Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Want to Know More About Toulmin Argument Essay Topics?
Want to Know More About Toulmin Argument Essay Topics? The Battle Over Toulmin Argument Essay Topics and How to Win It By inserting the warrant between the data and the claim, however, would produce the argument clearer. This assertion is connected to the dilemma of educational resources. It also, of course may have a rebuttal. Toulmin believed that for an excellent argument to be successful, it needs to supply decent justification for a claim. A very good argumentative essay is called to clearly show your capability to compose a good statement and defend your point with arguments. The only means to counter a deductive argument is to prove that the premise isn't valid. When writing a Toulmin argument, it's important to keep in mind that you're not analyzing the argument based on whether you agree, but whether the arguer did an excellent job presenting his case. Toulmin arguments also have a rebuttal section recognizing an opposing perspective. In contrast to absolutists' theoretical arguments, Toulmin's practical argument is designed to concentrate on the justificatory role of argumentation, rather than the inferential use of theoretical arguments. Such views enable a new approach to the issue, which we all would like to discover a solution for. The Little-Known Secrets to Toulmin Argument Essay Topics Often children don't need to be placed into a distinctive class as it would make them stand out. They are told that they have to get good grades to be good children. They also all learn in different ways. Children ought to be shown how important learning is, and schooling isn't the means to do it. What Does Toulmin Argument Essay Topics Mean? The expression Rogerian essay can throw off plenty of individuals. Help you can do a little research paper. Argumentative writings is a particular kind of a paper. Please be sure that your essay is written in third individual. Homework makes it hard for students to concentrate on learning since they are exceedingly busy writing essays and filling out worksheets to concentrate on the material itself. Writing Commons has an abundance of resources for virtually any sort of writing you can imagine. Writing a great argumentative essay students should remember that emotional language isn't an actual evidence, moreover within this instance it can decrease your grade significantly. The New Fuss About Toulmin Argument Essay Topics Toulmin analyses are excellent tools to utilize in circumstances where the issue is complex and there's not an obvious solution. An excellent science magazine would dig deeper for example, gun control isn't the only factor involved, he wrote. The image proves that there might be a need to return and re-visit unique actions so as to fully support all regions of the argument. The system incorporates 94 relevant aspects to produce its analysis, which utilizes neural network statistica l practices. It is likewise very important to research natural variations. The 3 methods of argument structure have similarities in addition to differences. Toulmin arguments take into consideration the intricate nature of the majority of situations. To put it differently, a normally sound argument may be invalidated as a consequence of those distinctive circumstances. Other studies in mice have proven that the sugar is connected with hearing loss. Not every kid will suffer from a number of the things but there's a chance that a number of the children will and with the effects which I have discussed it wouldn't be a risk I am ready to take. It's obvious that we still must educate, inspire, and empower every person to demand more from our worldwide food system. Exercising daily for a minimum of 30 minutes positively impacts mood, weight and wellness. The Toulmin Argument Essay Topics Stories Therefore, there might be other things which influence the specific effects in school. Some stude nts can put very little work into a course and get an A, though other students work very hard and just receive Cs. Fantastic grades should not be equated with learning since they are extremely different things. There might be some variation based on the school and teacher. A Secret Weapon for Toulmin Argument Essay Topics Failure to comprehend the pure climate change will allow it to be impossible to counter the issue of global warming. Therefore, there's a need to prevent the rising of the temperatures before it's too late. When it can be argued that the increase in temperature is extremely gradual, it's important to think about the upcoming generation. Make certain you select a topic with two opposing sides. America, you're at the surface of your game. It's far better if you can discover a topic yourself, because in this situation that you don't have to write about things you don't have any idea about. To begin with, you will opt for a subject of interest. Be clever pi ck a topic that you're good in and need to find out more about.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Manufacturing anf Operation Management - 2248 Words
EME 2036: MANUFACTURING AND OPERATION MANAGEMENT AUTOMATION IN MANUFACTURING TABLE OF CONTENT NO HEADINGS PAGE NUMBER 1 Introduction 1,2 2 Implementation of the issue 3,4 3 Applicability of Automation of Manufacturing Process 5-11 4 Benefits 11-12 5 Conclusion 13 6 Reference 14 INTRODUCTION The globalization of 21st century and the global population growth had cause the demand of daily products such as food and transportation increases. This market trend had caused the rise of the manufacturing sector. In order to achieve the maximum manufacturing efficiency, some factories have to run their production line for 24/7. Due to the constant evolving of science and technology sector, some of the production requires very high precision and the working environment had become hazardous. Therefore, running the production line barely on man power is dangerous not suitable anymore. In order to maximize the revenues, industries started to import the automotive technology into their production line. Nowadays, automation infiltrated many aspect of the industrial sector such as construction and manufacturing. To meet the increasing market demand and increase the competitiveness of the company, many of the manufacturing company opt to implement automation system in the manufacturing line by replacing manpower with industrial robots. This can be seen from the increasing trend of industrial robot implementation in several application area includingShow MoreRelatedAbercrombie And Fitch : Swot Analysis1142 Words  | 5 Pagesbusiness, operating through 22 websites in 10 different languages, shipping to 120 different countries. In 2014, the direct to customer operations represented 22% of the total net revenue (ANF annual report, 2014). †¢ At the end of 2014, the company operated through 969 retail stores worldwide (Appendix A), increasing global recognition and future growth prospects (ANF annual report, 2014). †¢ Abercrombie and Fitch products are trendy and of the highest quality. There is attention to detail, the productsRead MoreBombardier Transportation and the Adtranz Acquisition1777 Words  | 8 Pageslong term corporate culture. †¢ Even though Bombardier Transportation recognized potential in the organizational form of Adtranz, Bombardier Transportation did not do further research to establish what steps should be taken in order to ensure which management practices would most likely work and best suit the conglomerate. †¢ Strategy for developing the organizational structure of the new Bombardier Transportation had not been determined prior to the acquisition which may have revealed further barrier’sRead MoreBombardier2867 Words  | 12 PagesGos Jeff Cosentino Bombardier Bombardier Inc., a diversified manufacturing and service company, is a world leading manufacturer of business jets, regional aircraft, rail transportation equipment. It is also a provider of financial services and asset management. The Corporation employs 79,000 people in 24 countries in the Americas, Europe and AsiaPacific Objective The goal of Bombardier is that the company and management team wish to downsize the company in order to have financing for otherRead MoreMarketing Assignment Anf6424 Words  | 26 Pages5% from the previous year due to the recession. In order for sales to improve our marketing consulting team has developed an internal analysis, which identifies, assesses, predicts, and accommodates the human resources, technology, finances and operations that Aamp;F possesses. The internal analysis explains how these possessions, which have helped the organization until present time, can be used to help increase sales during this recession. Furthermore, the report analyzes Aamp;F externally showingRead MoreStart of a Case Analsis3508 Words  | 15 Pagesit should seek endowments for collections, facilities, and staff. Co-operation and partnerships will be vital, as will support from new granting agencies such as the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research. Staff suggestions for new in-house funding sources include the production and marketing of posters, cards, etc. developed from Special Collections materials, and the operation of a Friends of the Library gift shop. Prepared by: Erik de Bruijn Read MoreIn Plant Training Report on Textile Industry10085 Words  | 41 PagesTRAINING REPORT Submitted by T.SARANYA Register no: 098001612043 In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION In DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES PAAVAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE PACHAL, NAMAKKAL-637 018 JULY 2010 BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE PAAVAI ENGINEERING COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES IN-PLANT TRAINING REPORT JULY 2010 This is to certify that the training report THE IN-PLANT TRAINING REPORT AT ARTHANARI LOOM CENTRE PRIVATE LIMITED is the bonafideRead MoreCorporate Goverance Practices of Boeing, Honda and Daimler Essay5591 Words  | 23 Pages II. SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES OF CORPORATE GOVERANCE PRACTICES OF HONDA, BOEING DAIMLER 1. Board of Directors Corporations in most countries have boards of directors. The board exists primarily to hire, fire, and monitor and compensate management, all with one objective to maximize shareholder value (Tricker 2011). The Boards of Directors (BOD) of Boeing, Honda and Daimler are not exceptions. However, due to the differences in culture, politics and legal system, the board of directors ofRead MoreFood Safety Management Systems9052 Words  | 37 Pagesthe Law. Food safety management procedures Guests choose a restaurant because they trust and believe that the establishment shall always fulfill their demands and expectations both the expressed and unexpressed expectations. They trust that the food cooked in the restaurant is safe to eat and will not make them sick after eating. Providing customers with safe food is not only important for the success of a business but also mandatory by law. A Food safety Management Program which is intendedRead MoreConstruction Of Construction And Demolition Processes10119 Words  | 41 Pagesinput’s items through A D processes. Table No: 5-1 1.Introduction of building(CD) sector in CH_IN Why do construction and demolition matters? In simple terms they are the discipline that ultimately helps to build a better green world for current anf future generations. Maghale Intel construction cost report. Building industry is one of the unique and high risk industry in the world and the importance and impact of construction on the environment, economy and welfare of the people of various communitiesRead MoreCxc Mutipe Choice Questions13016 Words  | 53 Pagesextra-marital relationship means a sexual relationship which takes place (a) With a person other than one’s spouse (b) Between a husband and his wife (c) Before marriage (d) Away from the couple’s home Traditional East Indian families, such as those in Guyana anf Trinidad, live in (i) Patrilocal residences (ii) Extended families (iii) Joint-family households (iv) Polyandrous unions (a) (i) and (ii) only (b) (i) and (iii) only (c) (i), (ii) and (iii) only (d) (iv) only In the Caribbean as well as in many other
