Review 159 (1996): 22. Woodward, Colin. Information Technology The Chronicle of Higher Education (June 9,1995) : A21. Bibliography REFERENCES Albrecht, Kirk. Cybersurfers of Arabia. Business Week (1996): 108. Bogert, Carroll. Chat rooms and chadors. Newsweek 126 (1995): 36. Bollag, Burton. Better Internet Access Sought for Researchers Around the World : Industrialized Nations Push for Faster Connections and Uniform Regulations. The Chronicle of Higher Education v42 n42 (June 28, 1996) : pA14-17. Burton, Bollag. In Western Europe, 12 Institutions see the Internet and videoconfrences as keys to virtual university The Chronicle Of Higher Education (Sep.27,1996) : A35-37. Campbell, Larry. Screening out the files. Nieman Reports 50 (1996): 59-61. Das, Malabika. Free Nets. Network Notes #29. Information Technology Services. National Library of Canada. April 30, 1996. Evans, Kathy. Wising up to the Web : Telecommunications Update. The Middle East (October 1995) : p24-28 Essick, Kristi. Smart Cable Service Launced Overseas. Infoworld (July 15, 1996) Johnstone, Bob.Culture clash in Cyberspace. New Scientist 145 (1995):38-41. Kalin, Sari. Global Mirror Search Sites Reflect 'Net Growth. Infoworld (Aug. 26, 1996) Klein, Reva. Outside the Net : Those Who Cannot Afford Access. Times Educational Supplement n4160 (March 22, 1996) : pC28. Kranzt, Michael. China, Wired. Time 147 (1996): 73. MacFarquhar, Neil. With Mixed Feelings, Iran Tiptoes to the Internet. The New York Times v145 (Oct. 8, 1996) : pA4(N) pA4(L) col 1 (20 col in). National Public Telecomputing Network. Community Computing and the Naitonal Public Net Nanny States. The Economist 340 (1996):p34(1) Noble, Phil. International Cyberspacing : Use of The Internet Worldwide. Campaigns & Elections v17 n7 (July, 1996) : p29. Not Too Modern Please. The Economist 338 (1996):1-2 Schuman,Joseph. New Era in Euro Cyberspace Variety (April 10, 1995): 39-40. Stalter, Katherine. Scandi wired for growth: northern territories leading digital media market expansion. Variety 364 (1996): 64. Swinbanks, David. Internet struggles around to connect around the Asia-Pasific rim. Nature 379 (1996): 382. Vatikitokis, Michael. Net police: ASEAN seeks to control cyberspace. Far Eastern Economic Review 159 (1996): 22. Woodward, Colin. Information Technology The Chronicle of Higher Education (June 9,1995) : A21.
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