Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Essay Example for Free
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Essay It is an unquestionable fact that the world of communication has immeasurable changed since Kenneth Burke first developed his theories and philosophies on this topic in the first half of the 20th century. Nevertheless, Burke’s views and thoughts can still be integrated with the theory of cinema as well as face-to-face communication and other forms of literature and art. Thus, as one critic once said, perhaps Burke will not be remembered so much for what he said but how others took his ideas and brought them forward into other realms of communication. In the 1920s, Burke began writing for the literary magazine The Dial, which included renderings of modernist art and his debates with individuals such as Malcolm Cowley on Dadaism and the Surrealists. His work the Symbolic marks an important time in his thinking when he advocated â€Å"art for arts sake†or the doctrine that aesthetic values are completely separate from political, religious, or economic ones. Burke’s earliest essays dealt with the formal aspects of imagery and the rhythms of language. He believed that reality was a construction of our interpretation of the symbols around us. Much of what we mean by reality has been built up for us through nothing but our symbol systems . . . Take away our books and what little do we know about history, biography, even something so â€Å"down to earth†as the relative position of the seas and continents. What is our â€Å"reality†for today†¦ but all this clutter of symbols about the past combined with whatever things we know mainly through maps, magazine, newspapers and the like about the present†¦And however important to us is the tiny sliver of reality each of us has experienced firsthand, the whole overall picture is but a construct of our symbol systems. (1966, p. 5) Thus, words are symbols, or utterances, produced by humans, alone, to signify those things that they represent. Despite the fact if they are written or verbal, words are a deliberate act for the expressed purpose of expression. A house can be described word-by-word without showing what the house actually looks like. However, because words are symbols, they can never be what they represent. The word â€Å"house†will not be a house. Words are heuristic and can be identified and understood by the person’s own mind and meaning. When a word is identifiable it becomes a representation of what it depicts. Dictionaries can help, but they alter meaning with those who read them. According to Burke, words have an unusual power. As for the relation between ‘identification’ and ‘persuasion’: we might well keep it in mind that a speaker persuades an audience by the use of stylistic identifications; his act of persuasion may be for the purpose of causing the audience to identify itself with the speaker’s interests; and the draws on identification of interests to establish a rapport between himself and his audience. (1966, p. 301-302) Burke was thus instrumental in advancing the whole understanding of rhetoric, with such aspects of his analysis as the pentad of drama, the role of identification, and the ratios or relationships among critical components. His pentad was comprised of the act (what occurs by the delivery of the rhetorical piece), the scene (the situational setup or the context of the discourse), the agent (the person being asked to complete the action), the agency (the tools used to complete the action), and the purpose (the goal of the action). If one analyzes the components of the pentad and their relationships to each other, Burke believed, one would be able to discern the motives underpinning that rhetorical act But we must acknowledge that photographs and, even more so, film are much more complex. When someone sees a visual representation, it can mean myriad of ideas, emotions at once. This visual representation mimics, in fact the viewer’s own perception of life and allows them a greater depth of understanding, or at the very least a sense of understanding, into the subject. In the 1940s, Burke expanded his interest in the visual culture and the function of art, film and television. He often used visual metaphors to explain key concepts, such as identification, representative anecdotes, the pentad, and terministic screens. In his introduction to A Grammar of Motives, Burke covered his theory of the pentad in relationship to a Museum of Modern Art in New York photographic exhibit with photos of war ships and an: aerial photograph of two launches, proceeding side by side on a tranquil sea. Their wakes crossed and recrossed each other in an almost infinite variety of lines. Yet despite the intricateness of the tracery, the picture gave an impression of great simplicity, because one could quickly perceive the generating principle of its design. Such, ideally, is the case with our pentad of terms, used as generating principle. It should provide us with a kind of simplicity that can be developed into considerable complexity, and yet can be discovered beneath its elaborations. (1945, xvi) As noted in â€Å"War and Cultural Life†(1942), he was emotionally impacted by the photos and affirmed that â€Å"one gets a very strong feeling that the war, vast as it is, is part of a still vaster configuration. †(p. 409). Burke felt that the photos â€Å"call(ed) forth a certain philosophic or ‘meditative’ attitude toward the war quite as it also gives nourishment to a strong sense of our national power†(p. 408). He was so taken, in fact, by the photos that he noted â€Å"it would be a very good service both to the strength of our patriotism and to its quality if this exhibit could be shown throughout the United States. †(p. 408) In