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Financial Analysis Financial Management - 1125 Words
According to Buchbinder Shanks (2012, p. 204), cash budget defined as â€Å"the necessary step that allows the organization to determine how to optimize the value of the cash being generated by its operations. More interestingly, this also defined as a forecast of cash inflows, cash outflows and net lending and borrowing needs for the months ahead†. From the point of what I understand the discussed definition of a cash budget, it looks like similar to operating budget however, there is a certain difference. A cash budget is simply a forecast of the operating budget. It looks both cash inflows and outflows as well as lending and borrowing needs in an organization. Managerial accounting provides financial data for an†¦show more content†¦188). Therefore, utilizing these departments as starting point to analyze the budget process of the Happy Town Neurology is important because they provide me both the accounting function and management of financial assets. It seems po ssible that I could get an overall understanding when creating cash budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Cash flow forecasts aim to predict future financial liquidity over a specific period of time. Generally, forecasts are made using about five years’ worth of historical data. Getting started with creating cash flow forecasts may want to consider starting with short-term forecasts. Short-term cash flow forecasting is based on actual cash receipt and disbursement data (Lohrey, n.d). With that being said, I would go back to the last five years to see how the cash budget has transformed over the years to guide me on what to expect for the upcoming fiscal year. I will work on cash inflows and outflows for the specified years to accurately analyze what was undergone in the operating budget. Again, in order to accomplish this, I may utilize some of the personnel indicated and departments as well. After I collect all the necessary information from the important personnel and depa rtments that available for the past five-year budget, I will evaluate them accordingly and with a careful attention given to cash inflow and outflows. Initially, I will insist on forecasting cash
Friday, May 15, 2020
Should Be For The Renee Sauce - 923 Words
should be for the Renà ©e sauce could be described as a heroic age of advertising that the focus was not on selling consumer goods it was unsettling beauty truth and wisdom the energy we still feel behind the art arose from a coherent ideological program the Renà ©e sauce wants to put painting in the service of ideas to make these ideas palpable effective and life-changing one thing the Renà ©e sauce was constantly advertising s philosophy philosophers were in the minds of many that is now rather abstract and remote tickets to the Renà ©e sauce but one of its most talented artist Raphael to lend them a bit of life on the walls of the Vatican shows Aristotle and Plato and others as belonging to a group of glamorous fascinating individuals for his†¦show more content†¦terest in philosophy to you naturally start to engage with matters of life and death the move is a bit Made by the best adverts of today to get you subliminally interested in buying a chocolate bar or an SUV while charming you with a beautiful couple or sublime landscape only in the Renà ©e sauce the philosophical end goal evolved was worth the effort the Renà ©e sauce concept of office advertising for the great truths was underpinned by an ideology works out with the philosopher city of Regina the figure Lorenzo de Medici and spoke to Michelangelo at dinner every day for many years which he argued that will old preachers who love and love is attracted first to beauty so whatever we wish people to love we must first make beautiful and beauty is first encountered as sexiness set the path to the highest possible human ideals consider down a complex route first to sex then to beauty and then to love with such a theory to hand an impact on the altar the Renà ©e sauce cannot be overestimated kachina was able to use what we might turn sexiness lost glamour and celebrity to some of the most notable and high-minded intellectual ambitions rather than being relegated as they often RR in times to selling handbags of mobile phones never before since have so many big ideas been so beautifully and often sexily treated a great artists to Chino Lorenzo de Medici was fascinated by the idea of getting Botticelli to engage all sexuality in order to excite us about ideas that they thought were most
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach - 775 Words
#include #include #include using namespace std; string bookTitle[] = {Starting out with C++, Java Programming, Software Structures, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Probability and Statistics, Cognitive Science, Modern Information Retrieval, Speech and Language Processing}; int bookID[] = {1101, 1211, 1333, 1456, 1567, 1642, 1699, 1755, 1800, 1999}; double bookPrice[] = {112.32, 73.25, 54.00, 67.32, 135.00, 173.22, 120.00, 42.25, 32.11, 123.75}; void display(); void buyBook(int); int menu(); int linearSearch(); int binarySearch(); int bubbleSort(); int selectionSort(); int main() { int choice = 0; bool quit = false; while (choice != 5) { cout Select one of the following options: endl; cout 1. Linear Search 2. Binary Search 3. Bubble Sort 4. Selection Sort 5. Quit ; cin choice; switch (choice) { case 1: buyBook(linearSearch()); break; case 2: buyBook(binarySearch()); break; case 3: bubbleSort(); break; case 4: selectionSort(); break; case 5: break; default: cout Invalid Input. Please Try Again. endl endl; } } } void display() {Show MoreRelatedEpistemological Approach to Modern Artificial Intelligence564 Words  | 2 PagesModern Artificial Intelligence There are a number of contemporary goals for artificial intelligence. This truth is in part related to the fact that many of the basic goals of artificial intelligence that were initially conceived during the 20th century still have not been met. Many contemporary goals, therefore, have descended from these initial goals, and have simply incorporated more specific practices and uses for artificial intelligence. Essentially, the primary goal of contemporary artificialRead MoreComputer Science And Artificial Intelligence1712 Words  | 7 Pagestheoretical approach to the capabilities of computers and how they process input and output information. With computers being conceived as early as the 1830’s, their capabilities have grown exponentially throughout the course of the 20th century, with many aspects of computer science becoming commonplace for the modern consumer. For the purposes of this report, the aspects of computer science that will be covered are formal languages and artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence ArtificialRead MoreArtificial Intelligence in Daily Life738 Words  | 3 Pagesmemory and advances in computer chip technology increased, the study of artificial intelligence and the idea of what might be possible for computers has also undergone a dramatic evolution. In fact, many contemporary computing applications at home, in vehicles, and in business already use Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a basis for many operations. Many of todays machines are designed to perform a specific task and function. Modern manufacturing has advanced because of robotics, and certainly this hasRead MoreArtificial Intelligence and Cognitive Reasoning1597 Words  | 7 Pagesrepresentation of a humanoid character that is in fact a machine functioning and learning new skills with artificial intelligence. The problem with these shows is that the representation of modern day artificial intelligence is largely skewed, these machines have personalities and emotions making them relatable to humans when they are still just a very elaborate computer program. Artificial intelligence is the cognitive ability to solve problems, recognize patterns, and have the capability to learn, withRead MoreAn Evolving Diagnostic Decision Support System769 Words  | 4 PagesStudies in Computational Intelligence :Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Bioinformatics. ISBN-10: 354070776X | ISBN-13: 978-3540707769,Springer-Verlag(2011). 2. Devlin G.: Decision Support Systems: Advances In. ISBN: 9789533070698, In-Tech Publishing (2010).†3. Barnett, G. O., Cimino, J. J., Hupp, J. A., Hoffer, E. P. (1987). DXplain: an evolving diagnostic decision-support system. Jama, 258(1), 67-74.†4. Jackson P. C.: Introduction to artificial intelligence. ISBN 048624864X,CourierRead MoreMaterial Science1113 Words  | 5 Pagesintegrate circuits. Since the pressing questions about the increasing ability of computers to quickly process large amounts of information is whether a computer can be built that is considered â€Å"alive†or â€Å"conscious.†I will also be defining artificial intelligence and telling the difference between the human brain and the central processing unit of a computer. Material Science There are three essential properties of every material that scientists use as a foundation for most every studyRead MoreThe Root Of Cognitive Architecture Essay1600 Words  | 7 Pagesthemselves started to receive general attention. This domain, which lies partly in artificial intelligence area, may be realized in four different ways [2]: ïÆ'Ëœ Systems that think like humans ïÆ'Ëœ Systems that think rationally ïÆ'Ëœ Systems that act like humans ïÆ'Ëœ Systems that act rationally The exact definition of the cognitive architecture can be presented as a process-level theory about human cognition and is a design to create artificial intelligent agent which proposes a computational process like human. 1.2Read MoreThe Dangers Of Artificial Intelligence1701 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Whoever perceives that robots and artificial intelligence are merely here to serve humanity, think again. With virtual domestic assistants and driverless cars just the latest in a growing list of applications, it is we humans who risk becoming dumbed down and ultimately subservient to machines.†― Alex Morritt As the years have progressed, more and more people have adapted artificial intelligence systems into their home and everyday lives. A range of inventions include patient simulation systemsRead MoreCognitive PsychologyFINAL PAPER724 Words  | 3 Pagesdifferent ways to interpret psychology. With the desire for a change in traditional methods on how researchers studied the human mind, new developments in this study eventually lead to the growth of modern cognitive psychology. This paper will discuss the milestones that served as a foundation to modern cognitive psychology, and also the importance of behavioral observation in cognitive psychology. The development of cognitive psychology occur as a result of many different achievements that pavedRead MoreEssay On Web Development Trends1626 Words  | 7 Pagesfind out which web design trends will rule the world by 2020. Artificial Intelligence It’s an age where artificial intelligence technologies are being deployed at an increasing pace and companies around the world are now getting more inclined to virtual robots to manage their useful tasks. According to a recent study by Merrill Lynch the Artificial Intelligence market will reach $153 billion in the years to come. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE MARKET WILL SURPASS $100B BY 2025 Source http://blog.softwareinsider
