Thursday, October 24, 2019
Equality & Diversity Level 2 – As3
NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Equality and Diversity Unit 3: Working or Learning in a Place that Promotes Diversity 1. In relation to your chosen workplace / place of learning, provide examples of policies / codes of conduct that encourage and / or protect equality and diversity. My chosen workplace to study place a lot of emphasis on complying with Equality and Diversity, they not only have a comprehensive policy setting out their aims and what they wish to achieve with the implementation of the Policy but they have extensive Codes of Conduct for staff and partners to follow.Their policy sets out what they wish to achieve, examples being:- The firm are committed to developing a culture which values and respects people from all section of the community and the contribution each individual can make to the work of the firm. The firm aims to ensure equality and diversity objectives are incorporated and become an integral part of governance, management and the duties of every employee. The Policy also goes on to provide definitions for staff of different types of discrimination, explaining in very detailed terms exactly what the firm feels falls into each category, these include:- Bullying & Harassment ? Dignity ? Prejudice Further, the Policy also provides how a complaint is dealt with, by whom and the timescales involved. In terms of the Codes of Conduct every employee is provided with a copy that they must read and retain. The company have implemented a system whereby the final page is signed by the employee and returned to the Equality & Diversity representative so that the company has a record that everyone has seen and read the document. The Code of Conduct sets out:- Also read: Equality & DiversityUnder Awareness – Staff will be tolerant of individuals needs and cultural differences, help; to provide a pleasant working environment,. Have empathy, support and understandings for individual needs and cultural differences, be receptive and adaptable to change, be professional when deal with clients, colleagues and third parties, respect confidentiality, respect the feelings of others and do not stereotype, make assumptions or pre-judge based on someone’s appearance or culture.Further staff will not discriminate directly or indirectly against someone’s age, gender, sexuality, religion, race, special needs or culture. Under Accessibility – staff will respect, understand and meet the needs of different cultural beliefs, be adjustable and adaptable, be aware of your language (both verbal and body) when you are dealing with clients and colleagues, be aware of different meanings according to culture and to offer help with commun ication and translation (braille, audio or interpreter).The Codes of Conduct have further headings with similar statements including policy and Support to assist staff in fully understanding the entire policy and it definitions. 2. In relation to your chosen workplace / place of learning, describe what is expected of members of staff who have specific responsibility for equality and diversity. Include information about their job titles and describe their responsibilities. In my chosen workplace there are two members of staff are responsible for ensuring our Equality & Diversity Policy / Code of Conduct are complied with.This role is covered by a Senior Partner and the Office Manager (terms Equality and Diversity Representatives by the firm) who ensure that the Policy / Code of Conduct is up to date and that they are up to date on the Law / Regulations including Law updates, case Law and advances in enforcing Policies. Should there be a breach of the Policy either the Partner or Offi ce Manager are responsible for ensuring this is investigated fully and fairly on behalf of either staff members or clients whom feel a potential breach may have occurred.They are also responsible for providing all staff with on-going training either via conferences in the office, outsourced conferences or memo based updates. 3. Describe what is broadly expected of all staff in relation to equality and diversity. All staff are expected to treat everyone appropriately regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion, sexual orientation or marital status. They also expect that all staff engage in developing a culture which values and respects people from all sections of the community and the contribution that each individual can make to the workings of a firm.All staff are further expected to have a good awareness of the Code of Conduct and abide by the same throughout their role, specifically expecting all staff to be tolerant, provide a pleasant working enviro nment, be receptive and professional, respect others feeling and confidentiality and not to stereotype or pre-judge. All staff are expected to make themselves aware of the Policy and adhere to it at all times to ensure that each and every aspect of the firm complies with Equality and Diversity to the highest possible standard.All staff are also expected to ensure that breaches or potential breaches are brought to the Partnerships attention quickly so that investigations can be put into place. 4. Based on the work you have done in Question 1 – 3, write a short summary of what you have discovered in terms of the organisation’s work on equality and diversity. Within my workplace the Equality and Diversity Policy / Code of Conduct is thought of as pivotal to the firm. Great pride is taken in the fact the firm have such a comprehensive regulation system and great care is taken by the Partners to ensure that at every opportunity Equality and Diversity is considered.The compa ny have a Equality and Diversity Board , including partners, staff representatives and external service providers, who meet once a month and discuss any issues that may have been raised, whether these be complaints, alleged breaches or simply comments from individuals with regards the Policy (wording etc) or any other issues. The minutes from the meetings are published and a copy placed in a centralised folder with additional copies being sent to all staff via email so that everyone can be kept up to date.Furthermore periodically quizzes are sent round to staff (including partners) with ten questions asking for multiple choice answers to be completed. The Equality and Diversity Representatives make this fun by awarding prizes to the winners but if somebody fails to grasp the quiz additional fact sheets and work is undertaken with that person to ensure the Representatives are confident they appreciate what Equality and Diversity is and why it is held in such high regard at the office . 