the Therministic Screen: Rhetorical Perspectives on Film (2001), David Blakesely relied on Burke’s communication theory to look at cinema and the concept of the theory of film. Given all the theories that exist about film, Blakesely notes that there need not be one theory â€Å"to be elevated to disciplinary reverence,†but rather the question is â€Å"how best to use the terministic resources theory make available†(pg. 2). The title of the book comes from Burke’s phrase â€Å"terministic screen†in Language and Symbolic Action (1966), where his main assertion is that â€Å"not only does the nature of our terms affect the nature of our observations, in the sense that the terms direct the attention to one field rather than to another. Also, many of the ‘observations’ are but implications of the particular terminology in terms of which the observations are made†(pg. 46). In other words, as extrapolated from Burke, film rhetoric, or the visual and verbal symbols that weave film experience, directs the viewers’ attention in unlimited ways, but always towards the goal of fostering identification and the complexity that involves. Similarly, film theory, says Blakesley, which is the lens through which and with which one generates perspective on film as art and rhetoric, acts as a terministic screen that filters what does and does not constitute and legitimize interpretation and, thus, meaning (pg. 3). In his essay about Burke (2001), Andrew King emphasizes that Burke’s theories and assertions were not about ideology or political systems but about the over-rhetoricized world. He insists that according to Burke, even with the invention of writing, humans entered the world of virtual reality and building symbol systems. And, ever since, mankind has been piling symbol upon symbol and setting system over and against system. Simultaneously, with this ever-advanced technology, humans are cutting themselves off further and further from nature and the consequences of their actions. â€Å"Technology delays the consequences of our assaults on our nature and symbolic systems mask our failures until it is too late. Nature is recalcitrant and it will have its revenge, but not until it is too late for us to repair the results. †(para. 17)
Monday, January 27, 2020
Automatic Online Gas Booking and Detection System
Automatic Online Gas Booking and Detection System                                            Abstract NOW a days, safety time are major issues .we deal with this issues in our project. We all know the gas booking is time consuming task and also there can be problem of gas leakage . Most of the accident occur because of gas leakage. In these project we can identify the gas leakage, controlling it and also without any human interface gas booking is done. By using this system the security services like police and fire brigade of a nearby region also be informed about the intrusion instantly and they can take required steps rapidly. And hence the system is safe cost effective. The aim of this project is to develop a system that will provide remote monitoring of sensors and also provide security against hazardous condition. This paper is mainly concerned with the automatic intimation of parameters or sensors condition to user via GSM. It is meant to save the electric power and human energy. This project is made with the help of the 89c51 microcontroller. The GSM modem is connected to th e microcontroller and the sensor is connected using wireless network. ****- INTRODUCTON Home security has changed a great deal over the last century and will continue to do so as long as technology continues to progress. In todays age of digital technology and intelligent systems, home automation has become one of the fastest developing application-based technologies in the world. Security systems are important features of a modern Home. In order to fullfil the security concerns of the house owners, efficient, reliable cost effective system has been designed. The research is aimed at developing the security of Home against LPG gas leakage or Fire. In your absence,if the above incident happen, the device send message corresponding number. A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices using sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions. A WSN system incorporates a gateway that provides wireless connectivity back to the wired world and distributed nodes (see in fig). . Fig.Sensor Node The work deals with discussion about various brilliant home automation systems and technologies. In home automation the monitoring and control operations are assisting through smart devices installed in residential buildings. Home automation systems face some main challenges; these are high cost of ownership, inflexibility, difficulty in achieving security and poor manageability. The main intention of this research is to design and implement a home automation system using IoT that is able to controlling and automating most of the house appliances through an easy possible web interface. By using Wi-Fi technology to interconnect its distributed sensors to home automation server the Proposed system has a great flexibility. This will decrease the deployment cost and will increase the ability of upgrading, and system reconfiguration. LITERATURE SURVEY 2.1 RELATED WORK Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) comprises both instrumentation as well as communication technologies and operates within Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band. the Wireless Sensor Networks collaboratively operate to collect and disseminate data with great security and reliability. Therefore, it plays vital role in measurement and control of environmental parameters of industrial and agriculture sectors as well. It deserves key role not only