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Book Report On The Book Le Gai Savoir - 1421 Words
I remember the first time I heard about Nietzsche was a few years ago, in my chemistry class. I had a friend who spent all his time, in science classes, reading books about philosophy. His nonconformity caught my attention. I started to be interested by the big mustache of the author on the cover page of his book Le Gai Savoir, because I knew, of course, that all authors with big mustache – such as Victor Hugo and Albert Einstein – wrote about great things! So I started to read Nietzsche s works. Then, one day, my dad caught me reading Le Gai Savoir and he told me that this philosopher, born in a town near Leipzig on 15 October 1844 (Wotling 797), had changed the way he perceived his life. He told me that when he was eighteen in China, he was very poor and due to his stressful condition, he failed the final admission exam for a university. Because of the high amount of population and competition in China, the final exam decides unfortunately the fate of a person. He had developed depression. However, one day, he bought a Nietzsche s book and started to read it. He told me that Nietzsche s poetry and positive ideas motivated him to change his life, to be greater, and to become who [he really is] (Nietzsche, Le Gai Savoir 251). And this is why he wasn t afraid of immigrating to Canada with my mother. In this essay, I will introduce this great philosopher and I will show that he agrees with the point of view of Socrates that an unexamined life is not worth living,Show MoreRelatedHomosexuality and University Press5666 Words  | 23 Pageshow unreliable such data often are. Hirschfeld also came with the first urban geography, â€Å"Berlin’s Third Gender†(1904) in which he described the city’s gay subculture of bars and parks and the elaborate world of male prostitution. Mainly German books on the history of sexual morality (â€Å"Sittengeschichte†) that often included chapters on homosexuality, preceded and influenced the work of later sociologists and historians, like Norbert Elias and Michel Foucault. The work of these psychiatrists who
Essay about Gender Bender - 534 Words
Gender Bender Gender is the term society uses to identify the anatomical differences between men and women. Gender roles are the pre-conceived ideas that society has based on a person’s gender. Gender identity is often debated as being either biological or socially constructed. Gender identity is a person’s sense of identifying or belonging to either the male or female classification, regardless of physical assignment. Gender identity is primarily biological regardless of a person’s physical assignment. Physical assignment is determined based on specific chromosomes. Genetically, a male is made up of XY chromosomes and a female is made up of XX chromosomes. A baby is born genetically set up to be either male or female. After birth†¦show more content†¦Parents should watch and follow cues as a child matures to understand how their child is dealing with their physical identity and how it relates to the child’s gender identity. Confusion can lead to embarrassment which could cause a child to withhold their feelings about their gender identity. Parent’s need to be patient and keep the line of communication open with their children while they attempt to deal with the issue of biology versus identity. It may not be until maturity that a child realizes that their gender identity and physical assignment do not match. Parents may not realize there is a difference due to the fact that they naturally follow the gender role for the physical assignment of their child. At a young age, children learn and follow leads given by children of the same sex during playtime. Most parents are naturally driven to raise a boy to be rough and tumble, giving him masculine toys and teaching him how to play sports. While raising a girl to be a caregiver, giving her dolls and plastic kitchens in preparation to raise and nurture a family. â€Å"People use femininity and masculinity to claim and communicate their membership in their assigned, or chosen, sex or gender.†(458) When a child is born their parents give them a set of gender roles to match their physical assignment. â€Å"Whether you are a woman or a man, a gender code has been guiding your life since you wereShow MoreRelatedThe Bend er Gestalt Test And Psychology1896 Words  | 8 PagesThe Bender-Gestalt Test Clinicians and psychology professionals endeavor to employ qualified tests in their assessment of individuals who may be in need of additional psychological or educational assistance. The Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test or Bender-Gestalt test is an instrument that is maneuvered to measure a myriad of situations such as intelligence evaluation, neuropsychological dysfunction, visual motor functioning, and as a basic projective tool for assessing personality (Piotrowski, 1995)Read More The Breakfast Club Essay1077 Words  | 5 Pagesthe scene where we see Bender and Claire going through each other’s wallet and purse. Claire inquires about the pictures of girls in Bender’s wallet and Bender asks about the number of items in Claire’s purse. This scene shows that interpersonal communication is a dynamic process. In previous transactions between the two characters, they are hostile towards each other and self-disclose minimally. In this conversation, Claire calmly asks Bender personal questions, although Bender is still watchful ofRead MoreDiscourse Community Project : Discourse1705 Words  | 7 PagesAll of the authors are writing about corresponding ideas and discussing their identical goals; the prevalence of gender inequality in the legal profession and the unjust consequences derived from it. Similarly, all five sources intentions are to oppose the standard viewpoint that gender inequality has diminished and provide evidence to support this claim. Their ideas of remedying gender inequality in the legal profession overlap as well as contradict one another. A discourse community is said toRead MoreFemininity, Masculinity, And Masculinity861 Words  | 4 Pagesfeminine. Unfortunately, society judges and criticizes a women who do not depict feminine characteristics. Such women are regarded as either homosexual or queer. I chose two pictures of Grace Jones to compare in this essay since she happens to be a gender bender and victim of alike persecutions. Additionally, Grace Jones is a supermodel and singer from Jamaica, who’s renowned for cross-dressing and artistic fashion styles (Williams). The picture titled, â€Å"Grace Jones/Nightclubbing,†was derived from theRead MoreA Study On The Transgender Community Essay1342 Words  | 6 Pagesaccess to bathrooms in which provide safety and comfort. Transgender or gender questioning individuals on campus will often avoid the gender specific bathrooms. This can cause an impact on academic achievement. Students in the transgender community will sometimes walk or drive to the nearest gender-neutral bathroom. With only five gender-neutral bathrooms available to all students attending Towson University, finding a gender-neutral bathroom can be a time expensive activity in most cases. This canRead MoreGender Bending : Femininity And Masculinity928 Words  | 4 Pages Gender Bending Womanhood is often associated with femininity while manhood with masculinity. Masculinity is the idea that men are tough both physically and mentally. Femininity, a term associated with being a women and used to describe a women’s comportment and attitude. A gentle individual, male or female, who wear dresses, skirts, high heels, makeup, have long hair is considered feminine. Unfortunately this term is used to define womanhood, if a womenRead MoreGender Inequality in Modern Society1573 Words  | 7 PagesThis study deals with gender inequality in the modern society and looks at the difficulties women face when they strive for equal success as their male counterparts. About seventy-five percent of the jobs in well-paid professions are held by men and even if women are able to get equal jobs they are still paid considerably less . The central question posed is, are there any differences in the aspirations and career goals between males and females? However, in order to fully understand stereotypicalRead MoreGender Discrimination Against Women in the Workplace1203 Words  | 5 PagesThesis: Women face considerable sexual discrimination in the world of work, significantly limiting their employment prospects and subsequent advancement in their careers. Gender Discrimination Against Women In The Workplace Traditionally, women have been considered to be the weaker sex and subordinate to men. Moreover, their roles have been assigned to domestic and childrearing duties. The job market is male dominated, and women are often considered to be out ofRead MoreAnalysis Of The Short Story Marzipan By Aimee Bender1222 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Marzipan†Argue About Genders People deal with loss and grief differently. However, such behavioral patterns could differ between different gender groups as their collective norms and values may differ. As dealing with loss and grief is an inevitable part of our experience, we must acknowledge those differences and learn to work with our partners in life. In the short story â€Å"Marzipan†the author Aimee Bender examines the roles loss and grief played in the two genders. While loss and grief usuallyRead MoreInjust and Inhumane Transgender Discrimination Essay examples1590 Words  | 7 Pages Transgender people are no strangers to society: the concept of not feeling comfortable in ones birth-assigned gender has been around since man can remember. Its quite puzzling to see that many centuries later, people still treat transgender people of an alien-like nature, of some sort of non-human species. Transgender people have been discriminated for long enough. The discrimination sent towards them is wro ng: theyre just humans who made changes to their lives for the better as all people have