5. Describe how equality and diversity is monitored within your chosen place of work / learning.The staff with conduct of the Equality & Diversity Policy in the office (Partner and office manager) monitor equality and diversity. They are responsible for monitoring Recruitment and selection processes, promotion and transfer, training, terms and conditions of employment, work live balance policy, grievance and disciplinary procedures, resignations, redundancies and dismissals. Furthermore reviews of the policies are conducted regularly with the help of external experts who ensure that the policies incorporate the most up to date Law and Case law to ensure proper compliance. 6.Prepare a short report on how your chosen place of work / study promotes (communicates) policies and practices for equality and diversity to employees and external stakeholders (such as customers and the community). Provide specific examples. The company has many ways in which it tells external people of the eq uality and diversity policy. It is included in the firm’s website under a separate tab which explains in general terms our policy, advising those who read that we run in accordance with the policy and confirming that a full copy of the policy is available should they wish to read it, free of charge on request.Furthermore our Twitter and Facebook accounts give general information but if the policy changes or is affected by any legal changes these are specifically documented via updates. Internally quizzes are held to help staff keep updated and also regularly memos or training seminars (by internal and external agencies) are also conducted. 7. Describe the organisation’s punishments or sanctions for any breach in the policies / codes of practice / guidelines where equality and diversity are concerned.Individuals are expected to report all incidents of harassment, bulling or discrimination to their head of department, staff partner or manger. In return the company promis e to ensure all complaints are dealt with confidentially and with sensitivity ensuring that investigations are swift and discreet. Anybody who is found to have been acting in contravention to the Code of Conduct or policies or any member of staff that allows a breach to go ahead by turning a blind eye or encouraging the same will face formal disciplinary action.The firm has several outcomes for an investigation via disciplinary action. If a complaint is upheld the offender will be sat down and confidentially spoken to about their conduct and told the behaviour will stop. This will be recorded but taken no further so long as there is no repeat. The second step could be mediation where the offender and victim with a natural member of staff are given the opportunity to sit and discuss the matter. If they do not want to do this face to face a letter exchange will be agreed and monitored.Again the process will be recorded and documented. If the above steps cannot be completed or the brea ch is too serious formal disciplinary procedures will commence in line with the companies normal disciplinary procedures. This takes the form of a disciplinary meeting whereby the offender can put forward mitigation or defence and then the disciplinary partner will decide the next course of action – this can be verbal warning, written warning, suspension or dismissal – again depending on the seriousness of the breach and / or the offenders past disciplinary record.Throughout all of the above the victim is kept informed and the victim can ask that a certain procedure be undertaken – ie: if they do not want a fuss they can ask that instead of disciplinary a warning is given to the person or they can refuse to undertake mediation because they are concerned it will not work or has not worked in the past. If the complaint is not upheld a meeting will be had with offender and victim individually to advise them of the reasons why and the outcome confirmed in writing to them.As in all disciplinary matters if either party is unhappy with the outcome grievance procedures can be commenced, this being done by requesting the same within 21 days of the formal decision. 8. Describe why the creation and maintenance of an environment that promotes and ensures equality and diversity is desirable. Describe the advantages for the organisation and provide examples. The advantage for ensuring Equality and Diversity are complied with within an organisation in the most basic sense is a better place to work.It builds a fairer environment for both staff and the public whereby they know that their views and rights, no matter their personal circumstances, will be dealt with properly and without prejudice. Ensuring prejudice does not â€Å"creep in†to a workplace is essential as prejudice breeds discontent and can cause severe upset to individuals or groups of people. The workplace has people from any cultural and economic backgrounds and therefore enforcing g ood equality and diversity practices means that a happy and social workplace develops. . Describe the consequences for your chosen organisation of failing to create and maintain a diverse and equal environment. You should consider aspects such as: †¢ Legal †¢ Economic †¢ Social Should the employer not create and maintain a proper Policy / Code of Conduct the consequences can be far reaching. A firm known to not comply with any policy could lose clients or professional contacts as they do not wish to engage with a firm that does not comply with Equality and Diversity.This could mean lost revenue and it could also mean that filling staffing positions is harder as people may be cautious of working for someone who would not support them if their rights were breached. Again legally a firm could be pursued via employment law and sued if a complaint via the tribunal was upheld whereby somebodies rights were breached or could be breached and there were no safeguards to protec t them.
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