in biomedical field but also in military and security fields. The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) system consist of devices, which sense the signal, process and transmit the signal to base station. The base station plays the jobs of not only as data logger but also of data analysis and prediction. Each of these devices is known as sensor node [2], that comprises a sensor or array of sensors, Data Acquisition System (DAS), processor, RF module and power supply unit. Moreover, the smart moves are also associated with the Global Positioning Syste m (GPS) [2], to indicate their location in the monitored area. The movable robotic system can also provide with every smart move to vary its location and to collect data from different place. Wireless Sensor Network is the network of devices called as wireless sensor nodes, routed cooperatively to exchange information, through wireless link. The Wireless Sensor Networks consist three types of nodes as coordinator; which organize the network and helps to maintain routing tables. Routers; routers communicate with coordinator and other routers to reduce functions of end devices and provides path for end devices to communicate data to the base station or coordinator. End Device; End devices ensures the interfaces to the physical world. It senses the parameters for which it has been designed and communicates with coordinator through desired routing protocol and forward signal to the base station.The communication protocols are more complex and designed according to suitable criteria. Following are the characteristics of Wireless Sensor Network. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Low power consumption. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Ability to withstand in harsh environmental conditions. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Self configurability à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Self healing à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · Scalability Availability of different OS can be configured in real time operating system. On literature survey, it is found that, the study of wireless sensor network is the field of interest and therefore, the researchers are undertaking the research work related to the Wireless Sensor Network(WSN). Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) [3] is fast growing field of electronics for research of applied nature. The Santosh Kumar et al developed sensor network for dying industry monitoring and control system, which is wired about PIC 16F877 and deployed to monitor various parameters[4]. The recent release of standards in the field such as IEEE 802.15.4 and Digi brought the technology out of research labs and empowered to deploy for real world applications [2]. Corke et al have developed an electronic system for applications like cattle monitoring, ground water monitoring, rainforest monitoring [5]. Chiara buratti, worked on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) technology and its evolution [6]. In order to monitor the concentration of hydrocarbons particularly, in chemical industries a Wire less Sensor Network (WSN) based system is developed by Kane et al [7] and interpreted the results, which could support the optimization of production. Zigbee based mine safety monitoring system is developed by Rajkumar Boodu [8]. This paper presents the designing of Wireless Sensor Node designed to detect and monitor the leakage of the industrial gases. For this purpose the system is wired about PIC 18F4550 microcontroller, which has promising salient features. After comparison of various RF modules, the Zigbee module is selected and employed to transreceive the data. Zigbee technology is new technology in RF communication, which work with low power and in free Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band. The main applications of a LPG Gas Leakage Detector would be : à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · To protect ourselves from any gas leakage in cars, industries, homes, hospitals etc. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · To safeguard ourselves from gas leakage in heating gas fired appliances like boilers, domestic water heaters. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · To be used in large industries which use gas as their production. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · To provide safety from gas leakage in cooking gas fired appliances like ovens, stoves etc. 3.PROPOSED SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: GSM MODULE: GSM module is used to send a message .The name of GSM module SIM_300 with RS232.Buzzer, power supply and audio interface are used. This can be connected to PC by using a USB to Serial Adaptor. Real terms are used to send receive data. The interface between microcontroller and GSM module can also be done directly with the help of wires. POWER SUPPLY: With the help of step down transformer of 230V AC primary to 0-12V, 500mA secondary power supply is taken from main supply. Full-wave rectifier and a capacitor filter provide the output voltage and then fed to 5-volt regulator (LM7805) whose output is used as power supply for ICs and microcontroller. LPC2148: The LPC2141/2/4/6/8 microcontrollers are based on a 32/16 bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU with real-time emulation and embedded trace support, that combines the microcontroller with embedded high speed flash memory ranging from 32 kB to 512 kB. A 128-bit wide memory interface and a unique accelerator architecture enable 32-bit code execution at the maximum clock rate. For critical code size applications, the alternative 16-bit Thumb mode reduces code by more than 30 % with minimal performance penalty. Due to their tiny size and