Into The Gorge A Spiral of Decline toward Loss Free Essays
Into The Gorge: A Spiral of Decline toward Loss Into The Gorge: A Spiral of Decline toward Loss â€Å"Jesse stood on his porch and looked east toward Sampson Ridge, where bulldozers razed forests and grazing land for another gated community†( Rash 18 ) . If one were to cut down Ron Rash’sInto the Gorgedown to one markedly important transition, this would be among the campaigners. It presents an image of commercialisation from the eyes of Jesse, a adult male who was raised to esteem the land. We will write a custom essay sample on Into The Gorge: A Spiral of Decline toward Loss or any similar topic only for you Order Now It besides marks a tangible passage for Jesse as he unwittingly conforms to his milieus.Into the Gorgenowadayss a narrative of loss. Get downing with the loss of Jesse’s great aunt and finally stoping with the loss of his ain life, or so the reader is to assume. This subject represents the spiral of diminution that ensues in a society that abuses and disrespects the land for intents of pecuniary addition. Into the Gorgeclears with a beautiful word picture of Jesse’s great aunt. The reader really rapidly becomes affiliated to her, about to the point of misidentifying her as the supporter in the narrative. She is aligned with a harmonious life with an about calm aura about her while being profoundly connected to the land and its seasonal rhythms ; she â€Å"could state you to the hebdomad when the first cornel flower would lighten up the ridge, the first blackberry darken and swell plenty to harvest†( Rash 17 ) . But so she had lost her head and â€Å"with it all the people she knew, their names and connexions, whether they still lived or whether they’d died†( Rash 17 ) . But despite this the reader is told in the really following paragraph that â€Å"The cognition of the land was the one memory that refused to dissolve†( Rash 17 ) . Jesse’s grandaunt would go on to hoe her Fieldss every twenty-four hours until the twenty-four hours of her de cease, when she wandered off into the forests to vacate herself to the one invariable in her life, the one love that refused to fade out, a â€Å"final stepping down of everything she had one time been, †a surrendertothe land ( Rash 26 ) . The decease of Jesse’s grandaunt has in consequence begun the spiral of diminution toward an overall neglect for the necessity of the renewing of the land. The reader is told that â€Å"after her decease neighbours shortly found topographic points other than the gorge to run and angle, garner blackberries and galax†¦When the park service made an offer†¦Jesse’s male parent and aunts had sold†¦Now, five decennaries subsequently, Jesse stands on his porch and looked eastward†¦where bulldozers razed forests and grazing land for another gated community†( Rash 18 ) . As antecedently mentioned, the loss of Jesse’s grandaunt seems to hold caused, at least for Jesse and his immediate milieus, a loss of a regard for the land. As the narrative takes the reader through Jesse’s foremost and successful effort at reaping the ginseng we are told, â€Å"Afterward, he’d carefully replanted the seeds, done it merely as his male parent had done, so walked out of the gorge, past the Fe gate that kept vehicles off the logging route. A xanthous Sn marker nailed to a nearby tree said US Park Service†( Rash 18 ) . Here the reader gets a split image ; Jesse replants the seeds â€Å"just as his male parent had done†old ages ago ( Rash 18 ) . There is a sense of regard for the land and the cyclic nature of nature, which is besides represented in the generational lessons of planting and replanting passed down from male parent to boy. However, there is besides a really explicitly painted image of development. The workss that Jesse ha s harvested and so replanted are within the boundaries of the land which the authorities uses for logging. This land has been transformed into a commercialised operation in order to untangle any and all pecuniary value from it. Furthermore, there is a parallel image in this xanthous mark. A blazing neglect for nature is nailed to the tree by manner of a US Park Service mark, nevertheless in the predating paragraph it says â€Å"back so, the forests had been communal,No Trespassingmarks an affront†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( Rash 18 ) . The forests had been a topographic point of community and friendly relationship and invitation, any effort to interrupt apart this public into personally claimed belongings was seen as an abuse to the corporate. But now, non merely is the land sectioned off into countries of unpermitted districts, but these countries are being used explicitly to work the land for pecuniary addition. This loss of a regard for the cardinal significance that the land has is somethi ng that Jesse seems to be troubled by, yet it is something he himself can’t isolated off from. The lone ground he is out reaping the ginseng in the first topographic point is to acquire money. He doesn’t love the act of reaping and replanting, he hasn’t even had any exposure to the land in this regard since his grandaunt passed, five decennaries earlier. What’s more, he doesn’t needfully even need the excess money. The storyteller says â€Å"his house and 20 estates were paid for, as was his truck. The baccy allocation earned less each twelvemonth but still plenty for a widowman with adult kids. Enough every bit long as he didn’t have to travel to the infirmary or his truck throw a rod. He needed some excess money put away for that. Not a million, but some†( Rash 18 ) . Albeit he isn’t a money hungry corporate executive who has wholly disregarded the verve of nature. But he is however reaping the land for one ground and one gr ound entirely: money. This disconnected image of working and fostering the land represents an even further diminution, as a society, toward the commercialised corruptness of the land. The narrative comes full circle at the terminal as Jesse â€Å"waited†in the forests merely as his grandaunt did before she died. In this minute he thought of his grandaunt and paralleled himself to her as his waiting was â€Å"a concluding stepping down of everything†heone time was. However, it’s non merely a pure and symmetrically sound stoping ; the usage of the word â€Å"abdication†has a dual entendre underlying it. In respects to Jesse’s grandaunt, it has a meter of a dignified release of her life and everything that she lived for. Not needfully the instance for Jesse, for him it seems to take on a different significance wholly. It is Jesse’s chance to fly from the forfeiture of artlessness that his life has culminated to. Jesse recognizes his loss of artlessness, his loss of self-respect, but it is merely when he attempts to travel back to being in melody with the land that he comes to this realisation ; â€Å"Jesse shifted his orga nic structure so his face turned downhill, one ear to the land as if listening for the faintest footstep. It seemed so incorrect to be 68 old ages old and running from person. Old age was supposed to give a individual self-respect and respect†( Rash 22 ) . In this minute Jesse acknowledges his loss of regard, a regard which has been neither received from others nor given by himself. The consequence of this self-fulfillment is his â€Å"waiting†at the really terminal. A bi-laterally asymmetrical stoping to the gap. One can follow though this narrative the slow diminution toward a society which does non foster the land, but instead relies on it for the here and now. The reader is left gyrating down along with Jesse as the plot line moves from the loss of Jesse’s grandaunt, to the commercializing of his hometown, to Jesse’s ain selfish aims with the land, and eventually to Jesse’s realisation of his conformance which finally leads to his decease. This spiral is a representation or a possible warning to the effects of a commercialized society which exploits the land: there is a natural and unconditioned diminution when 1 refuses a fear to the land. This refusal leads to inside turned desires, which leads to capitalistic inclinations and the commercialisation of the landâ€â€extricating it for all that its worthâ€â€which will finally take to the decease of those who were one time respected, and who in bend irradiated it back. How to cite Into The Gorge: A Spiral of Decline toward Loss, Essay examples
Information Management Proposal of Amazon-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Information Management Proposal of Amazon. Answer: Introduction Information Management Proposal (IMP) is a document created for the organization to follow to make their company a better one. The IMP provides information regarding the use of hardware, software and costs which are included in the working of the organization. The organization selected for the report is Amazon (Amazon 2015), which is one of the largest growing ecommerce industry in the world. The report further discusses about the history of the organization, the major business processes that the company follows, analyzing warehousing as a part of information system, the different components of an Information System and an Information Management Proposal has been made for the organization to follow. History Jeff Bezos founded Amazon in the year 1994. He founded the company because of the regret, which he faced during the internet boom in 1994. He was formerly working for a Wall Street company, which he left eventually to draw up the plan for a business, which would become the Amazon Inc. He founded the company in1994 under the name of Cadabra Inc. Due to a mishearing of the name the company as cadaver, thus the name Amazon came into being. Later Jeff Bezos bought a URL of the name Relentless.com and wanted to change the name again (Aladwani 2001). His friends persuaded him to no to change it and Amazon retained its name. The company officially went online in 1995. The company logo was generalized in 2000, which added an arrow from the A to Z. This was to show the world that the company had everything from A to Z. Jeff Bezos read a report on the outburst on online web commerce growth to become 2,300% in the future. This pushed Jeff to produce a list of 20 items that he would market online. He then reduced the list to the top most five items that would face a huge demand on the market: computer hardware, compact discs, videos, computer software and books. Due to the high demand of literature around the globe, Jeff decided to sell books in the beginning (Zhu, Sarkis and Lai 2012). The low price tag of the books and the huge selection of titles from the market he decided that books would be the best option to start their business. The company was found in Jeff Bezoss garage in Washington. Amazon began as an online bookstore with a partnership with Ingram Books. They procured books at a wholesale price. During the first two months, they sold to over 50 states and 45 countries in USA (Bizer et al. 2012). They had the capability to carry more than 200,000 book titles compared to an offline store. Amazon had not thought that it would make a profit before four to five years. When the dot com bubble burst happened in the 21st century, many ecommerce websites were destroyed (Calvert 