Sunday, May 24, 2020
Manufacturing anf Operation Management - 2248 Words
EME 2036: MANUFACTURING AND OPERATION MANAGEMENT AUTOMATION IN MANUFACTURING TABLE OF CONTENT NO HEADINGS PAGE NUMBER 1 Introduction 1,2 2 Implementation of the issue 3,4 3 Applicability of Automation of Manufacturing Process 5-11 4 Benefits 11-12 5 Conclusion 13 6 Reference 14 INTRODUCTION The globalization of 21st century and the global population growth had cause the demand of daily products such as food and transportation increases. This market trend had caused the rise of the manufacturing sector. In order to achieve the maximum manufacturing efficiency, some factories have to run their production line for 24/7. Due to the constant evolving of science and technology sector, some of the production requires very high precision and the working environment had become hazardous. Therefore, running the production line barely on man power is dangerous not suitable anymore. In order to maximize the revenues, industries started to import the automotive technology into their production line. Nowadays, automation infiltrated many aspect of the industrial sector such as construction and manufacturing. To meet the increasing market demand and increase the competitiveness of the company, many of the manufacturing company opt to implement automation system in the manufacturing line by replacing manpower with industrial robots. This can be seen from the increasing trend of industrial robot implementation in several application area includingShow MoreRelatedAbercrombie And Fitch : Swot Analysis1142 Words  | 5 Pagesbusiness, operating through 22 websites in 10 different languages, shipping to 120 different countries. 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