low power consumption, LPC2141/2/4/6/8 are ideal for applications where miniaturization is a key requirement, such as access control and point-of-sale. A blend of serial communications interfaces ranging from a USB 2.0 Full Speed device, multiple UARTs, SPI, SSP to I2Cs, and on-chip SRAM of 8 kB up to 40 kB, make these devices very well suited for communication gateways and protocol converters, soft modems, voice recognition and low end imaging, providing both large buffer size and high processing power. Various 32-bit timers, single or dual 10-bit ADC(s),10-bit DAC, PWM channels and 45 fast GPIO lines with up to nine edge or level sensitive external interrupt pins make these microcontrollers particularly suitable for industrial control and medical systems. RESULT: The system detects the LPG gas concentration in the air if it exceeds a safety level and then responds by using GSM to send an SMS to the consumer. The LED and Buzzer are activated to alert the consumer in case of gas leakage and the system displays the message on LCD Conclusion: LPG Gas Leakage is a major problem in many industries and households.Hence our Project will definitely prove to be for households and industries in preventing future gas leakages. This research work has many advantages which are as follows: à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · The Research Work is easy to use and it gives remote indication to the user. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · The Sensor used in this Research Work has excellent sensitivity combined with a quick fast response time. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · The system is highly reliable, tamper-proof and secure. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · In the long run the maintenance cost is very less when compared to the present systems. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · It is possible to get instantaneous results and with high accuracy. This home security feature is expected to draw much attention in the next decades. People are getting more and more concerned about how to protect themselves and their houses in case of emergencies. These emergencies include not only LPG gas leakage, but also fire attack. This device provides a means for being able to securely monitor a house with the help of sensors integrated with a micro-controller and a GSM unit. SMS provides an economical and convenient way to alert users of a possible fire accident. The use of mobile handsets as a client device to receive warning messages implies that the user need not have to carry an additional piece of equipment as most people already have a mobile phone with them most of the time. REFERENCES [1] Analog and digital circuits for electronic control systems applications by jerry luecke ELSEVIER publications 2005 ISBN 0-7506-7810-0. [2] Advanced microelectronics Microcontrollers in PracticeBy I. Susnea and M. Mitescu Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York ISBN-10 3-540-25301-7. [3] Advanced PIC Microcontroller Projects in C by s Dogan Ibrahim ELSEVIER publications 2005 ISBN-13: 978-0-7506-8611-2. [4] PIC Microcontrollers An Introduction to Microelectronics by Martin Bates -Second Edition- sELSEVIER publications 2004 ISBN 0 7506 6267 0 . PUBLICATIONS 1.Ms.Pawar Pallavi Tatyasaheb,Student IV SEM, M.E, VLSI AND EMBEDDED SYSTEM, SCOE, Pune, India Mr. B.E. Shinde,Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and telecommunication, SCOE, Pune, India SMART HOME APPLIENCES USING IOT Vol-2 Issue-1 2016. SCOE, Sudumbare, M.E (VLSI Embedded Systems)(2015-20
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Medieval versus Renaissance Eras :: Compare Contrast History Art Essays
Medieval and Renaissance Eras      It is amazing how significantly various aspects of society can and will change over a prolonged period of time. Between the time periods of the Medieval era and the Renaissance, one can note numerous significant changes, mainly those pertaining to art and religion. In general, ideals and subjects during the Renaissance became more secular. In Medieval times, people seemed to focus mainly on the church, God, and the afterlife; during the Renaissance, the focus was more secular: humans and life on earth. Although these two eras differ in many ways, the most concentrated differences deal with the realms of architecture, painting, and philosophy.      Architecture noticeably shifted from religious awe to classical reason between the Medieval era and the Renaissance. During the Middle Ages, architecture was aimed mainly at making advancements in the church. Medieval cathedrals had very distinct features, such as pointed spires, which were exactly that -- spires, or steeples, that were pointed and extended upward from the tower area; the rose window, which was a large stained glass window that was located on the front of the tower; and squared-off exterior walls, which were a contrast to the usual rounded exterior designs that people were accustomed to. Overall, cathedrals during this time could have very elegant features due to the excellent techniques of support and stabilization. Buttresses, simple extensions of the cathedral wall to enhance support, and flying buttresses, stone structures set away from the cathedral wall and attached at the top, contributed to the excellent support that Medieval cathedrals experienced. While architectural advancements during the Middle Ages were concerned mainly with making elegant reformations in the structure of the cathedral, architecture during the Renaissance was much less religion- centered, and revolved more around classical reason and secularity. Architecture in this time was concentrated mostly with the design of castles, such as the home of the prevailing Italian Medici family, perhaps the richest family in Europe. Architectural focus had changed from the cathedral in the Medieval era to other, more classical and secular subjects, such as castles and homes of significant rulers.      