2017). Amazon survived the burst and become one of the largest player in the ecommerce game. In the fourth quarter of 2001 made the first profit of more than $1 billion. However, the margin was small but the investors were sure that the plan of Jeff Bezos would work out. Over the years, Amazon faced a lot of criticism. In 1997, Barnes Noble sued the organization after Amazon claimed to be the largest bookstore in the world to which Barnes Noble replied that they were merely a book broker. The c ase was dismissed and Amazon continued to use the tagline. Later in 1998, Walmart issued a case on Amazon for stealing its marketing strategy by hiring Walmart employees. The case was settled out of the courtroom and the company assigned internal restrictions for the Walmart employees. In 2016, the company setup a new roadside store for the people of the organization. They can buy food from the store and charges the products using a set of sensors as soon as the customer goes out of the store (Chau and Xu 2012). This removed the delay in the queues during checkout. Currently the company provides employment to 306,800 people worldwide. In June 2017, the organization declared that they would acquire the supermarket chain named Whole Foods to give competition to Walmart. The deal is still pending approval from the shareholders. Related major business processes Warehousing: For such a big organization there needs to a proper management of warehouse stocks. A warehouse refers to a planned storage space for handling goods and materials for an organization. A global warehousing concept has gained recent popularity for keeping large stocks during emergencies and during peak seasons. The workers are well trained to handle large incoming stocks (Choi et al. 2013). In Amazon to ensure smooth movement of all orders placed on their system they follow a variety of data processing and collecting tools to make sure that the goods move through the warehouse in a smooth manner. Amazon keeps their warehouses well stocked up for the busiest shopping day on the calendar. The flow of all the stocks coming into the warehouse are tracked as follows. The items are scanned and sorted into specific categories. Within the first 12 hours of the arrival of the item, the barcode has to be scanned and stored in their database. There are 50 different receiving areas in the warehouse, where the item are send for further sorting. It is again sorted and finally stored. If a product is of high demand then they are not even stored on the shelf. They are dumped into a heap mass land where all items are ready to be shipped. The items are never stored with their similar counterparts. They can store a movie DVD with a moisturizer and a jar of pickles. There is no algorithm to store but a barcode scanner stores the place where the product is stored and in which shelf it is (Chou and Hong 2013). When an order comes in the list is transferred to a worker on a handheld device and an algorithm shows him the best route to follow for finding all the items on his invoice list. This makes the outgoing invoice fast. After this, there is also an algorithm, which is followed to deliver the items to the person who had placed the order. In 2011, Amazon delivered 99.9% of all the Christmas orders on time. The most innovative aspect of the Amazons warehouse is the usage of the barcode scanner for all the workers on the warehouse ground (Cunningham-Parmeter 2016). The system helps the workers to process shipments at the rate of a truck leaving the warehouse every 105 seconds. Payment Procedure: Every order placed on the Amazon website has to be paid for on receiving it. The users to customize their payment options can use simple options provided by company. Special sales and discount coupons can be applied to the payment options to provide easy discounts (Davis 2014). Customers can pay by not disclosing their personal details and with the addition of the Amazon A-Z guarantee information is safe from theft. The basic requirements to buy on the website consists of a business name, phone number, address, and a bank account. The procedures has vast options. The organization offers payment through the following means: Payment using debit or credit card all valid card payment options can be used to pay for the item bought by the user. Checking account a deposit account held by a bank, which is accessible by the use of checks, ATM and electronic debit options. Gift card a gift card from amazon is similar to a cash voucher, which is of different denomination amount containing a secret code that can be redeemed by the user on the amazon website for purchase of products (Elbashir, Collier and Davern, 2008). Amazon Pay this service helps the user to use the already active payment methods on the amazon website in addition to the websites, which accept the payment through the amazon pay gateway. Secure purchase can be done from non-amazon websites with the help of amazon pay without disclosing any of the users bank or financial details. Cash On Delivery upon selecting this option the user can pay for the item he/she has purchased once the item comes to him. He can pay the delivery with cash and the delivery agent has to accept it. This is not always available for all types of products on the website. It differs from product to product and from the logistics that will be, delivering the product to the seller that is using amazon as a mode of ecommerce website to sell his products (Ernst et al. 2011). Amazon currency convertor this helps the users who are buying the products from an amazon website of a different domain. An Australian person when buying some item from any other domain then the currency convertor will show the user the local currency to be paid for purchasing the product. The same exchange rate will be applied when the user returns the item back. Shop with points the reward points earned by using someones credit or debit card on other websites and shops can be used on amazon to buy items on the amazon website. Marketing strategy: Amazons marketing services helps in making your product stand out in the crowd (Giddens, Gonzalez and Leidner 2016). The service provides three ways to make the products more appealing to the site visitors. Headline search Ads: these show up on the top of the results page. The ads are powered by keyword optimization. The products are connected with keywords, which helps them to appear on the top when a user types in the key words in the search bar (Zeng, Li and Duan 2012). The user who has assigned the keywords on the advertisement can send the statistics to any website they want. Custom texts or messages can be added to this type of advertisements. The minimum cost for ach click is $.3. Sponsored Product Ads: this type of advertisements are also targeted by the use of keywords. They can be both targeted and automatic. Automatic assignment is relied fully upon the Amazon algorithm to show when a target customer is asking for the specific product. With this type of advertisements, the ads can show up on any position: on the search result page or on the product details page. On the desktop search process, the advertisements appear on the right hand side of the search result page or on the bottom of any page. Cost per click on a sponsored product is $0.02 with a minimum of $0.05. Product Display Ads: these are the most general type of advertisements available on the amazon website. They can appear on any place of the website. From the bottom of a different product page to the end of the search page. These advertisements are not keyword driven which makes non-relatable product ads to appear anytime during surfing the website (Wang and Feng 2012). Though a few customizations can be made as if a user is searching for a camera, a user can make a book on digital photography to appear on the same page for the user to view the product. Reportable metrics from the advertisement clicks can be send to pages connected to the website. Other than that Amazon on its own, store a detailed campaign on its server. Analysis of warehousing as a part of Information System From the three topics discussed above the following report will be discussed on the warehousing procedure of Amazon. This topic has been chosen for the discussion as the organization is a huge business with lots of different items to sell, it will need the best kind of warehouse management system it can find to deploy in its workplace (Glowalla and Sunyaev 2013). Warehouse management system (WMS) is the process of management of the warehouse using a certain software, which targets such working. The most basic kinds of WMSs can be a standalone software or can be integrated into an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. However, complex the system may be the main goal of the WMS is to provide the workers with the correct information about the materials inside the warehouse at all time (Golfarelli and Rizzi 2013). During the first year of its working in 1995, Amazon used to do the website system and the order fulfillment system as two separate entity. This was done to provide data security. Amazon renovated its old database in 2000 to install a new system from Epiphany, Manugistics and Oracle. Excelon sealed a deal with Amazon to provide business-to-business system. Amazon then created two system to support all its work: Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the Simple Storage Services (SS). Vast number of products and millions of customers now became easy to be handled. Millions of customers access all data stored in the servers at the same time (Gowland 2015). A CRM has to endure all the requests at the same time from providing information to showing the users wish list. System are made smart enough to analyze all the requests and produce new requests for the CRM to manage. For tracking the fraudsters on the web amazon uses the smart analysis search to pick out frauds by using behavioral pattern in their search techniques. Components of an Information System Components of information system Definitions Data The data given to the system to produce the required information. Hardware A computer system and its peripheral equipments. Software A series of instruction that is provided to the computer on how to take input, how to store and how to process the information and finally to display the output. Telecommunications A combination of hardware and software that coordinates together to exchange informations in the form of electronic signals. People Professionals who analyses information, design and construct systems, maintain hardware and write software programs for the organization. Procedures Rules and procedures to achieve the secure processing of data and dispensing of software applications and security protocols. Data: Data in the form of alphanumeric data describing business transactions, textual data containing data from conversations, image data including graphics, shapes and figures and audio data in the form of human voice recordings constitute the important parts of data resources. For the selected organization, the warehouse procedure has huge amount of data to be stored. It has already been discussed that the organization has a unique way of keeping the items at the warehouse (Grant, Hwang and Tu 2013). Thus, the