The style, subjects, and overall attitude of painting was something that underwent very significant changes during the progression from Medieval times to the Renaissance. Generally, paintings became more secular, and less focused on aspects of the church, as the Renaissance approached. Medieval paintings seem to be focused almost entirely on religion and are given heavenly attributes, while paintings of the Renaissance consist mainly of secular subjects and contain much more realism, especially noted in human subjects. In Giotto's Madonna With Child, a Medieval painting, any observer will obviously notice that the child and woman are very awkwardly proportioned, indicating the
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Nurse Shortage in America Essay -- Nursing
Nurse Shortage In America There is a shortage of all health care professions throughout the United States. One shortage in particular that society should be very concerned about is the shortage of Registered Nurses. Registered Nurses make up the single largest healthcare profession in the United States. A registered nurse is a vital healthcare professional that has earned a two or four year degree and has the upper-most responsibility in providing direct patient care and staff management in a hospital or other treatment facilities (Registered Nurse (RN) Degree and Career Overview., 2009). This shortage issue is imperative because RN's affect everyone sometime in their lifetime. Nurses serve groups, families and individuals to foster health and prevent disease. The nursing shortage is divided into four different categories. The four categories are as follows; "willing nurse" shortage, funding or perceived funding shortage, shortage of understanding that nurses are needed to deliver care, and nurse education and empowerment shortages (What is the nursing shortage and why does it exist?., 18 October, 2007). To be able to repair this major problem, all four segments of shortages need to be addressed. The first nursing shortage, A "willing nurse" shortage, is the simple fact of not enough supply to fill the demand of nursing positions. This shortage occurs either because there are simply not enough nurses to fill the open positions, or because experienced nurses are opting out of nursing and the willingness to provide care due to the current occupational environment. The second nursing shortage is the funding or perceived funding shortage. This shortage is merely due to nurses not feeling as if they are being compensat... ...he-Nursing-Shortage/Background- Brief.aspx Nursing Shortage. (September 2010). Retrieved 6 April, 2011, from 5 Little-Known Giant Health Care Issues Facing the United States. (17 October, 2007). Retrieved 1 March, 2011, from issues-facing-the-united-states Nevidjon, B., & Erickson, J. (31 January, 2001). The Nursing Shortage: Solutions for the Short and Long Term. Retrieved 1 March, 2011, from OJIN/TableofContents/Volume62001/No1Jan01/NursingShortageSolutions.aspx Solutions for the Current Nursing Shortage. (31 March, 2008). Retrieved 1 March, 2011, from 374587.html Nurse Shortage in America Essay -- Nursing Nurse Shortage In America There is a shortage of all health care professions throughout the United States. One shortage in particular that society should be very concerned about is the shortage of Registered Nurses. Registered Nurses make up the single largest healthcare profession in the United States. A registered nurse is a vital healthcare professional that has earned a two or four year degree and has the upper-most responsibility in providing direct patient care and staff management in a hospital or other treatment facilities (Registered Nurse (RN) Degree and Career Overview., 2009). This shortage issue is imperative because RN's affect everyone sometime in their lifetime. Nurses serve groups, families and individuals to foster health and prevent disease. The nursing shortage is divided into four different categories. The four categories are as follows; "willing nurse" shortage, funding or perceived funding shortage, shortage of understanding that nurses are needed to deliver care, and nurse education and empowerment shortages (What is the nursing shortage and why does it exist?., 18 October, 2007). To be able to repair this major problem, all four segments of shortages need to be addressed. The first nursing shortage, A "willing nurse" shortage, is the simple fact of not enough supply to fill the demand of nursing positions. This shortage occurs either because there are simply not enough nurses to fill the open positions, or because experienced nurses are opting out of nursing and the willingness to provide care due to the current occupational environment. The second nursing shortage is the funding or perceived funding shortage. This shortage is merely due to nurses not feeling as if they are being compensat... ...he-Nursing-Shortage/Background- Brief.aspx Nursing Shortage. (September 2010). Retrieved 6 April, 2011, from 5 Little-Known Giant Health Care Issues Facing the United States. (17 October, 2007). Retrieved 1 March, 2011, from issues-facing-the-united-states Nevidjon, B., & Erickson, J. (31 January, 2001). The Nursing Shortage: Solutions for the Short and Long Term. Retrieved 1 March, 2011, from OJIN/TableofContents/Volume62001/No1Jan01/NursingShortageSolutions.aspx Solutions for the Current Nursing Shortage. (31 March, 2008). Retrieved 1 March, 2011, from 374587.html
Monday, January 13, 2020
What recommendations do you have for Amberly as potential avenues for consideration?