corresponding items information with the place it is kept inside the warehouse has to be kept. Moreover a similar item has more than one shelf number due to the fact that amazon stores its items all over the place in a distributed manner. Hardware: Machines and computer system constitute the main hardware of the organization. Data is saved on the machines and computer systems are used to do complex analysis of the information for the organization. Handheld barcode scanner is provided to every worker on the warehouse ground. The scanners are synchronized with the main data base system to show the best route for the worker to travel so that he or she gets all the order items in a less amount of time (Hoejmose, Brammer and Millington 2013). Software: The set of instructions which connect the hardwares to work in a synchronized manner to produce output related to the information input by the user is known as a software. Operating systems, application softwares and procedures all fall under the category of softwares to be used in an organization. The warehouse has a different softwares integrated into their systems, which has the specifications to synchronize all data among every hardware in the warehouse (Horkoff et al. 2012). Telecommunications: Communication network like internet, intranets and extranets all constitute an essential part of a successful business organization. The network consists of computers, processors and other devices, which are connected by communication network and controlled by a communication system. The workers in the warehouse are connected to the intranet by the use of a wireless connection. Such is required for the collection of information in real time (Jaffee and Bensman 2016). People: People resources comprises of end users and the information system specialists. The end users comprises of the end users and the clients of the organization. The peoples who are actually in charge of the information system working as an analysts, programmers, computer operators, testers include the people resource of the organization (Varia and Mathew 2014). The workers and the record keepers on the warehouse ground works in accordance to the information sent to them from the order details. Procedures: The set of rules, which govern the working of the organization, are known as procedures. An organization not following rules will suffer huge loss in terms of client as well as profit. The workers follow the rule s and regulations of the warehouse. They also has to follow the route provided by the system computers to collect all the order items provided to them (Jain and Sharma 2017). Information Management Proposal The aim of this Information Management Proposal (IMP) is to provide an overview of the working of Amazon in the field of warehousing and supply chain management (Kimball and Ross 2013). The following report aims to provide the following objectives: To provide specifications in the field of hardware, software and telecom specification. To prepare an entity relationship diagram. To prepare a dynamic cost incurred by Amazon To assess the different project management issues To assess the information for the migration of data To choose the best acquisition methods. The security and the ethical issues of Amazon The detailed definition of the above provided objectives be as follows: As the organization taken for the report is Amazon, the basic requirements of the organization pertain to the field of hardware, software and telecommunication devices and connections (Linstedt and Olschimke 2015). For the organization the report further discusses the preferred computer specifications that can be used by the organization: ITEM WORKSTATION Computer (networked to server) SERVER Computer ( 5 workstations) Terminal Services Application Server Processor: i7, 2.5 Ghz or greater Octa Core, 2.5 Ghz or greater Dual (or Quad) Core, 2.8 Ghz or greater RAM: 4 Gigabytes 8 Gigabytes 8 Gigabytes Monitor: 22 inch LCD monitor with resolution of 1600x1200 17 inch monitor of resolution least 1600x1200 17 inch monitor of resolution least 1600x1200 Graphics card: Graphics card with minimum 512Mb SVGA graphics card SVGA graphics card Hard Disk: 750 GB or greater 750 GB or greater 750 GB or greater CD/DVD Optional Optional Optional Ports: 3 USB ports 3 USB ports 3 USB ports ADDITIONAL: Laser Printer: Hewlett Packard printer Network printer is recommended Network printer is recommended Label Printer: Dymo Label Writer 400 Not recommended Not recommended Modem: Not required 56k External modem 56k External modem Internet: 512Mb or faster, access to LAN Broadband 512Mb or faster Broadband 1024Kb or faster UPS: Not recommended Required Required OTHER SOFTWARE: Operating Systems: Windows 8.1 Professional Windows Server 2012R2 (64 bit) Windows Terminal Server 2008 .NET Framework: Version 4.0 or higher Version 4.0 or higher Version 4.0 or higher Remote Control: VPN or TeamViewer Microsoft Terminal Server Microsoft Terminal Server Backup software: Backup on Server Veritas Backup Exec Not required Database: Database on Server MS SQL Server 2014 Not required Anti-virus: Avira Health Link Health Link Entity relation (ER) diagram gives the relation between the entity sets stored in the databases. Entity is defined as the context with respect to which data is stored in a database. ER diagrams shows the logical structural definition of the databases. The ER diagram might look like a flow chart but the diagram does not represent the flow of data (Liptak 2014). The following ER diagram has been developed for Amazon: Figure 1: ER diagram of Amazon A dynamic cost sheet has been prepared for Amazon as follows: Period Ending: 12/31/2016 Current Assets Cash and Cash Equivalents $182,240,000 Short-Term Investments $65,940,000 Net Receivables $84,290,000 Inventory $164,250,000 Other Current Assets $15,230 Total Current Assets $496,735,230 Long-Term Assets Long-Term Investments $15,680 Fixed Assets $294,850,000 Goodwill $39,440,000 Intangible Assets $8,560 Other Assets $45,910,000 Deferred Asset Charges $1,520 Total Assets $876,960,990 Current Liabilities Accounts Payable $39,984,000 Short-Term Debt / Current Portion of Long-Term Debt $126 Other Current Liabilities $4,964,000 Total Current Liabilities $44,948,126 Long-Term Debt $7,942,000 Other Liabilities $12,628,000 Deferred Liability Charges $125 Misc. Stocks $943 Minority Interest $249 Total Liabilities $65,519,443 Stock Holders Equity Common Stocks $5,052 Capital Surplus $17,196,400 Retained Earnings $4,919,200 Treasury Stock ($1,834,800) Other Equity ($989,400) Total Equity $19,296,452 Total Liabilities Equity $84,815,895 From the above cost sheet, Return of Investment (ROI) is calculated as follows: Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Total Assets $876,960,990 876960990 876960990 876960990 876960990 876960990 Total Liabilities $65,519,443 65519443 65519443 65519443 65519443 65519443 Total Liabilities Equity $84,815,895 84815895 84815895 84815895 84815895 84815895 Net income $726,625,652 726625652 726625652 726625652 726625652 726625652 After discounting factor @10 % 726625652 799288217 879217039 967138743 1063852617 1170237879 Cumulative inflow 726625652 1525913869 2405130908 3372269651 4436122268 5606360147 Development costs 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Cumulative cash flow 726620652 1525908869 2405125908 3372264651 4436117268 5606355147 NPV 5606350147 ROI 1121270.03 Most of the software project failures happen not due to the lack of technological support but due to the lack of poor management of such projects. According to a survey, more than 50 percent of all IT projects fail due to the lack of poor management compared to only 3 percent of failures due to technology (Mathew and Varia 2014). The reasons behind such failures are discussed below Poorly defined target The most common problem in both IT projects and data projects is the undefined target. The organization wants to meet full customer satisfaction. This is very hard to reach. The customer on its own does not know what the full satisfaction is (Su and Yang 2010). Lack of leadership Often all technology projects are deemed as IT projects and is transferred to the IT department. This makes the lack of leadership and management among them. If a project does not get good management done then the project automatically becomes a failure. Lack of explanation When the project is transferred to the IT department the management people does not know what is going on. This lack in communication causes unaccountability of process of development. This lack can easily make the project get derailed (Sarkis 2012). No time management IT projects need time to be managed effectively. Project management has the main criteria of getting time management done correctly so that deadlines can be easily met during production. Lack of testing Overconfidence often leads to the failure of project. Thinking that a project has no errors is not always good. Debugging should be done extensively. At the end, customer feedback is also important. Being a large organization Amazon should always have a backup plan in case any casualties happen. Backup plan in this type of organizations can use the data migration method to have insurance. Data migration is the process of moving forward in the advancement of technology on a regular basis (Newcombe et al. 2015). Data migration works have failed in history but to do data migration is a crucial task. There are certain steps to follow to have a smooth flow of data migration. The system source of the data needs to be analyzed and checked thoroughly which allows the company to know the amount of information it has to transfer for the new technologies. Next, the logical phase comes into play. The organization has to assess the quality of the information it has. Any redundant data needs to be removed and checked before transferring it to the new system. Data is analyzed and stored in separate data profiles. After making the profiles, the design phase of the migration system needs to be c reated. For the designing of the system, the organization should not have just enough memory space for the data. They should consider having enough memory space so support extra information that might get included in the later phase (Nguyen and Mutum 2012). Once the system is ready, the organization can execute the data migration phase. In a certain case of zero downtime migration the updates come at the same time, the information is being transferred. For such models, the systems should be robust enough to support the parallel processes without failure. For the last stage of the process, the old system is analyzed and a retirement report for the old system is created. This is done to compare the result with the new system (Romano et al. 2017). The organization has always been come to be known as one of the top five richest organizations. To uphold such reputation Amazon should buy the best equipments for its workplace and warehouse. Softwares should be bought genuine and with proper license keys. Using pirate softwares can lead to the issue of data security of the servers (OConnor 2013). Amazon is one of the largest seller in terms of books but they have now started to provide cloud service by the name Amazon Web Services. The