The conflict with B&N and McGraw-Hill is a business issue that needs thorough analysis as well as the accurate identification of the key players in the conflict. It is readily identifiable that B&N is trying to weasel out of the situation with the book publisher. On the other hand, the book publisher also blames the college bookstore for poor sales of their books. The university professors play a significant role in the whole process because they are the ones who identify which books should be ordered and used by students.Amberly should also consider that some book publishers provide incentives to university professors when they choose which textbooks to use in their classes. If for example, a significant number of professors choose a McGraw-Hill textbook, then the publishers would have a fairly good idea of how many books they would sell and the profits they would make. However, the college bookstore had not been performing with their expectations so they now are charging a restocki ng fee which would make up for their targeted sales (Walter, Ritter & Gemunden, 2001).Amberly should also factor in the used book market which has significantly affected the selling of new books. Since most college textbooks are already very expensive, students generally would prefer to buy used books and B&N College bookstore actually operates its own used-book division. Since the bookstore makes more profit in selling used books than new books then it would be in their interest to sell more of the used books than the new books.McGraw-Hill is actually forcing B&N to increase their sales of new books. Amberly should make it a point to provide an alternative solution to the predicament. Such as making it clear how the university should deal with the issue, whether to review the terms of their agreement with B&N College, whether to ask B&N to submit a detailed sales inventory and make it clear what their priorities are; selling used books or selling new ones.And since the university g ets something from the sales of new textbooks, it should also look into whether they need to ask professors to requires students to use the latest edition or the new textbooks. Reference Walter, A. , Ritter, T. & Gemunden, H. (2001). Value creation in buyer-seller relationships, theoretical considerations and empirical results from a supplier’s perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 30, 365-377.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Habeas Corpus and the War on Terror Essay
In this paper I will be diving in to the history of Habeas Corpus and how it has evolved over the years. I will briefly explain the origination of the habeas corpus, the role it plays in U. S. A and what current action is being taken about it. I will be also looking in to the Bush administration and the way they dealt with habeas corpus. The original purpose of habeas corpus â€Å"was to bring people into court rather than out of imprisonment†and by the year 1230, the writ’s utility for that purpose was a well-known aspect of English common law. Known as â€Å"the Great Writ,†its codification into English law came by way of Parliament in the Habeas Corpus Act of 1641, created in response to the King of England’s actions during what is now referred to as Darnell’s Case. In Darnell, five English noblemen were thrown â€Å"into the castle’s dungeon deep†for failure to support their country’s dual wars against France and Spain. The men filed suit, requesting the King provide an explanation as to their imprisonment. King Charles refused, on review; the court upheld the monarchy’s steadfast silence, stating that the law did not require the King to provide any justification for their detention. The public outcry against this decision was deafening, prompting Parliamentary action the following year. Parliament expanded habeas rights several years later with the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, additionally requiring â€Å"charges to be brought within a specific time period for anyone detained for criminal acts. †By 1765, habeas corpus was firmly imbedded within the foundation of English law, as noted by William Blackstone, who described the Great Writ as â€Å"a second magna carta, a stable bulwark of our liberties. This fundamental English right successfully traversed the Atlantic Ocean when our founders incorporated the doctrine of habeas corpus into the U. S. Constitution. As stated, â€Å"The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it. Known as the â€Å"Suspension Clause,†this provision specifically places the ability to suspend habeas corpus in the hands of Congress only during times of rebellion or invasion. Despite the clarity of the clause, the American debate on habeas corpus only begins at this point. The ‘Great Writ’ of habeas corpus has long had an iconic status as the ‘writ of liberty’ which ensured that no person could be detained in prison without being put to trial by a jury of his peers. According to the traditional version, popularized by Whiggish constitutional writers from the late seventeenth century onwards, the English constitution as embodied in the common law had, since time immemorial, striven to protect the fundamental rights of Englishmen and women, which included the right to personal liberty obban, M. & Halliday, P. D. (2011). Habeas Corpus is an ancient common law prerogative writ – a legal procedure to which you have an undeniable right. It is an extraordinary remedy at law. Upon proper application, or even on naked knowledge alone, a court is empowered, and is duty bound, to issue the Extraordinary Writ of Habeas Corpus commanding one who is restraining liberty to forthwith produce before the court the person who is in custody and to show because why the liberty of that person is being restrained. Absent a sufficient showing for a proper restraint of liberty, the court is duty bound to order the restraint eliminated and the person discharged. Habeas Corpus is fundamental to American and all other English common law derivative systems of jurisprudence. It is the ultimate lawful and peaceable remedy for adjudicating the providence of liberty’s restraint. Robertson. J, (2002). After the attacks of 11 September 2001, came the war in Afghanistan followed by the war in Iraq: a two-pronged engagement collectively known as the Global War on Terror As U. S. rmed forces captured enemy combatants by the M35 truckload, the Bush administration pondered how to systematically detain such persons in a manner that would provide adequate