problems comes in the domain of security, control and the act from hackers. The company claims that they use proven cryptographic methods to have authentication for anyone who are trying to access the cloud servers. For cloud computing domain, security is a major concern for the company (Pacheco-Comer and Gonzlez-Castolo 2012). They always try to make innovative idea to make controlling of the data access, to check if there is a data breach from the servers and how the company will be able to keep such vast amount of data in perfect security. To prevent hacking of the data servers the company has to provide access specific information to all the users. This would reduce the data breach attacks. Apart from this, there should be encryption methods applied to the data stored on the server. If the server is hacked then the hacker gets extra power a s he can now access and use the cloud as a means of vulnerability option (Roelofs and Wegman 2014). Any organization accessing Amazons cloud servers should have legal consultations with the company. It is also advisable to not to upload any sensitive information on the web. The organization has to follow ethics in its workplace environment against its workers and staffs. Many workers have complained that the organization does not pay them well for the overtime work that they do at the warehouse. It has also come to be known that the company provides an unpaid lunch break. Such ethics should not be followed by an organization as big as Amazon. Conclusion To conclude this report, it can be said that Amazon with all the criticism and flaws has still survived the market competition. With different all the different competitors in the market the company still has time to ensure that they turn out to be the best in the long run. As the organization has to deal with a large amount of stackable products, the main aspect, which needs to be taken care of, is the process of warehousing. Warehousing is a concept, which has been taken care of, is a procedural manner. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Behind the Unseen free essay sample
People always talk about others who influenced them in their lives. Whether it was god, ghandi or maybe someone famous, but I’d be lying if I said my teachers parents or anyone for that matter really impacted my life, but the truth is I don’t I can’t say I’ve genuinely met an extraordinary person, there is no god on earth. I’d like to meet someone incredible or influential but that’s not possible. Everything we do in our daily lives is deepened on the choices or actions we take, which is partially true but at the same time for me neither of this applies to me, everything I do doesn’t ever seem to pay off or come easy to me. You’ve probably noticed by now my mediocre grades in math, I understand your board of education looks for students with outstanding academics, you know the ones who cram in to study on weekends and forget that a social life exist outside of school, who are missing out on so much more in life and tend to be wo rse students sometimes because they finally have the freedom they didn’t have at home. These studios students who prepare for an exam day and night. Even if I was this type of student it seems that all my work doesn’t ;pay off, I’ve always struggled since an early age in elementary when we d the teacher tapped a laminated circle on to the wall and started with addition, subtraction, multiplication to division and that was the finish line. Already testing are abilities at in first grade. Well others were racing to finish the circle, of course I was stuck behind in subtraction trying to finish. As you can see that does not mean I gave up, by the way I never made it to division till 3rd grade. This any many other things should’ve been a sign to my mother that her child would have a hard time in the future. The worst part about all, of this for me, is the fact that you just sit there and read this but it’s not like you know me outside of my academic work, you don’t get to know me as the person I really am in true life not just for my tr anscripts that don’t doesn’t show my individual ambitious or my hard work outside of school or any of my aspirations or even the knowledge I have pout of school. The students I mentioned earlier with the perfect clean cut transcripts might have better qualifications to be automatically taken under your wings, but these shinning stars have flaws just like other average or below average students my age to have a connection with the outside world. All those third world countries that have starving children, violence everyday and women abused horrifically and degraded everyday of their lives no seems to notice or give any interest. We watch the news every night to keep up with these countries but we don’t really know what’s going on in the world we only see about 5 percent maybe even less but what happens when cameras aren’t rolling. America doesn’t know the true meaning of suffer. We should be grateful that we don’t worry about these thi ngs that we have to stress about college and a career and living well, how sad. School wasn’t easy for me as you already know but that does not mean I gave up or overcome my struggle easily, I always had to strive and push myself mentally to the limits you probably hear the same pathetic cliche over about a hundred times how students knew since a young age what they wanted to be at a young age what they wanted to be since we had career day in elementary up to middle school let me just tell you now I don’t even remember career day but I can for a fact I knew what interested me at the time, when I was old enough to comprehend what a career meant and what fields you could choose from, like we were at some toy store and pick anything we wanted, but don’t forget you still have to pay for the toy well the same with a career you don’t get to pick anything you want you have to work towards it but not everyone can make it, that’s how school in Texas made me feel. I hardly had a slightest interest in petty little Barbie’s like most young girls my age at the time would’ve had the biggest obsession but I’ve always been the odd ball of the family, the tall, fat Unattractive daughter of two high school drop outs who could’ve been someone if only they never met and brought me, if they had a set mind and grown up an a better family orientated life style I can proudly say I’ve learned from them such as my mother for example she knows everything about economics and government and the way other countries work that by the time I took these classes in high school I wish I had my mom to take this for me, and how she went to college only for a little bit to take business classes. My father on the other hand is a math whiz I truly wish I had taken over this family gene, and how I learned so much about different cultures through my mother and art from both. My mom seems to suffer everyday mentally; I don’t wa nt that to be me. I never wasted my time with these dolls instead I would ask my mother for a Stethoscope, why would a 7 year old child care for such a thing like this is beyond me but for the longest time I had to explain to her what I was talking about and when she finally knew which took forever but I did eventually get what I wanted, this and amongst many other stage request I had was a skeleton or germ kit that I had seen on the commercials, and every time I saw â€Å"Dr. Operator†I requested this game toy for Christmas. Also one toy that I enjoyed was the kid microscope that had fake disk to put under the light. A kid my age who was old enough to read and write would never even bother with these things but I have to thank my mom for letting me express myself and buying me all these things that probably worried her. I’ve always felt a part of me nurture and a caregiver, sensitive and very gentle hearted that can be easily hurt internally with even the smallest wo rds that people ignore and move on but seem to linger day to day in my mind. It hurts me to see people begging the streets or even people with disabilities who look at them as some kind of freak of nature like my ignorant biological father who can’t even open a door for these types of people, well I walk behind him and kindly open the door for them and give them an angelic smile as they return a simple smile and then you. I’ve always been insecure my whole life, even as I hide behind my height, and serious face if people only knew how shy I get and my perspiration level seems to high rocket around strangers even worse when they look my way. Its pitiful no one can read our minds or change bodies with someone for a day, magic isn’t real and there’s no such thing as a machine to let us change bodies, we are merely outsiders looking within a certain perspective that doesn’t show much, so we judge for this reason. In this case you only see my transcript which isn’t anything to jump up and down of happiness of what school and teachers consider me at a knowledgeable level which is embarrassing that teachers and my classmates think I’m some smart kid. I can sit here and type everything about myself but is it enough, I’ve been me since April 22nd 1993 which means I’ve been in my body for 17 years and I have seen, heard, touched and experienced many things that not even I can remember at this moment for me to type and tell you, I can merely hope you get somewhat of an idea of who I am. A couple weeks ago I went to rice village with my mother and brother and came across a bookstore that had shelves tacked of used books from books about Judaism, converting to a religion, how to learn Portuguese, cook books, Nancy drew books to comic books of stories I’ve never even knew existed. I left my mom downstairs in the maze about the Quran bible and went upstairs to look for college books and to my surprise I fo und a section of book about science and one in particle that caught my insistent attraction, McGraw Hill â€Å"Appleton Lange’s Review of Pediatrics†college book that stood out with its color red, in the inside the name of the previous owner I can tell it was a young women named Jubilee Barton who went to Baylor working her way to become a pediatrician, which by now is already graduated and is out in the world seeking to make a difference in our world. I want to show people who I dig in deeper and think of things beyond people’s imagination such as mystery diagnosis or phenomena. This is probably the reason why I don’t fit in well with other high school students, but they don’t even know anything or even the small country of Albania that is next to Greece, it just upsets me my generations and others to come still seems very ignorant, the one thing I oath and detest the most are dumb mined adolcntes and adults thinking that everyone who speaks Spa nish is Mexican, when in fact not all these people are Mexican and no they don’t all have dark black hair and are short with olive or darker skin tones, most can be confused with a white Caucasian, or all the Asians who are automatically thrown in the Chinese category. Don’t they actually get it through there head that hey maybe they come from Korea or Malaysia. This is exactly what I mean when I say students can have knowledge in the world but no clue about earth and the other tectonic plates that surround us.