detention while maintaining intelligence-gathering capabilities vital to the war efforts. The answer was found on the island of Cuba: Guantanamo Bay. U. S. naval forces have occupied this site since 1903, and it seemed to provide the perfect solution. Relying on the Court’s previous precedent in Johnson v. Eisentrager, govemment officials believed that keeping enemy combatants outside the realm of U. S. territory would preclude such individual’s filing, among other things, claims for habeas corpus review. The govemment’s legal position was tested almost as quickly as the detainees arrived. Beginning in 2002, the United States transported captured enemy combatants to the area of Guantanamo Bay known as â€Å"Camp X-Ray. Applications for writs of habeas corpus by Guantanamo detainees were made as early as February 2002. In Coalition of Clergy v. Bush, the U. S. District Court for the Central District of California first approached this issue in line with govemment expectations. Relying on Johnson v. Eisentrager, the court held that several U. S. citizens under the â€Å"Coalition of Clergy, Lawyers, and Professors†who had filed â€Å"show cause†petitions on behalf of enemy combatants held at Guantanamo Bay lacked â€Å"standing to assert claims on behalf of the detainees. †The court further concluded that, â€Å"even if petitioners did have standing, this court lacked jurisdiction to entertain those claims. Moreover, the court found that no federal court would have jurisdiction over petitioners’ claims, so there is no basis to transfer this matter to another federal district court. Because Guantanamo Bay remained outside U. S. sovereignty, the case closely mirrored that of Eisentrager As a result, the United States failed to maintain jurisdiction and the court dismissed the petition. In response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Congress passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force which grants the President power â€Å"‘to use all necessary and appropriate force'†against all who either participated in any way in those attacks or gave refuge to those who participated. Under this authority, the Department of Defense ordered several â€Å"enemy combatants†to be transferred to Guantanamo Bay for detention. In Hamdi v. Rumsfeld, a plurality of the Court recognized that the ability to detain individuals engaged in armed conflict against the United States was â€Å"so fundamental and accepted an incident to war as to be an exercise of the ‘necessary and appropriate force’ Congress has authorized the President to use. Notwithstanding this explicit sanction of detention, the Court held that the â€Å"citizen-detainee seeking to challenge his classification as an enemy combatant must receive notice of the factual basis for his classification, and a fair opportunity to rebut the Government’s factual assertions before a neutral decision maker. †The Court suggested that this could be done â€Å"by an appropriately authorized and properly constituted military tribunal. †Pond, B. C. (2009). The rationale for the U. S. detention policy derives from the Bush administration’s comprehensive military order issued on November 13, 001, which is intended to govern the â€Å"Detention, Treatment, and Trial of Certain Non-Citizens in the War against Terrorism. †Purportedly modeled after a proclamation and military order issued by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt during World War II, President Bush’s military order limits the use of military commissions to any non-citizen for whom the president determines: is or was a member of al Qaeda, has committed, aided or abetted, or conspired to commit terrorist acts, or has knowingly harbored one or more of these individuals. Several months after the issuance of this military order, the administration began using the term â€Å"enemy combatant†to describe those subject to detention and trial by military commission. The administration’s definition of enemy combatant, however, has varied over time. The administration sometimes uses the â€Å"enemy combatant†label as a term of art to describe a new and unique category of combatant in the post 9/11 world. On other occasions, the administration uses the term generically to describe what traditionally has been called lawful and unlawful combatants, while at other times the term is used synonymously with unlawful combatants. According to this definition, the term â€Å"enemy combatant†is not limited to war combatants alone, but includes anyone who has aided terrorist organizations fighting against the United States, including those who may have unwittingly given financial support to al Qaeda. The Joint Chiefs of Staff issued a slightly different definition of â€Å"enemy combatant†on March 23, 2005. According to Joint Publication 3-63, entitled â€Å"Joint Doctrine for Detainee Operations,†the term enemy combatant describes â€Å"a new category of detainee†and â€Å"includes, but is not necessarily limited to, a member or agent of Al Qaeda, Taliban, or another international terrorist organization against which [the] United States is engaged in an armed conflict. †Staab, J. B. (2008). Conclusion The premise behind habeas corpus as stated is to bring people into court rather than out of imprisonment. However in my opinion, during the Bush administration, they found a way around this law so as to not have to give a trial. While I want justice like the next person, I would not like to be in a situation where I am being held under the pretence that I a criminal without evidence or a trial. I am not saying that the people held were/are innocent, but I can’t help but to think we cannot be sure. I think that capturing these people were also done out of revenge and thus not urging anyone to think of their right. The 9/11 attack was gut ranching and frankly something I never want to experience again, so I do understand the need to talk less and carry a big stick. From an honest stand point, after 9/11 I was scared to do anything, while I am of no Middle Eastern decent, I look like an Indian person from India, that meant no one ask you where you are from when they look at you suspiciously. Even with all the rights I have in the U. S. A if I was suspected of being suspicious and someone higher and more powerful said that I had dealing with terrorists activities, no one will honestly believe me because of the way I look. Bring me to my point that without a trial we cannot tell for sure of the people being held in Cuba was innocent or guilty without a trail.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