Shes No Angel by Leslie Kelly Essay Example For Students
Shes No Angel by Leslie Kelly Essay A drop-dead-gorgeous woman and almost man-hater. Physical appearance is sexy and slender; she also had a small straight nose and dark eyes that were a swirling mix of blue and stormy gray with a nice pair of legs. Who was outwit by her two almost crazy aunts, when she visited them on Trouble, Pennsylvania just like what she promised her father, dumps her on the middle of nowhere barefooted and steals her car and dumps her things for asking them to leave their scary old, full of termites house and move into a nicer one. Thats the part where she gets to meet Mike Taylor, her knight in shining t-shirt, who rescues her and give her a ride. And then, their fate began to entwine. With just an old knitting box and her aunts testimony, she tries to find out the real story behind the murder of a music producer forty years ago, the story of her aunt Ivy that she included in her first book. She works as a semi-famous writer of Her Life magazine, Single in the City ? advice columnist in New York. As her career prospers, she gets threat from men who had taken the humor in her book seriously. Mike Taylor A hot New York cop who has been working on cold cases, who went to Trouble, Pennsylvania to visit his uncle. Has rock-hard jaw, wide, tightly controlled mouth and thick dark spiky hair that is cut short. He looked like one who should be dressed in army fatigues, holding an AK-47, blowing up buildings on a big screen in a movie theater. And on his way he stumbles upon this gorgeous lady, barefooted carrying a tire iron. Gorgeous enough, to make him slow down and take a look. From the moment he gave her a ride, he already had the feeling for her, but still hesitating. Thanks to Jennifers wicked aunts, their ways always crosses. In short, he always rescues her from her aunts claws. Giving her a ride, giving her a hand, things like that. And thanks to Mikes uncle, who has secret match making plan. Their feelings for each other develop. And who wouldnt fall for a gorgeous, always a fighter, not easily giving up and sexy lady. Until from the very moment when Jens life was on a risk, he didnt gave upon her Ivy Feeney-Cantone (Jens Aunt) She is a widower of a famous music producer who was killed on a tragic incident forty years ago. Jen published her love story on her first book, which was a best-seller. Together with her sister, Ida Mae, they viciously ditch their niece barefooted on a road knowing she wanted to transfer them to another place, which they taught an asylum, stolen her car and emptied her gas tank and threw her things out of the house then lock the entire house, thwarting her to enter. Her miserable life will be put an end once her secrets on his husbands death was revealed. She was a cool chick in her young age. Ida Mae Feeney (sister of Ivy, Jens aunt) Not described well in the story. That makes her minor character. The only thing thats mentioned about her is that she is also attracted to Mr. Pots; the sisters were both competing for Mr. Pots heart. Thanks to them and their wicked scheme, Mike and Jens fate were always crossing. Mr. Mortimer Pots He is Mikes grandpa, a bachelor; he had saved the town of Trouble from bankruptcy by buying a bulk of it. He was a former paratrooper for US with his friend Rod. He and Roderick had amazing adventures in their early age. They went to a war together, travelled together, they were so close to each other to the point that today their brotherly relationship might be questionable. Roderick Ward He had been a paratrooper for the Brits, Mortimers best friend. He was a bachelor. They were equivalent to the old days pirate. They journeyed and adventured together. Though, he appears to be working for Mortimer he was rich in his country. He simply, didnt want to be away from Mortimer. And he has feelings towards Miss Emily Baker. He is Miss Bakers first kiss. Miss Emily Baker She is a spinster, never been kissed or never been loved. She is lively and a good baker. And later on, she discovers love. Leo Cantone / Mr. Jones He is a famous music producer, Ivys husband, but their marriage was tumultuous. He cheats on Ivy. He cheats on everybody. Everybody thought that he was long dead, but later comes back on the character of Mr. Jones. Plot Mike, on his way to visit his uncle, stumbles upon a gorgeous and obviously mad lady on the road swinging a tire iron gorgeous enough to make him stop and take a closer look. He suspected that maybe she was mugged and just defended herself or she is the suspect and that she is still holding her weapon. He looked for clues but no blood and bodies were on the scene. So he approached her, asked if he could give her a ride at first she refuse the offer but then realizing that her feet would just suffer if she walk, she accepted the offer. From that moment he was captivated by her beauty, and he was star struck by her when the ray of sunlight went through her hair strands. And she was physically attracted to her. He interviewed her, and was amused by her, knowing what her aunts did to her. Its amazing how the two old ladies outwit her. She has this homicidal feeling towards her aunts for ditching her and stealing her car. He dropped her on her aunts doorway. Shock to see her things scattered outside the yard and her car had an enormous scratch on it. Mike went to her things and searched it for a pair of shoes for her to put on. Erendira - Directed by Ray Guerra EssayFor Jens safety, Mike decided that she would come with him in his grandfathers penthouse. And there they had their most intimate moment, which they cannot forget. She remembered the knitting box, which her Aunt Ivy had entrusted to her, when she was writing her first novel. So she got her best friend to get it for her. She checked everything; nothing was missing, till she noticed a secret pocket of the box which she had never seen before. Inside the secret pocket, was a hand-written lyric of some famous seventies songs, with a note, to the love of my life, Ivy. Confused Jen went back to the town of Trouble to confront her aunt. Upon arriving, she entered the house, and talked to Ivy. The story she had known all along was a bluff. Eddie was Ivys lover, and that night Leo, her husband, had killed him; he smashed his head. And was about to set up Ivy and would be escaping soon. Till Ivy, burned the house and scattered Leos things on his dead lovers body, so they will think that it was Leo. And Ivy shot Leo and buried him in a construction area. The only thing she was able to save from the fire was the knitting box. While they were talking, an old man appeared with a gun; surprisingly it was Mr. Jones, her new neighbor in New York. It appeared to be that Mr. Jones is Leo Cantone; all this time Ivy taught that she was able to kill Leo. Leo was Jens stalker; spying her for the knitting box. He held them as hostages. Luckily, Mr. Pots came over and cradle Mr. Jones; he got hold of his gun. And then, Mike came all the way from New York; he followed Jen. Jen is very important to him that he was afraid to lose her. Jen and Mike got married, in Mortimers penthouse just like Max (Mikes brother), and they lived together happily. Climax Jen discovered a secret pocket on her Aunt Ivys old knitting box, handwritten lyrics of some famous seventies songs. She went to pursue the truth behind the mystery. Favorite Quotations You can pick your friends, cant pick your family. (Jen) Follow your heart. ? (Allie) Crazy or not it was worth a shot. ? (Jen) You may be too old for romance but youre not too old to have a new friend. ? (Mortimer) Quit playing games and acting like a woman in a movie, be the (Emily) we all know and love. ? (Allie) Universal Truth Not all men are going to cheat and not all women are going to kill the ones who do. Jen thought that each and every man is a scum and cheater, all, except her dad. Meeting Mike, who was physically attractive, was a big change for Jen. Meeting him and knowing him proved that the humor she wrote in her book was indeed a mock. Today, mostly women are left alone by men; fairy tales doesnt exist. But in every rule, theres always an exception, which means that we dont have to assume that every men is a cheater theres always someone who would be different from the others and will devout to you his entire life. Allusions Casablanca, The Sound of Music and Titanic Emily Baker was craving for this kind of movie stuff, she had never been married. She knew every line from Casablanca, every lyric of the songs in The Sound of Music and held her breath endless times through the ending of Titanic. She has never been married thats why she spends her time watching romance and fantasy; waiting for someone to say youre the only one for me, I cant live without you to her. Titanic and The Lake House Jen had never cried, almost, not over sappy movies like Titanic and The Lake House. This shows Jens strong personality. Nancy Drew Jen compared herself to Nancy Drew when she found out the secret pocket of the old knitting box, the way Nancy Drew solve mysteries; she felt like being Nancy Drew as she began to unfold the mystery behind the secret pocket. Personal Assessment The way Leslie Kelly made the characters into life perfectly fitted their personalities. They way she described them was like a piece of jigsaw puzzle; they uniquely fitted each other perfectly. They emphasize the main characters and less focused on the minors. The author has no justice over the other sister; she should have given Mr. Roderick to Ida Mae and not to Miss Baker, she wasnt portraying much in the story. The author had created a fascinating story and interesting characters. The twist that Mr. Jones is actually Leo is a breaker. The authors imagination in writing the novel was wide, and its cute how Leslie came up with the idea of making Jen a writer in the story and even used Jens books for each chapter. The way how Jen and Mikes personality differ with each other, had made them a perfect match. The author has a different way of writing, which gave me a hard time identifying the climax. Just like other movies that I have watched, the climax was close to the ending of the story. I am a little short with how the author ended the story. Jen and Mike got married; Im wondering what had happened to the other characters love story. If I were the author, I want to have an all happy ending, because I am fond of fairy tales; I would suggest that Roderick and Emily had a double wedding with Mortimer and Ida Mae. And Leo changed and went back to Ivy.
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