What is the novel The Things They Carried about - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 617 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/04/11 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Things They Carried Essay Did you like this example? Prompt 1: What They Carried. What I do. The Things They Carried represents more than their tangible belongings. It also reflects upon the weight they bare, for example their trauma. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What is the novel The Things They Carried about?" essay for you Create order The item first listed was another example: the weight of the war. I was most surprised by the fact that Lieutenant Jimmy Cross carried pictures of a woman who rejected him, Martha, just because they remind him of his personal goal: to survive the war and see her again. He reads these letters every night. Kiowa carries a copy of the New Testament, with religion holding a strong place in his heart. Ted Lavender carried tranquilizers due to his poignant sense of constant fear until he gets shot in the head. Im not religious, but Kiowas attachment and loyalty to his beliefs is what struck me the most interesting. So many soldiers turn to the loss of their faith when shipped off to war, finding no humanity or godly presence in the acts of war. The fact that Kiowa stuck it out so long is greatly inspiring even to someone without the faith. Personally, I carry very little with me. On a daily basis I always have my phone, wallet, and keys with me. Thats really all I need to feel ready to tak e on the day. Speaking more of intangible items, the list is much longer. While the weight bearing on me will never compare to that of the characters, it is still heavy. I hold the responsibility of my grades, maintaining my social life, preparing for college, working every single evening, taking care of my very old car, and driving my mother to and from work daily. The ladder most definitely weighs more than my three objects. Prompt 2: War Stories. OBrien gives a detailed description of what a true war story is, regardless of whether or not it really happened, throughout this entire chapter. True war stories contain obscenity and evil; no sign of any true morals. They sound too absurd to be believed by any sane person. They arent general, for example, War is hell,, but instead make your stomach believe more than your mind. True war stories are never about war, he says, but rather instead turns out to be what happened when they were not fighting the enemy directly or in face-to-face combat. This leads into a story he tells of a baby water buffalo killed by Rat no, tortured. He tells this story only after telling us about Lemon, Rats best friend. Lemon was playing with Rat under a tree, tossing a smoke grenade back and forth in the joyous sunlight. All of a sudden the sunlight took a hold of Lemon and lifted him off the ground into the tree. Presumably, he had stepped on a mine. As a result, bits and pieces of Curt Lemon were ha nging from the tree. OBrien and Dave Jensen had to ascend up the tree and throw all the bits down. The water buffalo story is what sticks in my head the most. Lemons death is expected to some degree as human fatality is a given in these stories. The baby buffalo, on the other hand, was needlessly and mercilessly shot repeatedly, being mauled and ripped apart by Rats emotional trauma. OBrien goes on to explain how war is like a love story. After all the damage is done, and the bullets are shot, everyone starts to love the feeling of living; they start to enjoy the little things like seeing a water buffalo, or seeing the sunset. They start to love the war because of the little things war has to offer, so a true story of war is actually a love story.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Statement of Purpose for the School of Electrical,...
School of Electrical, Computer Energy Engineering Statement of Purpose Form Please write a one-page essay describing your academic and career goals. Address the following in your essay: In which specific area do you wish to study? Why should you be admitted into the program? Since my middle school i was fascinated by the laws of physics and its strange behaviour at quantum level compared to macroscopic objects.Quantum physics has always captured my imagination ,by its workings in strange and unimaginable ways.I was very much interested in physics and looked forward to study in more detail.I also wanted to solve practical problems concerning electronics.Since,practically all electronics were based on semiconductor devices,which work on†¦show more content†¦I am a member of IEEE student chapter,i participated in various seminars and meetings given by distiguished speakers.I was also involved in social service activities,being a member of National Service Scheme,i participated in one week camps to far off villages which have been cut off from civilization and organised health camps.I was also one of the placement coordinator which involved in scheduling and organising interviews during my junior year.Apart from electronics, i was trained in establ ishing computer networks,which included hands-on practical curriculum.My hobbies include reading books,listening podcasts and surfing reddit.I like to read from gamut of topics such as Neuroscience,Psychology and Philosophy.I completed a one classroom course from our university related to Indian Philosophy.Additionally i did an online course related to God,Knowledge and Consciousness. ASU being research 1 university has a lot of emphasis on research and is one of the best for my discipline.ASU is the best place to study solar pv as the state itself has abundant amount of sunshine.It has other initiatives such as QESST which plays an active role in the reasearch community.I am interested in the work done by Dr.Richard Akis and Dr.Hugh Barnby concerning quantaum transport and semiconductor fabrication.Personally i am used to the hot and dry weather of arizona compared to the cold climate of other states.Considering myShow MoreRelatedThe Career Of An Electrical Engineer1527 Words  | 7 PagesTITLE: THE CAREER OF AN ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Thesis: Electrical engineers are an imperative component of society. Purpose: To inform the audience about the career of an electrical engineer. INTRODUCTION I. What is an electrical engineer? A. 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